
You're My Belated Happiness releases every week Tuesday and Thursday at 11am PST.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 39 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 39 Part 2

Jinx usually performed better than the rat, Twitch, at lane in the early game.
Lu Sicheng easily outperformed Butterfly in minion kills and reached level 3
before Butterfly. With all three abilities available to him, he tapped on the floor
as a signal and muttered: “Little Fatty, go forward a bit and waste his two abilities.”
After Little Fatty went up and sacrificed half of his health, Lu Sicheng told him to
move back toward Lu’s position. The enemy was expected to chase after Little Fatty-- --

Just then, Little Fatty turned around to cast Exhaust (a summoner’s spell that
reduces the enemy’s attack and speed by almost half)  Then Lu Sicheng jumped
out of the bush and attacked Butterfly with a combo of abilities. His fingers moved
swiftly on the keyboard and Butterfly’s health began to disappear!

Butterfly tried to retreat, but Lu Sicheng didn’t give him the chance and blasted
Butterfly’s remaining health away and took in the 400 gold for the first kill of the
game-- --

When the system announced Butterfly’s death, Lu Sicheng could hear praises
from his teammates over the headphones-- --

Lu Sicheng didn’t respond to any of them; to him, this was only the beginning.

The enemy’s support, Old Wang, seeing their own adc dead and Lu Sicheng
with quite a bit of health left, decided it would be better to retreat. Lu Sicheng’s
cooldown for his E ability, Flame Chompers, happened to just end. He turned to
toss 3 chompers right in front of Old Wang’s feet. Little Fatty’s ability, Death Sentence,
also finished its cooldown and he turned to use his scythe’s chain to drag Old Wang
towards his direction. Old Wang misstepped into one of the chompers, causing a 1.5
second stun-- --

1.5 seconds was enough for Lu Sicheng to cast all of his abilities on Old Wang
and kill the weakened support!

Double kill!

Though the players couldn’t hear it, the whole audience burst into cheers and
applause for the Little Fatty and Lu Sicheng’s perfect coordination! In the first
5 minutes after the match began, Lu Sicheng already had two kills at bot. He
happily harvested the wave of minions next to him and went back to base to buy
new equipment-- --

Two kills plus the reward for first blood was worth a total of 700 gold. When he
went back to lane, he would be better equipped than the enemy’s adc. It would
be very difficult for the enemy to get ahead!

As bot began to gain an advantage, Tong Yao felt that the pressure on her had
lessened quite a bit. Little Flower on the other hand became anxious-- --about
one minute after Lu Sicheng got his double kill, Jian Yang came up to mid to gank.
Tong Yao used her Q ability to throw cards in his face while running towards the
allied turret. The cooldown time for her W ability finished just in time, she called for
Old K and a cougar lady jumped out of the bush right under Little Flower and
Jian Yang’s noses. Tong Yao applied a combination of all her abilities on Jian Yang
and his health plummeted. It was too late for him to retreat and Tong Yao took
down the third kill for the team!

Little Flower barely made it back to his turret. A large wave of minions attacked his
turret, dying to the turret’s returning fire making it difficult for him to farm. On the
other hand, Tong Yao earned gold from a kill and the advantage was tilting towards
Tong Yao’s side!

Afterwards, though Old Cat’s Rumble had been caught twice by Jian Yang,
ZGDX’s mid and bot had become a hurdle that CK couldn’t get over. Lu Sicheng
didn’t give Butterfly any breathing room and killed Butterfly right under their turret-- --

Lu Sicheng kept the pressure on Butterfly, Butterfly would call on Jian Yang to
come help. But no matter how many times Jian Yang showed up, he would find
ZGDX’s jungler, Old K, also there!

Old K stayed put at mid and bot to make sure the team kept their advantages there.
CK tried their very best to counterattack, but they weren’t able to get any more kills
even though both sides had reached level 6-- --

At that moment, the ratio of kills were 3 to 2 and ZGDX was ahead by about 1,000 gold-- --

The difference in gold was from the minion kills by mid and bot!

Translated by Team DHH at

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 25 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 25 Part 1

Lin Xueyuan sometimes suspected that they had brought back home the
wrong baby from the hospital. He always wondered how they could product
a child like Chuyan.

Though he had been suspicious for a while, he was still shocked to hear that
his son was going to change fathers.

“You better explain this to me.” Lin Xueyuan said.

“Then wire me the sponsoring money first. As a man, you have to keep your

“Oh, how much is it?”

“A hundred thousand should be enough.”

Lin Xueyue knew a student club couldn’t possibly need that much money. But
he wasn’t in the mood to get to the bottom of it; the extra money could just be
reimbursement for Chuyan’s effort.

After he wired the money to Lin Chuyan, he sent a message on WeChat: Tell
me about the father swapping thing. Exactly which trash recycling station is
willing to take you in? I’ll have to pay a visit there.

Lin Chuyan replied: I’m just joking. You’ll always be my dear father; we can go
do a DNA test if you don’t believe me.

Lin Xueyuan didn’t want to.

If the result came back showing that they actually had the wrong baby, would
they actually go through with the exchange……


Lin Chuyan received the money on a Tuesday, the third week since the start
of the esports competition. There weren’t any matches last weekend since
there were events at school for the anniversary celebration of the founding of
the university.

The Times’s five teammates didn’t go to any of the celebration events. They
all stayed inside their dorm rooms playing games the whole day. Min Lili came
back after having fun at school and saw Xiang Nuan staring at her cell phone,
constantly tapping on it. What a waste of time, she thought.

“If I had your good looks, I’d play outside everyday and never come home.”
Min Lili said.

Xiang Nuan replied: “Lili, you look so much like Angela.”

Min Lili sadly thought this was how good friends became estranged; she
wouldn’t listen to you and you didn’t understand what she was talking about.

On Tuesday, Lin Chuyan transferred 20,000RMB to Waiwai after he received
the money from his father.

Waiwai showed great gratitude: Chuyan! Thank you! You are my lifesaver!
I’m so appreciated! !

Lin Chuyan: You’re welcome.

Waiwai: I’ve decided to marry you!

Lin Chuyan: Then return the money to me.

Waiwai: = =

Lin Chuyan still had 80,000RMB left. He had already made plans for spending
his new found fortune, but before he carried out his plan, he had to take care of
one problem first.

He logged onto the game that night. After Xiang Nuan got into the group chat,
she could hardly wait to ask him: “Lin~Chu~Yan~.” Her voice, full of barely
contained enthusiasm, surged towards him.

Cheng Dongkai and his other roommates glared at Lin Chuyan in unison.

They had all heard that Xiang Nuan had flirtatiously teased Chuyan; they didn’t
expect that she would do it so openly now.

Lin Chuyan took a deep breath and calmly responded: “Good evening.”

“Good evening.” Xiang Nuan was in such a good mood, even the tone of her
voice became so light-hearted that it sounded like gloating, it was enough to
make Chuyan want to gnash his teeth. She said: “You should know what to
call me?
“I know.” Chuyan gritted his teeth.

“Then I’m all ears. Say it.”

“Let’s log on the game first.”

“I’ll see how long you can drag this thing on…...Oh, by the way, you should
change my nickname on your WeChat.”

Nickname on WeChat?

Lin Chuyan squinted and turned to look at his roommates. He glanced at them
one after another, with a somewhat frightening expression.

Dayu wasn’t mentally strong to resist such a look; he hastily lowered his head
out of a guilty conscience.

Lin Chuyan’s eyes stayed on Dayu for a moment, then something flashed in
his eyes.

In the meantime, everyone had logged onto the game. Xiang Nuan chose
Zhang Fei and the first thing she did was to give Daji a shield.

Then, through his earphones, Lin Chuyan heard her deliberately lower her
voice: “A father’s love is as high as a mountain.”

Translated by Team DHH at

Monday, October 29, 2018

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 8 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 8 Part 2

Ye Qiao grumbled: you two are both the misbehaving kind, but she only complained
in her mind. She had found out that when Zhou Tingsheng was in a good mood, he
was about as sane as Zheng Xishuo; but when he was irritated, he was quite frightening.
Tonight, she had just bid farewell to her past and there wasn’t a place in the city that she
could go to. She thought it wasn’t too bad to have him as a companion.
Amid the night breeze and smell of the hot pots, she felt unusually liberated. Though
she couldn’t figure why, it was a good feeling nonetheless and she didn’t want to spoil
the moment. She quickly marked down the items and soup base she wanted and returned
the menu back to him.
Zhou Tingsheng asked: “What do want to drink?”
Ye Qiao asked: “What do they have?”
“Beer and soda.”

Ye Qiao shook her head: “I don’t drink soda. So beer it is.”
Zhou Tingsheng took a glance at Ye Qiao whose face was still slightly red from her last
round of drinking and didn’t check anything on the menu: “Didn’t you have surgery before,
you sure you can drink alcohol?”
Ye Qiao replied: “No soda because I don’t like it. I’m not supposed to drink alcohol, but
out of the two, I’ll certainly choose the one I’m not supposed to.”
Zhou Tingsheng started laughing hard in the night breeze, even the couple at the next
table turned to take a look.
He marked a big check and said: “Alright, let’s listen to the patient.”

It was his way of saying that she was crazy.

Ye Qiao didn’t really care. People in this world are all crazy to some degree; the lesser
ones call it a hobby, those who don’t bother others: an addiction, only those who bite are
called insane.
Zhou Tingsheng handed over the menu to the waiter who recognized him: “Ok! And yours
is still the same?”
He nodded and turned to look at Ye Qiao as if he knew that she would glance over at him.

Ye Qiao hid her surprise and just said: “The hotel is far from here, can you get back in time?”
“You’re worrying about me?”
Ye Qiao chuckled: “Does this count as absent without leave?”
Zhou Tingsheng was unwilling to explain, even deliberately smearing himself further with
her assumption: “Why so nervous. Your women like to be kept waiting; the more they wait,
the more enthusiastic they get.”

Ye Qiao’s indifferent expression changed with his nasty comment.
Zhou Tingsheng knew he had hit the spot: “Today you finally look like someone who has
fallen out of love.” He then asked the waiter to add two more bottles of beer.
Ye Qiao had pretended not to be bothered just a few days ago, today she was showing
her despondency.
He felt that she seemed to enjoy giving herself a hard time.

She buried all the sadness, happiness, pain, affection, love and hate in her heart and thought
no one could see through her.
Even an ostrich was more carefree than her.

What kind of trauma had she been through?

Translated by Team DHH at

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 8 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 8 Part 1

Ye Qiao was still wearing the gown for the party and started to walk towards
the door.
Zhou Tingsheng sized her up and down: “You’re going out wearing this?”
A short one-shoulder cocktail dress with a chiffon bow on the shoulder, it was a
bit too formal for a simple dinner but at least she wouldn’t be mistaken for a
runaway bride.

The two took the elevator down from the top floor. Along the way, many guests
who had just attended a wedding came in. They knowingly or unknowingly glanced
at her, some of them probably having recognized her. Zhou Tingsheng cuddled Ye
Qiao close and said to those people: “My woman. Doesn’t she look like a movie star?”
The people thought he was acting weird, but he started laughing without care for the
others’ reactions. Ye Qiao pinched him hard, he acted as if he didn’t feel anything and
lowered his head to smell her hair: “It smelled like alcohol. How much did you drink
just now?”
“Let go of me.” Ye Qiao lowered her voice and tried unsuccessfully to pry his hand o
It felt like he was the person who was drunk.

When they got to the underground garage, a Maserati happened to drive in.
Zhou Tingsheng took a glance at the license plate before he fastened the seat belt
for her.
Ye Qiao caught the moment when he checked the license plate: “What, you recognize
the car?” She paid special attention to the plate, it was a plate from the neighboring
city and the first letter of the plate indicated that it belonged to the military. A car with
a military license plate? She carefully remembered it yet still couldn’t figure out which
office it was from.Zhou Tingsheng stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering
wheel in one smooth motion: “What should we eat?”
Ye Qiao somehow felt that he was avoiding the question, but she was too hungry to be
curious at the moment: “Whatever.”
He raised his eyebrows, when a woman said whatever, it meant trouble for the man.

Ye Qiao didn’t expect him to take her words literally, perhaps he was trying to get even
with her.
It was near 11 o’clock at night; even the storm was too tired to go on, the rain had stopped.
He drove out of the business district, passing the residential area which only had a
few lights still on. The car passed by a 24 hour convenience store which hardly had
any customers.
Zhou Tingsheng turned into a small street lined with eateries right next to the side gate of
the key university, C University, in G City. There were many restaurants still open selling
midnight meals. In the middle of the street, there were vendors selling BBQ food.
The street was filled with the choking yet fragrant smoke from BBQ.

Zhou Tingsheng seemed very familiar with the area; he parked the car in front of an
internet cafe, then led the way down the street.
The sidewalk of the street was filled with tables and chairs for outdoor dining.
There were kebabs, fruits, and BBQs. Most of the customers were very young; they
must be the college students next door. They were eating, drinking, chatting, and having
fun; their laughter lingered in the air.
He led her to the end of the street and sat down in front of a place which wasn’t
as crowded as the others.

Ye Qiao’s dress was sponsored by the maker, 30,000RMB. It was said that the dress
couldn’t be dry cleaned, nor washed with water, nor ironed, nor dried by a drier; it could
only be cleaned by wiping with a damped cotton cloth.
She sat down with her 30,000 dress on the half-wet long wooden bench and looked
around her: “You come here to eat hot pot?”
A couple of college sweethearts sat at the table next to theirs. Each one had a small
hot pot in front of them. They were talking and eating. The young girl’s chopsticks hardly
touched any food; she kept her head looking upwards at the boy with a sweet smile on
her face.
Ye Qiao chuckled: “It’ll feel like a old goblin coming out of his cave to peek at young
foxy girls.”

Zhou Tingsheng bit on a pencil and looked down at the menu. After he had done
checking the menu, he handed it over to her: “What do you want to eat?”
Ye Qiao pulled out another pencil from the pencil holder and teased him while marking
the items she liked: “Haven’t you heard when you were a kid that biting the pencil will
make you stupid?”“I’m not biting it.” He held the pencil in between his fingers as if it was
a cigarette, then put it back horizontally between his lips. He felt that there must be
something wrong with his head to take her words seriously, so flipped the pencil back
into the holder. The stub of the pencil flipped between his fingers as if he was doing
magic trick.
Ye Qiao commented when she took a look at him as he was holding the pencil in
between his lips: “You look like Desa.”

Zhou Tingsheng cursed: “It’s the dog that looks like me.”

Translated by Team DHH at