
You're My Belated Happiness releases every week Tuesday and Thursday at 11am PST.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 79 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 79 Part 4

Tong Yao stuffed the take out boxes into Lu Sicheng’s hands and crouched down to squeeze through the open door. She jumped onto the couch and grabbed the sleeping cat into her arms, as if that was enough to declare that she wasn’t leaving no matter what…...Lu Sicheng didn’t bother with her but turned and put the food onto the table and called everyone out to eat.

Tong Yao watched helplessly.

After a short while, she felt her cell phone vibrating.

[fhdjwhdb2333: Admit you were wrong.]

Tong Yao looked over at Lu Sicheng at the dinner table. His body was slightly turned to the side with his legs crossed. He rested his head on one hand and used the other to hold his cell phone…...He was staring at his phone with a cold face, the light of the phone reflected on his pointed nose tip.

Little Fatty: “Cheng Ge, eat.”

Lu Sicheng didn’t even look up: “Not hungry.”

Little Fatty: “You just said you were hungry.”

Lu Sicheng still didn’t look up: “Now I’m past hungry.”

Little Fatty: “Who are you sending messages to? A woman?”

Lu Sicheng paused, then said en.

The bustling dinner table suddenly quieted down. Everyone looked at their captain with wide eyes. Lu Sicheng lifted his eyelids and scanned the table: “What are you all looking at? I can’t talk to a woman?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Tong Yao: “......”

[ZGDX, Smiling:............................................I admit it, admit it, admit it!]

[fhdjwhdb2333: What do you do if you encounter a similar situation in the future?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: I’ll turn and run away? Call the police? Call for help?]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Call who?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: …...But today the other players from the Qing Dynasty trapped you.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Call who?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: Alright, alright, I know now.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Call who?]

[ZGDX, Smiling: You.]

Tong Yao threw her cell phone down as if it was too hot to handle safely.

Yet she couldn’t help herself from checking the phone from time to time…...Until the phone lit up again from an incoming new message-- --

[fhdjwhdb2333: Come eat dinner.]

Tong Yao rubbed her ears, stood up, and looked over at the dinner table. Her captain had already put down his cell phone and was talking to the person next to him with chopsticks in hand…...He looked at ease, a faint smile at the corner of his lips; he looked like he was in a good mood.

-- --He was acting as if he hadn’t forced Tong Yao to say the words he wanted to hear on WeChat with an overbearing attitude.

Tong Yao thought he really wasn’t a nice person.

………………………………. He was absolutely the perfect example of a wolf in sheep skin.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thanks! I read the raws around ch 30 and i just want everything to proceed faster QAQ

  2. He's always smiling with her 🤪🤪

  3. Haha... Totally black bellied wolf. So cute

  4. Aiyooooo this cuteness level
    Thank you translator sama

  5. I think Lu Sicheng's flirting is not cute enough to cover his victim blaming of Tong Yao. That pervert player manhandled her in front of the toilet (would have been quite scandalous if a photo was spread on the media). He planned it in advance and Lu Sicheng was not there. It's not like Tong Yao can say, "Release your hands for a sec. I need to call my boyfriend." And shutting her outside in this weather? Even if you're the captain, you can't reprimand her outside of the game. Such unfair treatment to someone who did nothing wrong.

    1. yea, but her explanation left out a lot of details, so you can't really blame him for misunderstanding the severity of the situation, usually biting someone for just talking is out of the question. Although his EQ is pretty low to not notice that was not what happened, and just instantly think it was her fault, I mean just the act of biting someone till they bleed lets you know the situation was abnormal.

    2. This episode really bothers me. She should have explained what he did to her and that she couldn't reach him.

    3. No, I think he understand how severe it was. She came back to their team room looking all pale, remember? I'm sure he could put two and two together. The problem is that she injured the other player and it was noticeable. If word got out, people would use that to slander her again. It was self-defense, yes, but was there anyone who saw it or CCTV around that place? There are many things she could've done, but she decided to bite the guy in a place where everyone can see instead. Pretty sure that's why LSC was pissed.

      What makes me annoyed in this part of the story is just they didn't actually talk it out. He shut her out and she just waited outside patiently. And even after that she gave up and admit that she was wrong without fighting back. I would've prefer if they argue it out and explain each other's side of argument.

    4. Thank you. Exactly what I think. I mean he wasn't around to cry out for help. How he can blame her for defending herself?! And shutting her out in this weather and withholding dinner like a parent punishing his child!!!

  6. Yah i also blame YT for the way she is being treated by LSC. She didn't tell the whole story. As a result LSC assumed she had overreacted again.

  7. I think the problem here is that Lu Sicheng never asked why she bit him; he just kind of assumed he understood the situation.

    1. Right. His question should have been "why did you bite him". TY may be impulsive but there's always a reason behind her actions. She's not completely thoughtless. I hate the fact that her traumatic experience was just swept under the rug.

    2. I agree...both the drama and novel downplayed it...i really hate it when the FL doesnt explain in detail about what happened...seen this happening in some dramas too....maybe its the authors way to create misunderstanding but i find it a really silly technique...

  8. This whole situation never sat right with me. i was very angry with the ML. like what the hell? how can you shut her out in this weather and withholding dinner. no matter who is he. he had no right. how was she supposed to call for help?
    hate this scene in novel and the show. so many comments defending ML like could he had know? she should have told him. what he did was still not right. lu si cheng is not perfect.

  9. Lol y r u all guys being Sherlock just take it as he was being jealous just tong Yao's first thought after being trapped by cockroach was that even her captain didn't do that to her just like that he felt there's never been a proper hand holding gesture b/w them & there she give a bite to someone else he was totally jelly there & poster above make sense to me that there was no proof of self defense thingy he was afraid that she would trap herself in another bigger mess so he was trying to give lesson to her don't just impulsively act but act wisely

  10. it's my n-th times rereading this novel but I just realizing that in this chapter, Cheng-ge finally admitted that Tong Yao is a woman and not just his "Little Girl" LOL
