
You're My Belated Happiness releases every week Tuesday and Thursday at 11am PST.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 191 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 191 Part 3

11 minutes into the game, G4’s mid, Orianna, went down to bot. Tong Yao immediately noticed it and followed her down.

11 minutes and 5 seconds into the game, the ward Old K left in the other side’s jungle detected Orianna. Lu Sicheng and his teammates started to pull back. The G4 bot duo didn’t suspect anything and pushed forward as ZGDX moved backwards.

11 minutes and 6 seconds into the game, Old Cat started to teleport down from top lane. At the same time, G4’s Gragas was going to gank top from behind but half way there he saw Old Cat’s Gnar teleport. Gragas was stunned at first, then began constantly pinging at bot that ZGDX’s top had teleported, ZGDX’s top had teleported.

11 minutes and 9 seconds into the game, G4’s top Rumble, obviously reacting a little slow, hesitatingly clicked teleport-- --

At that moment, Gnar had already landed in the bush at bot and used a basic attack to kill a minion under the turret to earn enough energy to become Mega Gnar. Mega Gnar stretched all of his four limbs and jumped out of the bush, smacking the ground of the Summoner’s Rift, sending G4’s bot duo together with their mid into the wall!

Gnar single handedly stunned three of the enemy!

Commentator G: [Ahhhhhh, he stunned all of them!]

Amidst Commentator G’s shouting, the stun on G4 was about to end and Kalista used her ultimate to throw Annie into the middle of the three enemies. Annie bumped into the three who were just about to be able to move around, then Annie used her ultimate to hit all three of them and then Syndra came up to kill all three of them-- --

It was a perfect ability combo!

Commentator D: [Bot is finished.]

Commentator F: [Rumble’s now teleporting to bot. He’s using his ultimate to force the other side’s AD to back away…… However, what’s the use, your teammates are almost all gone.]

Commentator G: [Rumble shouldn’t have come down…… He’ll be killed too. I have a feeling that he can’t get away. Though Gnar is small now and Kalista has left too, Smiling is still-- --Oh, Smiling is in such good condition; she used her dark sphere to drag Rumble back and kill him. This battle is now 0 : 4, G4 is in big trouble.]

At the 12th minute, after securing 4 kills, ZGDX continued to take down the first turret and the first elemental drake. G4, after all the players respawned, chose to give up fighting for the mountain drake and instead they turned to try to rush the outer turret at ZGDX mid lane-- --

ZGDX’s Kindred, who still had her ultimate, and Syndra arrived just in time to interrupt G4’s efforts. They weren’t able to take down the outer turret at mid. ZGDX’s other teammates also arrived…… Since all the players weren’t in the best condition, after forcing G4 to back away, ZGDX chose not to chase after them.

ZGDX held at a huge advantage at this moment-- --

Tong Yao hid under the turret to warp back to base. Her heartbeat suddenly quickened for no reason, as if all the blood in her had suddenly rushed into her brain in an instant before it slowly flowed down to her finger tips……

The desire for victory had never been this strong before.

She wanted to win.

To win this round-- --

Tong Yao took a deep breath. She had goosebumps on her arms and the hands on the keyboard were slightly quivering…… At that moment, she suddenly felt someone had touched her arm. She turned around to take a look at the man next to her. She met a pair of tranquil eyes. The man looked at her in silence, then smiled at her.

Tong Yao: “......”

She suddenly remembered that one night in the car, the man had slowly told her-- --

[Don’t worry. You’ll get everything that you want.]

Tong Yao collected herself. The boiling blood in her body seemed to calm down now and her focus was back on the current match.

21 minutes into the game, Gnar went to top to farm but was caught by Rumble and Gragas. Fortunately, Gnar transformed into Mega Gnar at the right moment, buying enough time for ZGDX’s AD and mid to rush over to counter attack. Gragas died and Rumble ran back with a sliver of health left-- --

ZGDX also took down Baron, who was nearby. When Old K used smite to take down Baron, the LPL fans in the audience cheered loudly which nicely covered up the awkward silence from the other half of the audience…... 

Translated by Team DHH at

Friday, October 29, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 191 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 191 Part 2

Commentator G was in shock: those guys really know when to pick a fight! Why can’t they wait till after the game? ! Abb even posted on Twitter a while ago! I was wondering what that smiley emoji was supposed to mean-- --

The ban & pick phase went smoothly while Commentator G struggled to get over his shock. But from the faces the G4 players were making, anyone could tell that they weren’t in a good mood…… Unexpectedly, G4 didn’t ban Lu Sicheng’s Kalista and support’s Annie. The Kalista and Annie duo that was first used in S5 and was still very popular in S6 as well. ZGDX had no trouble at all to get them-- --

When ZGDX locked those two champions for the bot duo, the audience booed them. Some fans with supporter boards for G4 looked quite angry. The commentators looked at each other and it was the first time they didn’t know what to say……

The ban & pick phase ended quickly-- --

G4 ban: Leblanc, Twisted Fate, Nidalee.

ZGDX ban: Ryze, Aurelion Sol, Ezreal.

G4 pick: Rumble, Gragas, Orianna, Sivir, Alistar.

ZGDX pick: Gnar, Kindred, Syndra, Kalista, Annie.

The ten players all loaded into the game. Tong Yao moved her wrist around and said: “Let’s finish it this round. This match is so intense that I’m already tired after two rounds.”

Lu Sicheng: “I hope they won’t get tougher out of frustration. They played better in the second round than the first. They won’t get super strong in the third round?”

Little Fatty: “Keep your mouth shut. Really, it was you who kept feeding the other side in the second round, feeding to the point that we almost burst.”

Lu Sicheng: “How can you blame me for that?”

Little Fatty: “If not you, who should I blame?”

Lu Sicheng tidied the wrist band on his hand and said quite casually: “Then who was the one who went to the bush and never came back? Have you reached your goal of being killed a thousand times? The first ATM machine that feeds kills among all the leagues, including wildcard teams and six regions: ZGDX, Pang.”

Tong Yao: “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

The game began and no one seemed to be interested in team fights at level one. Little Fatty wouldn’t place wards unless Lu Sicheng went with him. He was as pretentious as a little girl who was afraid to walk in darkness…… However, Lu Sicheng went along with him. Little Fatty didn’t serve as a support to him for two years in vain.

The laning phase went quite normally till level three.

G4’s Gragas went to mid and used E to bump Tong Yao-- --Tong Yao had just reached level four. She didn’t have time to use flash and was knocked directly under the eyes of the opposing mid, Orianna. It was hard to fight back without the outer turret to help protect her. Tong Yao gave up and lifted both of her hands off the keyboard.

G4 mid, Orianna, got first blood!

Lu Sicheng: “They’re really getting tougher.”

“Don’t you talk.” Tong Yao took the chance to wipe the sweat in her palms with a paper towel as she waited to respawn: “Orianna is going to develop now. Old K, come help me hold the minion wave back, don’t let it push over otherwise I’ll burst. Hold this wave, then I can still kill her!”

At the 6th minute, Orianna reached level six first and cast her ultimate at Tong Yao. Tong Yao flashed in the opposite direction and dodged the ultimate while turning around to farm the minions, reaching level six. She unlocked her ultimate the first chance she got, used QEWWQAR, sending three balls flying at Orianna, plus ignite. Orianna’s health plummeted-- --Orianna could only give herself a shield, flash back, and run away. She used Q on Tong Yao as she ran away and went all the way back under her own turret. Just at that moment, Old K’s Kindred suddenly popped out of the bush and used a basic attack to kill Orianna!

It was 1 : 1 even now!

Just then, a wave of minions pushed up to G4’s mid lane outer turret. Orianna couldn’t farm and called the team’s jungler to come help farm-- --Tong Yao was quite happy that she had earned one assist and caught up by 7 or 8 in creep score. She and Old K both went back to upgrade their items. They each got a ward.

Tong Yao went to bot and placed a ward in the bush behind the other side’s outer turret to get ready for the first team fight-- --

Translated by Team DHH at

Thursday, October 28, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 23 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 23 Part 1

Two days later, Ruan Yu’s case went smoothly in court. Cen Sisi didn’t show up in court, nor even had a response to the charges. The trial was basically going through all the necessary legal proceedings.

Since the plaintiff had solid evidence to support the case and the defendant had voluntarily given up on defending, the court decided in favor of the plaintiff a week later.

Ruan Yu posted the final judgement on Weibo and thus concluded the whole incident. Liu Mao invited her to dinner downtown that night.

Liu Mao’s excuse was to celebrate. The reason Ruan Yu agreed to it was to thank him for all the trouble.

As for Xu Huaisong, Ruan Yu figured he was probably in the US. She nevertheless sent a message to him before she left for downtown to tell him the result of the case and thank him.

Xu Huaisong replied with a voice message: “Later, I’ll also……”

His voice abruptly interrupted by a female voice in the background: “Huaisong, you think……”

The voice message was cut off then. 

Three seconds later, the voice message was deleted.

Ruan Yu was a little confused. What was going on?

She fixed her eyes on the cell phone and waited quietly for a few minutes. There was no reply. She pretended that she hadn’t heard the previous voice message and typed: [Mr. Xu, what did you delete?]

Xu Huaisong: [Nothing.]

Then, there was no more.

Somehow, Ruan Yu was bothered by the interrupted message. She became absent-minded all the way till she arrived at the restaurant.

The female voice sounded like it was from a young woman, so it couldn’t be Tao Rong.

The female voice called him “Huaisong”, therefore it must be a Chinese woman.

She sounded rather casual as she addressed him, so she might know him well.

Then, what was her relationship with Xu Huaisong?

Just when the case was over and their paths shouldn’t cross anymore, Ruan Yu suddenly realized that for the past month or so she didn’t know whether Xu Huaisong was still single or not.

Now when she thought back carefully, there was one time when she was video chatting with him and he said he was going to get something to eat. Less than two minutes later, he came back with a plate full of pasta. Based on that information, she could be certain that he hadn’t cooked the pasta.

In other words, he wasn’t at home by himself.

Furthermore, the cat at his home, he had said that it wasn’t his cat. At the time, Ruan Yu thought it must’ve been a friend’s cat who had asked him to babysit. Now, she figured the cat might very well belong to the lady of the house?

Ruan Yu carefully recalled every detail of her interactions with him recently. She felt that she had overlooked many things while she was under stress from the lawsuit. Liu Mao waved his hand in front of her and asked: “What’s wrong?”

Ruan Yu came out of her wandering mind and discovered that she had sat in front of Liu Mao and had been spacing out for a while.

The waitress was standing at the side of the table looking at her with a smile, waiting for her to order.

She took a look at the menu and saw a lot of check marks on it. She said: “Ah, that’s a lot. How can two people finish all that?”

Liu Mao was surprised: “Two people?” 

Ruan Yu was the one who was surprised now: “Aren’t we just two people?”

“Didn’t I just say that Huaisong will come a little later on?”

She didn’t hear that at all.

She made a short laugh: “Hehe, I mean, I have a small appetite and you don’t have to count me. How can you two eat all that?”

The waitress left with the menu.

To cover up her embarrassment, Ruan Yu gulped some water and asked: “Hasn’t he gone back to San Francisco?”

“He came back yesterday after he was done with the case over there.”

Ruan Yu cleared her throat: “So busy. Does he always fly back and forth like this?”

Liu Mao smiled: “No, he used to come back once a year.”

“Oh, then does he in the US……”

Ruan Yu was going to ask whether he has a family in the US. But before she could complete her sentence, her cell phone started ringing. It was from Shen Mingying.

Translated by Team DHH at

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 191 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 191 Part 1

Two rounds of the final match of 2016 League of Legends World Competition had been completed. G4, due to their bot’s bad decision, lost both rounds and the team had been pushed to the edge of the cliff……

2 : 0.

If G4 lost one more round, then this would be the shortest final best of 5 match ever played in history and the most imbalanced match in terms of the strength between the two teams…… Fans of the LCS region were quite anxious and cried out in silence: Didn’t you say you’ll send all the LPL teams home! Damn, this is different from what you’ve promised! Even if ZGDX were really strong, it would be too ridiculous to let them win 3 : 0! ! !

Meanwhile, in the ZGDX break room, Tong Yao continued to nag: “If I were their top this round, I'd go crazy as well. They had an advantage but their bot duo kept chasing after you, for what? It’s just 300 hundred gold. Besides, they were at bot, it’s such a long way to go to Baron. By the time they got there, you would’ve been respawning already and they might not be able to beat Baron…… What’s the point of killing you, it’s pointless except for venting their anger.”

Tong Yao repeatedly stressed: “Really, if I were their top, I would be mad too. The advantage I worked hard to achieve was wasted by my teammates’ random actions.”

Lu Sicheng passed by in front of Tong Yao with a water cup in hand without looking at her. Tong Yao reached out to pull on the hem of his top-- --Lu Sicheng turned around to look at her and touched her face with the icy water cup: “What’s this, you starting to worry about the other team half way through the match?”

Tong Yao’s lips moved as she was about to say something, suddenly they heard a loud commotion coming from the room next door. Tong Yao jumped and released the hold on Lu Sicheng’s top. Everyone in the room looked in unison towards the direction where the noise was coming from……

Little Fatty: “What’s this?”

A little while later, there were people running outside the door. Some were talking hastily. It sounded quite chaotic outside…… Inside the quiet breakroom, Tong Yao asked confusedly: “Something on fire?”

Lu Sicheng took a look at her, reached over to pat her head, and gestured for her to stay put. Then he started to walk towards the door-- --He opened the door ajar to take a look, then squeezed himself out of the door and closed it after himself. Everyone left inside the room looked at the door attentively.

After a little while, Lu Sicheng came back. He glanced over everyone in the room and pointed at Tong Yao: “You’re poisonous.”

Tong Yao: “Talk nicely. What’s going on out there?”

Lu Sicheng: “G4’s top and AD got into a fight. You believe that?”

Tong Yao: “I don’t believe it.”

Lu Sicheng pulled the door open a little wider and everyone could see the confused faces on the event staff outside, their expressions seemed to say “what’s this.” Then Lu Sicheng said coldly: “Too bad, it’s true.”

Everyone: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “Everyone come out, get ready for the next round. Let’s try to finish this match in three rounds. I’ll buy you guys hot pot for a month until you throw up.”


On the stage, it was quite tense.

Commentator D: [Obviously, G4 is desperate now.]

Commentator F: [I only hope that they bring out the same spirit that they showed in the quarter finals and semi finals! Keep it up, brothers! You can be better than this!]

Commentator G: [To be honest, I’m quite nervous…… Though as a commentator, I have to be impartial. But I just keep feeling like something’s not quite right here. Who can tell me what’s on Abb’s face-- --]

Commentator D: [Hum! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the finals of the S6 League of Legends professional leagues world competition. The third round of the final match has started. We can see that G4, after some discussion, has banned Leblanc and Twisted Fate!]

On the commentators stage, Commentator G seemed quite confused and turned to take a look at Commentator D. It seemed that Commentator G didn’t know what had happened earlier…… Commentator F turned around to ask for a piece of paper from the staff behind them. Then, when the camera was cutting away from them, he quickly jotted down what happened during the time when Commentator G was in the restroom. Commentator G took a look at it and widened his eyes in silence. Then he mouthed: Oh, my god!

Translated by Team DHH at

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 22 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 22 Part 4

Ruan Yu took the bowl and chopsticks to the kitchen. Xu Huaisong’s mind was elsewhere while sitting in the living room. He took out his cell phone to send a message to Chen Hui: [Get me a piano.]

Chen Hui: [Whoa, Song Ge, you know how to play piano? You’re really talented.]

Xu Huaisong didn’t reply but sighed while leaning against the back of the sofa.

He didn’t know how to play anymore. He hadn’t touched it for eight years, probably didn’t even know how to read the music anymore. After getting his driver’s license, it was time for him to get back his old skill of being a “Hanazawa Rui” again. Then, he had to study and do practice tests to get ready for the National Bar Examination in September.

Which of the male leads in her stories lived such a down to earth life like him?

He took a look at the time, then got up to walk over to the kitchen. He knocked on the door: “I’m heading back.”

Ruan Yu was washing the dishes. She turned to take a look at him, rinsed her hands and said: “Oh, ok, I’ll see you off downstairs.”


Xu Huaisong thought that she really didn’t treat him as a potential “boyfriend,” being so cordial.

He turned down the special treatment: “It’s not necessary.” Then he was quiet for a moment before saying: “The court date will be in three days.”

“En. Right.”

“I have to appear in court in San Francisco that day as well.” 

Ruan Yu thought he was rather chatty today and didn’t fully comprehend what he was trying to say after a while. 

He was telling her that he wouldn’t be there for her case in court.

But what was the big deal about it? Even if he were here, he couldn’t go on the lawyer’s bench in court anyway since he didn’t have the lawyer license in this country. 

She said: “It’s alright. Mr. Liu will be there.”

Xu Huaisong: “En.” Then he put on his shoes and went downstairs.

Ruan Yu went back to the kitchen to continue washing dishes. She heard a car start and took a look down the street. She saw the Porsche Cayenne slowly drive out of the street and become a small spot in the darkness, then finally disappeared completely.

She was suddenly reminded by a poem by Zheng Chouyu-- -- “I passed by the South of Yangzi. The face waiting at the turn of seasons, like a lotus flower, blooms and wilts…… My clattering hooves are beautiful mistakes. I am not a homecoming man, only a passing traveler.”

Ruan Yu looked down at the bowl in her hand and belatedly realized that Xu Huaisong was going back to the US. Then, would this be the last time they meet?

She put away the cleaned dishes and walked to the couch to lie down. She could still smell a faint male scent on the couch. She quickly climbed up and waved her hands trying to fan the scent away.

After she couldn’t smell anything anymore, she opened her cell phone and saw Xu Huaisong had liked the post she had sent out to her friend circle earlier. It seemed to say “I’ve accepted your compliment”, but the time was one minute ago.

One minute ago?

She was surprised and clicked open the chat box to send a message: [Mr. Xu, don’t play with your cell phone while you’re driving. It’s strictly enforced here.]

Xu Huaisong: [Got it.]

Soft Jade: [Then why are you still doing it?]

Xu Huaisong: [You sent the message first.]

Soft Jade: [You don’t have to reply now.]

Xu Huaisong stopped replying.

Ruan Yu scratched her head.

It doesn't feel good when you don’t get a response either……

She went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she finished, she checked the cell phone again.

There was a red number “1” on the WeChat logo.

She clicked it open. Xu Huaisong: [Back at hotel.]

She moved the cursor to the chat box. After some hesitation, finally she typed: [Ok.]

Translated by Team DHH at

Monday, October 25, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 190 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 190 Part 2

In team fights, Lu Sicheng had to use most of his time to navigate around the enemy to avoid their abilities since he lacked adequate protection. He could only deal damage to enemies whenever he managed to find the chance. Usually, a team fight would be over in 20 seconds. The fact that Lu Sicheng had to keep moving around wasted a lot of time.

Then he couldn’t deal enough damage to the enemy.

Then the team lost the team fight.

Commentator G: [The game’s lasted for about 20 minutes now. Baron is about to spawn-- --ZGDX is also about to face the real test.]

Commentator D: [G4 has a great advantage this round, just like their opponent ZGDX had in the last round…… Though we know we can’t expect the other side to surrender this time around-- --]

Commentator F: [I have to say it for the fans of the local region, please, just win one round!]

The audience burst into laughter.

The belief that a commentator’s words could sometimes jinx a team seemed to become true again-- --It was 21 minutes into the game, Baron spawned in just a minute ago. There was a small scale fight in between the outer and inner turrets at ZGDX’s bot. G4’s jungler, support, and AD met Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty who were farming by themselves……

G4’s bot, which had been crushed for 30 minutes in the last round and the first one who clicked surrender, suddenly grew excited.

He together with the jungler and support kept chasing and attacking Little Fatty and Lu Sicheng. Little Fatty’s Nami turned around and used her ultimate to push up the three enemies and Lu Sicheng turned around to cast Q.

After the counterattack, Little Fatty and Lu Sicheng didn’t stay to continue the fight but turned around to run away. The three G4 players chased after them all the way to the inner turret-- --

The audience at this moment could see Lu Sicheng’s mouth was moving constantly.

He was giving commands for something.

Without any warning, the cameraman cut the shot to Baron-- --Then the audience noticed that ZGDX’s mid, top, and jungler had started stealing Baron just as it spawned!

The audience was in commotion!

G4’s top and mid obviously didn’t expect ZGDX would do this. The two had teamed up to go to ZGDX’s jungle to steal red buff, then they planned to help their other three teammates kill Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty before going for Baron!

When they reacted to what had already happened, it was too late. Baron had only a sliver of health left and Nidalee took it down with smite. At the same time, Lu Sicheng, though low in health, counterattacked from under the inner turret and killed the other side’s AD!

Commentator D: [I’m dumbfounded.]

Commentator G: [They shouldn’t have stayed so long at bot. Sivir still has her ultimate in hand, how could they catch up to her…… This time, it’s G4 who has gotten in over their heads-- --In a world competition, the one you’re facing is always a strong team. They shouldn’t let their emotions get the upper hand, that’s even worse than being desperate.]

Commentator F used both of his hands to hold his head and watched the screen in silence for a while, then said slowly: [At this moment, ZGDX is pushing both outer turrets at mid and top one after another…… They’ve caught up with G4 in economy. Alright, I don’t feel like saying anything more, not even fuck.]

-- --ZGDX had started their counterattack!

After getting Baron and the turrets, ZGDX once again pushed into G4’s base. In this new team fight, G4 once again felt the horror of being dominated by ZGDX like last round……

At 35th minute, the game had a total turn around!


When the second round ended, Tong Yao stood up and took off her headphones while taking a look at the other side-- --Despite G4’s great advantage in early game, the game turned around against them in the end. Judging from the expressions on their faces, it seemed that they couldn’t be optimistic anymore……

Especially their top, who enjoyed quite an advantage early in the game, seemed ready to fight their bot-- --He probably felt that if bot and the other two didn’t go after ZGDX’s bot duo, there might not have been a turn around……

Tong Yao kept looking back at them while heading backstage: “......It looks like their top and bot are fighting.”

“Keep going.” Lu Sicheng pushed her: “Why do you like gossip so much?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Translated by Team DHH at

Saturday, October 23, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 190 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 190 Part 1

Tong Yao: “The nine-year compulsory education that forced me to learn English was probably for a day like this so I can happily get online to watch fans from other countries fall apart…… I’m super happy watching that, am I a bad person?”

“The expression on your face tells me that you’re quite happy to be a bad person.” Lu Sicheng passed by in front of Tong Yao to get some water. “But compared to the Korean teams, G4 is really not as strong. If YQCB has another half season to play together as a team, they should be able to defeat G4.”

Xiao Rui: “You’re trying to save face for your buddy again.”

Tong Yao: “He started to do that in the match. I’m already used to it.”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Since it was quite easy to win the first round, the players of ZGDX were quite relaxed during their break time. When they were notified to get on stage for the second round, everyone looked quite at ease as well…… The G4 players didn’t seem that concerned about their loss either. It seemed that they didn’t care too much about the public’s opinion. If they cared about it, they probably wouldn’t click surrender in the last round anyway.

-- --Tong Yao guessed that G4 decided to surrender because they felt that compared to being totally demoralized by dragging the game out, it was probably better to surrender then get ready for the second round.

It looked like Tong Yao’s guess was right.

Once the second round started, it was obvious that G4 wasn’t bothered too much by their surrender in the first round. They even seemed to be in a better condition than the first round-- --The ban & pick phase concluded smoothly. The champions ZGDX got this round weren’t that ideal. When the ban & pick phase ended, Lu Sicheng took a look at their own lineup: top Rumble, jungler Nidalee, mid Corki, bot Sivir, and support Nami.

Lu Sicheng: “There’s no frontline.”

Tong Yao: “It’s time to test just how agile you can be.”

Lu Sicheng: “Don’t, I’m just a fragile Sivir……”

As they were talking, the ten players of both teams loaded into the game. The second round officially began!


Everyone in ZGDX thought G4 wouldn’t repeat their mistake from the last round at level one again, but G4 was quite fixated on the same strategy. And this time around, they succeeded!

In the beginning of the game, Little Fatty was the first one to get into lane. As usual, he was going to the triangle bush to place a ward. When Nami passed the bush, she was suddenly hooked by something inside the bush, only a piece of Nami’s scale was left behind. From that point onward, Nami disappeared from sight……

Then the center of the screen showed a notification of the enemy Lucian getting first blood. A curse could be heard in ZGDX’s voice channel!

Lu Sicheng’s Sivir had just arrived at her lane. Lu Sicheng sounded quite calm: “This time, bot’s finished again.”

Lu Sicheng: “It’s our bot that’s finished.”

Everyone: “......”

Usually, what the ZGDX captain said would generally describe how the game would go. Besides, G4’s bot duo couldn’t be that bad since they had made it to the finals in a world competition-- --Therefore, five minutes into the game, Sivir was already suppressed by Lucian thanks to the advantage of getting first blood……

Since the situation at bot wasn’t too good, Tong Yao at mid didn’t have the courage to act rashly either-- --

With the advantage at bot and the enemy pinned at mid, G4 started to tower dive at top. Their top, jungler, and support began attacking Old Cat’s Rumble. In 15 minutes, Rumble’s stats for the game became 0/4/0!

During the first team fight at the drake arena, Rumble teleported to bot and cast his ultimate to  damage the other side’s tanky top. Old Cat at this moment couldn’t stop himself from cursing: “This Rumble god’s mental state is falling apart! I’ve said I wanted a Rumble skin, but now I might as well have a Gnar skin! So angry!”

In this team fight, ZGDX lost three champions to just one of the enemy’s. They also lost the drake and the outer turret at mid. They were behind by 2500 gold…… What’s worse was that all three lanes hadn’t obtained an advantage in the early game. By this time, the inconvenience of not having a frontliner in their lineup had fully exposed-- --

Translated by Team DHH at

Friday, October 22, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 189 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 189 Part 3

Old Cat didn’t seem to mind Old K’s response. He seemed fine with being one level below the opposing top, very optimistic-- --If it were TAT’s or OP’s top on the other side, he would probably be too uptight to say so many words all at once……

At 12th minute, Old K took down his first elemental drake and passed by mid to help Tong Yao farm minions. Afterwards, he went to help top-- --Gnar happened to become big as Nidalee arrived and together they pressed the short-legged Rumble against the wall and pummeled him. Orianna was a little late coming to help, all she could do was use her ultimate just in time to hold back Nidalee. Rumble flashed away, running to safety with a sliver of health left while Nidalee was now low on health……

G4’s mid and top didn’t coordinate well this time. If Orianna had arrived a little earlier, she could very well use her ultimate to help Rumble kill Nidalee and possibly Gnar as well since Gnar was about to shrink back plus he wasn’t that well developed in the first place-- --

Old K: “Very well, the other side’s top and mid are either having a fight now or are dead silent. Quite embarrassing……”

Old Cat: “Rumble’s thinking you might as well have arrived after my body was cold and dead and Orianna is thinking that Rumble’s just asking to be killed moving so far ahead just because you were ahead of a dozen or so minions!”

Tong Yao: “We were like that before. Except when we initiated the fight, otherwise we were slow in supporting each other and always suffered losses because of that.”

Lu Sicheng: “Talk less, take the Rift Herald first, then go to mid for a team fight so we can take down Orianna’s outer turret.”

It was 18 minutes into the game, the difference of economy between the two teams was at 4500.

ZGDX had one turret and one drake on hand and Sivir had already finished making one of her endgame items and was half way finished with another. They were already quite strong for a team fight. It was impressive to achieve all that in 18 minutes!

G4 wasn’t as good as LCK teams during the laning phase. Therefore, they weren’t good at counter attacks when they were in a disadvantageous situation. The game began to follow the ZGDX’s tempo -- --

Tower dive.


Push turret.

Clear minion lane, take drake.

The game seemed to begin to follow a very simple and clear strategy. Even the Bronze players in the audience could foresee what ZGDX would do next. Because of the superiority of ZGDX’s items, they didn’t need to play the game with their brains anymore…... 

At the 30th minute, the moment ZGDX took down Baron, the camera suddenly panned to G4’s main base-- --It took a while for the audience to realize what had happened; G4 had surrendered!

Commentator F: [What can I say? I have nothing to say.]

Commentator D: [Hum, hum, hum, alright. Maybe to maintain a good state of mind or for some other reasons, G4 has clicked surrender-- --Let’s congratulate ZGDX for winning the first round!]


The forums on various platforms exploded with comments-- --

It was exhausting to watch G4 being crushed for 30 minutes and now their surrender made their loss even harder for their fans to stomach!

[66666666666666 This is the first time I’ve seen a team surrender in the finals.]

[We can’t laugh at LPL for surrendering in the opening game at S5 anymore. To be honest, it’s even more shameful to surrender at finals……]

[The S6 finals already finished a long time ago, when ZGDX defeated TAT-- --Now? It’s just the warm-up exhibition match for the all star game. The Ice team (*The all star game is between two teams, Ice and Fire, each team is composed of members from 3 regions and the regions are decided based on their performance in the worlds tournament) surrenders. It has nothing to do with the LCS, don’t blame us.]

[In addition to being utterly humiliating, I figure Abb’s probably totally demoralized-- --I was doing well at top but when I looked up, bot was totally crushed.]

[I don’t know, I don’t know anything. I’m a fan of ZGDX. I can now speak loudly, so happy hahahahahahaha!]

This round was called “the first surrender in history”. Amidst such a feverish atmosphere, the audience waited for the beginning of the second round.

Translated by Team DHH at

Thursday, October 21, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 22 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 22 Part 3

When Ruan Yu opened her eyes again, it was calm outside the car. It didn’t rain in Hang City and the car was parked in front of her apartment building.

Ruan Yu rubbed her eyes in a daze and became aware that she had fallen asleep on the way back here. Xu Huaisong sat quietly at the driver’s seat, but hadn’t woken her up when they arrived.

She asked in surprise: “How long have I been sleeping? Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“I’ve just parked the car and was going to wake you.”

Ruan Yu suspiciously took a look at her cell phone and found out that it was already very late. It had taken much more time than the trip would actually take.

Xu Huaisong glanced at her and explained: “There was traffic on the way here.”

Oh, so that’s why it took so long, she thought.

She released the seat belt and pulled the car door open: “Thank you, Mr. Xu. I’ll go up now. Drive safely on your way back.”

Xu Huaisong didn’t give a response but paused for a while before saying: “I’m hungry.”

Ruan Yu almost skipped a step. She turned around, looking quite surprised.

Why would she feel that the way he said “I’m hungry” sounded like he was saying “I’m hurt”?

Then she remembered: “Oh, I haven’t woken up fully. I forgot that you haven’t had dinner yet….. Then, do you want to go up to my place to have something to eat?”

Xu Huaisong nodded and got out of the car.

When they were about to go into the apartment building, a group of women who had just finished their line dancing session passed by them. Xu Huaisong suddenly moved from Ruan Yu’s right hand side to the left hand side and lifted his hand up to press on his temple.

Ruan Yu was confused by his actions. She took a look at those ladies who had walked away and asked: “What’s wrong?”


Xu Huaisong couldn’t tell her that he was covering his face so he wouldn’t be recognized by those ladies that he was the drunkard from the other night.

Ruan Yu seemed much more relaxed than the first time when Xu Huaisong was at her place. She invited him to come in while sliding open the shoe cabinet to take out a pair of slippers for him.

Since both Li Shican and Xu Huaisong had visited her place, Ruan Yu purchased some men’s slippers just in case while she was in a supermarket one day. 

There was a hint of a smile in Xu Huaisong’s eyes. When Ruan Yu turned to go into the kitchen, he said: “Go change first.”

Ruan Yu paused and looked down at the muddy hem of her dress.

It did look unsanitary.

She said “oh” and asked him to sit in the living room. Then she turned to go into the bedroom. The instant when she closed the door, she suddenly felt that she might’ve been a little careless.

A man was just outside the door and she could change her clothes carefree?

She deliberately coughed a little then quietly locked the door.

Xu Huaisong nonetheless still heard the faint clicking sound from the door. He was a little dumbfounded, chuckled, then got up from the sofa.

When Ruan Yu came out of the bedroom, there was no one in the living room. Xu Huaisong was washing dishes at the kitchen sink.

Those were dishes from breakfast that she didn’t have the time to wash before leaving for Su City.

Ruan Yu felt a little guilty. He was actually an upright gentleman!

She hurriedly went over: “Why are you washing dishes ?”

Xu Huaisong put down the cleaned bowls and dishes, wiped his hand dry and said: “I’m paying for my meal.”

Since he had already paid for the dinner, Ruan Yu took special care to make a bowl of noodle soup for him. The noodle soup was colorful, with greens, meat, shrimp and egg on top of the noodles.

After Xu Huaisong finished the noodle soup, he was going to wash the bowl again but was stopped by Ruan Yu: “Your hands are too precious. Let me do it.”

“Precious?” He questioned.

“Don’t they say in those TV dramas that the hands which play piano can’t get hurt?”


Xu Huaisong didn’t bother to ask her how she knew that he can play piano. Without asking, he knew that she would say that the information was online.

Translated by Team DHH at

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 189 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 189 Part 2

All ten players from both sides loaded the game. About 20 seconds later, all ten champions popped out of their respective fountains. Tong Yao clicked her mouse and swirled around in the spring: “Fight to avenge the ex-boyfriend!”

Everyone quieted down in the team channel. Lu Sicheng smirked: “Looks like you don’t want to win. Bot will go afk.”

“Passive play will be fined.”

“You think everyone is as poor as you.”

The two of them squabbled back and forth. The whole team was in a light-hearted mood-- --In the esports world, the general impression was that the LCK was better than the LCS. The fact that ZGDX could defeat two LCK teams to go to the finals only showed that their strength and mindset were totally different from when they were playing the summer season finals!

ZGDX’s champions all moved into their own lanes. In the beginning, everyone was quite careful. They knew that European teams liked to play tricks even at level one. Once they were in their own lanes, the most important thing was to place wards in bushes-- --Indeed, Old K placed a ward in the bush next to the team’s buff and discovered that there were three enemies hiding there. Fortunately Little Fatty’s Braum was strong even at level one. He walked up to cast his ability and deployed his shield while doing basic attacks. He forced the other side’s AD to use flash and heal!

Lu Sicheng: “Old K, after farming half of the jungle, come down to bot. The other side’s bot is finished now.”

Just as Lu Sicheng expected, the other side’s bot thought since he didn’t have two of his summoner’s skills to counter attack, Old K wouldn’t bother to come down to bot to attack him. What the other AD didn’t expect was that before any of them reached level two, when Lu Sicheng reached level two first, Old K’s Nidalee suddenly jumped out of the bush. Nidalee nailed the enemy Ezreal with her spear, then let Sivir finish him off!

At the same time, two tanky supports from both sides, Braum and Alistar, were attacking each other. When Alistar saw his team’s AD die, he tried to retreat since he was low in health. Sivir and Braum went after him, he turned to headbutt Braum away and hastily stepped into the minion lane-- --In a normal laning phase, this would probably be a good choice. Yet he had forgotten that the person he was facing was the enemy’s Sivir. Sivir used her Q ability and the minions as a stepping stone to kill Alistar!

Double kill!

Sivir had two kills already in the early game. Sivir was supposed to be a champion which had to concentrate on developing in the early game but now she had become the most powerful champion in the lanes-- --From the fourth minute onward, G4’s bot never came out from under their own outer turret……

Commentator D: [This is called: Give me a kill, I’ll take over the world.]

Commentator G: [Chessman is certainly a reliable man. Uh uh uh, I want to marry him.]

Commentator D: [Didn’t you tell us to commentate nicely?]

Commentator F: [I believe it’s quite difficult for G4’s bot to come back up, if their mid, Orianna, doesn’t find the chance to come to give their bot some support…… I hope they can play more smartly. At least their Orianna is developing quite well. Come, G4, Gogone-- --]

Commentator D: [Ah, just like you said, their mid is really coming!]

Commentator D: [ZGDX’s mid.]

Commentator F: [......................................................]

Commentator D: [Hahahahahahahahahaha!]

Amidst commentator D’s laughter, Smiling’s Syndra went down to bot at the seventh minute, deployed all her dark spheres and used them to push the enemy bot duo out of the safety range of their turret. ZGDX’s bot duo were well developed and immediately tower dived together with Tong Yao. Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao both took a kill apiece. Little Fatty got two assists!

It was 4 : 0 now. After ZGDX took down the first turret, the difference in economy between the two teams had reached 2500!

The game had been going on for only seven minutes!

A 2500 gold difference in 7 minutes!

Tong Yao: “If there's any bullet comments now, I believe the screen would be covered by 66666…… When I finished farming, I pretended that I was in a hurry to go back to get items-- --The other side’s mid even stretched his head to take a look at me. Seeing I was going back, he also went back, hahahahahahahahahahaha. Then I came down to bot, hahahahaha, such good acting. He’s really mad!”

Lu Sicheng hid in the bush to go back: “They’re so easy to beat. How did Li Junhe and Butterfly lose to them?”

“How?” Old K said slowly and lightly: “You guys check the stats. Take a look at our top who’s been unusually quiet since the beginning of the game. He has been quietly……”

Tong Yao checked the stat and finished Old K’s sentence for him: “He has been quietly suffering, down 20 minions-- --I was wondering why Old Cat’s been so quiet. Brother, is the scenery at top alright?

“This Rumble is a little sharp, making my Gnar unable to take care of himself. While you were all having a good time at bot, you totally forgot that there’s a top in this world who’s suffering badly……” Old Cat had just been forced to go back and missed half of the wave of minions again. His Gnar was one level below the other side’s Rumble. He continued: “Damn jungler, why haven’t you gone up to gank top? You picked Nidalee and all you do is farm in the jungle!”

“It’s easier to have Nidalee farm in the jungle. What else should I do?” Old K was giggling.

Translated by Team DHH at

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 22 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 22 Part 2

Ruan Yu took a screenshot of the new offer and shared it with Shen Mingying. Shen Mingying replied: [Is there something wrong with your brain if you won’t sell it? Even if you don’t care about the money, think about your career. You plan to write online novels all your life? You have to move on to face a wider reader base sooner or later or become a screenwriter. Wouldn’t it be more interesting than staying at home all the time to go to the filming sites and get to know more about the entertainment business?]

Ruan Yu had to admit, she was somewhat tempted.

She was just an ordinary person who cared about money. She had lost quite some income from giving up on writing the story. In addition, she had also paid quite a bit of money to the publishing company for breaching the contract with them. How could she not care about money?

Besides, she couldn’t just be an online writer forever.

The chance of breaking through had presented itself in front of her.

With the cell phone in hand, she looked towards Xu Huaisong: “Mr. Xu, could I ask you something?”


“Global Filming is interested in buying my ip. Do you think I should agree to it?”

Xu Huaisong was quiet for a while, then asked her instead of answering: “Is there any reason not to agree to it?”

Ruan Yu didn’t know what to say.

The only reason was out of concern for him. But thinking back on it carefully, up till now, he hadn’t sensed that the story was about him. If the story was turned into a movie, would that suddenly make him “recover” his memory?

Besides, by the time the movie was released, they would have already become strangers as there wouldn’t be any reason for their paths to cross again. Ruan Yu figured it shouldn’t matter by then.

Ruan Yu nodded and made up her mind: “Oh. Then I’ll sell it.”

After she sent out her reply to the editor, Xu Huaisong unusually asked a question on his own: “If it’s turned into a movie, what would be the ending?”

Ruan Yu thought how would she know. She smiled and said: “Nowadays many adaptations don’t respect the originals. I don’t necessarily have the power to decide.”

“What about the original ending?”

Ruan Yu became quiet.

According to her original plan, the story would end during the graduation trip for the two liberal arts classrooms. The female character had elaborately planned a confession to the male character during the trip. She had checked with the organizer over and over to make sure that the male lead would join the trip, yet in the end, he didn’t show up.

It was just like what had happened back then. 

The difference was that in the novel, she would give a reason as to why he didn’t show up. Yet, in reality, Ruan Yu believed Xu Huaisong didn’t go on the trip with them because he didn’t miss anything about Su City First High School, including her.

She told Xu Huaisong about the planned ending and asked: “Is it a little sad?”

Xu Huaisong’s hands on the steering wheel slowly tightened and he opened his mouth but closed again. In the end, he only made a sound “en.”

Ruan Yu laughed rather relieved: “But actually this is a happy ending.”


“Because the female character will eventually let go of the male character.”

The hardest thing to cure in the world isn’t “breaking up” but “having a secret crush.” Because by having a secret crush, you’ve never tried or been hurt by that person. All you’ve seen and heard are the best sides of the person. Therefore, it’s hard for you to break out of the cocoon you created for yourself.

Yet, if you muster enough courage to try and get completely rejected, then the hard to get over “secret crush” would become “breaking up” which could be cured.

The world is big and life is long. The female character will let go of the male character.

Xu Huaisong felt like he couldn’t breathe for a dozen or so seconds.

The car was speeding over 100 kilometers.

He suddenly recalled a writer’s review he had read before about Ruan Yu’s writing: With a few words, she can dig out dark undertones in a romantic moment and in the end turn that darkness into something brilliant again. This young lady’s writing is truly insightful.

Yes, Xu Huaisong agreed, she’s a very insightful person.

She seemed to be faint of heart, but she knew that he would be going to the US after high school and she still didn’t think that would be an insurmountable hurdle.

She seemed nostalgic, yet never truly regretful for what happened in the past.

“You’re speeding, Mr. Xu.” Ruan Yu raised her voice and interrupted Xu Huaisong’s wandering mind.

He immediately slowed down. After a long while, he said: “The producers won’t accept an ending like that.”

Ruan Yu didn’t realize that Xu Huaisong actually meant something else but nodded with complete agreement: “I think so too”

Translated by Team DHH at

Monday, October 18, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 189 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 189 Part 1

Commentator D: [ Let’s think about it, which mid champions would G4 ban this round-- --Hahaha, that’s right, I’m focusing on ZGDX’s mid after they defeated two LCK teams both centered around their mids.]

Commentator F: [You can say it out straight that you’re focusing on the girl.] Commentator D: [So? Or should I focus on you?]

Commentator G: [We can see that ZGDX’s first ban is Aurelion Sol. It’s clear that they banned him because G4’s pretty good with him and ZGDX isn’t. It’s like: I can’t play him, so I won’t take him, but I won’t let you have him either!]

Commentator G: [It’s the finals already. Can you two comment nicely?]

Commentator G: [Get to the point.]

The ban & pick phase went on smoothly. First, ZGDX banned Aurelion Sol, which was the favorite of G4’s mid Gogone. His Aurelion Sol had performed quite well during the group matches and quarter-finals. He dominated the match against YQCB’s Ai Jia with Aurelion Sol and even now, when Ai Jia played ranked matches he would insist on banning Aurelion Sol, causing his teammates to all throw question marks into the chat……

To counter ZGDX’s ban, G4 banned Leblanc and Twisted Fate. Tong Yao commented on the ban: “I knew it would happen. But, what about my championship skin if I can’t use Leblanc during the finals? (The team that wins the yearly championship will receive the champion skin with the team logo on it which is specifically prepared by Riot Games. But the requested champion skin has to be a champion being used in the finals.) After we reach 2 : 0, let’s send a representative to tell the other side to let me have Leblanc for the third round so I can have the skin.”

Tong Yao: “Captain, it’ll be you.”

Lu Sicheng: “That’s stupid. I won’t do a thing asking for a whacking-- --I don’t want to be captain anymore. Whoever does, take it over.”

Tong Yao: “You’re also my fiance.”

Lu Sicheng: “Is it too late to break off the engagement?”

Tong Yao: “It’s too late.”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Little Fatty: “They seem to have changed the rules now; even the champions used in group matches will do-- --Besides, everyone knows that Twisted Fate and Leblanc are the twin stars of our team. What can we do if we can’t get them?”

Old K: “Right, right, it's an unreasonable rule-- --Except for someone like the blue collar Old Cat who takes whichever champion when needed, everyone else has their own signature champion. The other side definitely won’t let you have it!”

Old Cat got irritated: “Go to hell, if it wasn’t for me carrying you all against TAT, would you have the opportunity to talk nonsense here?”

As he finished, the five players starting from Lu Sicheng all got a smack on the head with a file folder. Ming god’s voice could be clearly heard in the team voice channel: “What’s wrong with all you guys? Even if G4 is a Euro-American noob team, they are still the little giant that sent two LPL teams back home in the quarter-finals and semifinals. You haven’t even started playing the match yet and you’re already talking about champion skins! What if you lose the match-- --”

Tong Yao: “Aiyo!”

Little Fatty: “Aiyo!”

Old K: “Aiyo!”

Old Cat: “Aiyo!”

Lu Sicheng: “Data Analyst, can you speak nicely? I suggest we drive him off the stage and we’ll do ban & pick ourselves.”

Ming god: “......The other side banned Kalista, very well, skin? There’s none. Old K, your Nidalee is available. Congratulations.”

Old K: “Take Nidalee, take Nidalee. Grab her for me, Cat god.”

Old Cat took Old K’s favorite Nidalee. Then the other side took Orianna for their mid and Alistar for their support. Orianna’s ultimate could pull champions towards her ball and Alistar’s Q, W abilities could knock up and push enemies respectively; they were both champions geared for team fights with strong teammate saving abilities……

ZGDX chose Gnar for top and Braum for support, sticking to their usual lineup. At least they wouldn’t be helpless when facing the other side’s line up. Tong Yao in the end locked down Syndra and Lu Sicheng took Sivir…… The ban & pick phase thus concluded. Everyone hurriedly adjusted their runes and masteries. The end results of the ban & pick were as follows-- --

G4 bans: Leblanc, Twisted Fate, Kalista.

ZGDX bans: Aurelion Sol, Ryze, Ekko.

G4 picks: Rumble, Kindred, Orianna, Ezreal, Alistar.

ZGDX picks: Gnar, Nidalee, Syndra, Sivir, Braum.

Translated by Team DHH at

Saturday, October 16, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 188 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 188 Part 3

[AD group]

G4, Riot911: Chessman? I don’t take him seriously. I’m the person who almost killed Pope all by myself, if it wasn’t for the fact that I got too excited and clicked the wrong ability……

ZGDX, Chessman: Oh, you clicked the wrong button many years ago when you clicked “install” on League of Legends.


Tong Yao: “Compared to all of you, now feel that I’m a little dumb-- --You’ve all colluded to be so unfriendly, why didn’t any of you discuss this beforehand with me?”

Lu Sicheng: “This sort of thing all depends on one’s own awareness and IQ. No one would be yelling another man’s name and hooraying on a world stage in front of her own fiance. Not even Wu Zetian[1] dared to do so.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao: “Let’s change the subject. What should I get for the first round? I have a feeling that they wouldn’t let me have Twisted Fate and Leblanc again.”

Lu Sicheng: “Take Nasus, he suits you.”[2]

Tong Yao: “Are you trying to pick a fight with me?”

Lu Sicheng: “I want to hit someone.”

Tong Yao: “......”

The other teammates watched them snapping at each other back and forth in silence. No one dared to talk or even breathe too hard. They were afraid that the two would notice them and get them involved……

As the two were bickering, the referee came over to tell them to put on their headphones to get ready for the ban & pick phase. The other teammates breathed out a sigh of relief-- --

In the team voice channel, Ming god became quite mean, like a changed person once it was ban & pick time, and brought everyone under control. As long as Ming god was there, he could definitely make Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng keep their mouths shut……

Tong Yao put on the headphones following the referee’s instruction-- --

All the noise was blocked out.

She reached over to put her hand on the mouse and could hardly keep her blood from broiling.

When she clicked open the game, logged onto the server specifically for the competition, and entered her game id, she felt like she was in a dream, all of this didn’t seem to be real for her-- --

The summer of that year, when she first started playing League of Legends, she would feed the enemy while yelling and shouting. She remembered the anger she felt when she was ridiculed by her own teammates, that she was even worse than the enemy’s siege minion; the joy she felt when she obtained her first penta-kill. At the time, she had dreamed of playing on the professional stage, but at the same time, being a professional player seemed to be such a far away dream……

She could only look up at it.

Until today, she, as a professional player-- --representing the region, representing the country, had come to the top of the world to face the final duel.

[1]: Wu Zetian was the only official empress in Chinese history during the Tang Dynasty.

[2]: In Chinese, people call Nasus 狗头 (gÇ’utóu) which literally means “dog head.” As you’ve probably seen, many Chinese insults involve dogs.

Translated by Team DHH at

Friday, October 15, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 188 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 188 Part 2

On the big screen, the promotional video of this year’s S series world competition finals started to play. Since the finals was between two teams from LPL and LCS, the video had been remixed with scenes of the two teams together in a mashup-- --

The very last scene showed Tong Yao looking up in darkness with a beam of sunlight on her, then the same sunlight shone through layers of fog where G4’s mid walked out of the fog, waving his hand to disperse all the fog!

With a loud bang, the logo of the developer of League of Legends, Riot Games, displayed at the center of the screen. The screen became dark and the audience started howling passionately……

The familiar background music could be heard now and the moment where everyone was looking forward to had arrived-- --

The trash talk section before the game.

[TOP group]

G4, Abb: I’ll use my ability to prove who’s the first top. Without any doubt, I’ll crush him-- --Just like how we crushed their two brotherly teams.

ZGDX, Cat: To be honest, I think, at this point, it’s obvious who’s the first top…… Is there any top champion that I, Old Cat, doesn’t know how to play?

There’s none.

Being a blue collar is just one of my disguises. There's an old Chinese saying which could be used in reverse-- --A fine interior beneath a rotten exterior…...You know what that means? A dog that doesn’t bark, bites. The dogs that bark all the time are all Chihuahuas.


[JUG group]

G4, Tom: It would be like a deer cub meeting a lion for K to meet me, there’s no chance for him to win at all-- --I know about LPL’s junglers; they get cold feet whenever there’s a direct confrontation.

A region that likes to pick a fight? What a joke.

ZGDX, K: So noisy, the LPL will laugh at you. Don’t look down, your “nooby” hat will fall.


On the stage, Tong Yao looked at the top and jungler of her team with the headphones in her hand: “You two really learned from Little Fatty. Have you used all that time on the airplane to think about how to trash talk?”

Old Cat: “I just improvised. I’m a cultured person after all.”

Little Fatty: “Don’t believe him. He wrote a lot of drafts and even let the staff vote on those.”

Tong Yao: “......”

[MID group]

ZGDX, Smiling (raising her hands high up): There’s no trash talk. Hooray for the king, hooray for Gao Xuecheng, hooray for the LPL!

G4, Gogone (smiling sweetly): The other side’s mid is really cute.


Lu Sicheng: “Are you two idiots?”

Little Fatty: “Can’t you two at least find something decent to say? The flame started by Old Cat and Old K has been extinguished by you two with your hoorays for friendship?”

Old K: “Really stupid.”

Old Cat: “It’s like a cult. Has Gao Xuecheng paid you for the promotion? You’ve been promoting him from the beginning of the world competition all the way till the end……”

[SUP group]

G4, Bigleg: I’ve heard that the other side’s support is really good at talking trash. I would like to hear him……

ZGDX, Pang: I’ve seen G4’s play. The map awareness and the ward placing of the other side’s support are, tsk, tsk, even worse than that Columbus who claimed that he arrived in India while standing in America.

G4, Bigleg: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I give up. He’s really good at trash talk!

Tong Yao: “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, he gave up, hahahahahahahahahaha!”

Lu Sicheng: “The breaking up of international friendship begins when Little Fatty starts talking.”

Translated by Team DHH at

Thursday, October 14, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 22 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 22 Part 1

Ruan Yu had to ask: “You happen to be on your way back as well?”


“Have you eaten dinner yet?”

“I’ll wait till we get back.” Xu Huaisong started the car but turned his head to ask after a short pause: “Unless you want to eat now?”

Ruan Yu shook her head: “I had afternoon tea at the shopping center, not hungry yet.” She took out her cell phone to cancel the ticket for the high speed train.

It had completely turned dark outside. The street lights lit up along the road and the red and green lights of the traffic signals shone on the windshield, making light and shadow interlacing inside the car.

The rain was still pouring down. The wipers mechanically moved back and forth repeatedly, making it seem even quieter between the two inside the car. It was so quiet that Ruan Yu grew more and more drowsy.

After the car drove past the brightly lit downtown area, Ruan Yu who was about to doze off suddenly gasped, breaking the quietness.

Xu Huaisong turned sideways to give her a glance: “What’s wrong?”

“Are you driving without a license?”

Ruan Yu held tightly at the seatbelt as she started to wonder if her personal safety was under serious threat. Seeing that, Xu Huaisong seemed to have chuckled: “It’s too late to think about that now.”

Indeed it was too late. Ruan Yu didn’t think of it until she just happened to glance at the placard “student driver” displayed on the car in front of them. She then suddenly remembered that Xu Huaisong had asked Liu Mao to take him to the hotel because he didn’t have a driver's license the day when they first met in the law office.

She stiffly turned her head to look at him: “Driving long distance…… this isn’t a good idea?”

Xu Huaisong sighed: “I got the license.” Seeing the doubt in her eyes, he explained further: “With the US driver’s license, I only need to take the written test, no need for a road test.”

No wonder he could get a license in such a short time.

Ruan Yu relaxed, then realized that Xu Huaisong was teasing her earlier? Humor had come from the aloof Xu Huaisong?

She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes but couldn’t read the emotions in his eyes behind the gold framed eyeglasses. Yet, she seemed to sense that he was in a pretty good mood.

Ruan Yu then reminded him: “Then, better stay away from the highways.” She remembered that drivers have to have their license for more than a year before they can go on the freeway.

Xu Huaisong simply answered with an en. He noticed that she was yawning but still tried to keep her eyes open to watch the road condition and said: “I’ve been driving in the US for eight years.”

“Hum?” Ruan Yu turned her head sideways in confusion.

“Therefore, you don’t have to feel that if you shut your eyes now, you won’t have the chance to open them again.”


Ruan Yu made a hollow laugh, but it wasn’t able to defuse the awkwardness in the air, so she laughed hollowly one more time.

His sharp tongue was way too much for her.  She wondered how Liu Mao had taken it everyday?

In any case, Ruan Yu couldn’t go to sleep now. If she closed her eyes right after she was assured her safety in the car, then wouldn’t it be proof that his suspicion about her was true?

She took out her cell phone to keep herself awake. She thought about it and sent a post in her friend circle to make it up to him: [Heavy rain’s relentless while the world is full of warmth. Salute to all the heroes who are happy to help others! (folded fists)]

The picture to go with the post was a still shot from the TV drama <Meteor Garden>. It was the shot of the scene where Domyoji Tsukasa stood pitifully in the pouring rain after Tsukushi had left him.

There was an instant reply from Li Shican after she posted it. He had added her WeChat back since the mix-up last time but hadn’t contacted her lately.

Li Shican said: [Who did you turn down this time?] Ruan Yu almost choked. How does a big star have so much free time on his hand, she wondered.

Ruan Yu didn’t know how to respond but sent out an emoji before backing out of the friend circle. Then she noticed that there was a new message.

It was from the editor: [Wenxiang, are you really planning on giving up this story? Global Filming has made a new offer and is willing to buy the current unfinished version as is. They will hire professional script writers to finish the story. You won’t have to worry about anything.]

Ruan Yu took a glance at Xu Huaisong then typed quietly: [Sorry to disappoint you. I really don’t want to sell this ip.]

The editor replied rather quickly: [“Don’t even want to know the new price they’re offering?]

Soft Jade: [How much?]

She saw a series of numbers jump out on the screen.

It was a number with a lot of zeroes.

Ruan Yu’s chin almost dropped onto her cell phone.

Xu Huaisong took a look at her but didn’t say anything.

Translated by Team DHH at

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 188 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 188 Part 1

From Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco to Chicago Theatre in Chicago to Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Since it all began on September 30, it had been a month-- --

Along the way, there was happiness and disappointment, laughter and tears…… There was a group of people who cheered and hugged each other under the spotlight before marching to the next battlefield with high spirits. There was also another group of people who stood in the corner watching the cheering people with envy before turning to walk away dejectedly while at the same time swearing to the world stage with tight fists: Next year, we’ll be back.

On October 30, the day a lot of people were looking forward to finally arrived-- --

The finals of the 2016 League of Legends world competition would be held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on the west coast of the US on that day. All the players would gather there to witness the top team of this year lift up the championship cup of everyone’s dream!

On the day, the arena was filled with people. Four hours before the event was scheduled to start, there were already people lining up getting ready to go in-- --Everyone was smiling, discussing their favorite team and holding support placards with the logo of their favorite team on them. As they waited to get in, they spoke about the teams and the players they like to each other……

Fans from all over the world gathered here, just like they’ve been gathered at Summoner's Rift in the game-- --

They might come from different countries, speak different languages, and have different skin colors and hair colors……

But at this moment when they talked about the teams they supported, the pride shining in their eyes were exactly the same!

[(English) I never thought that G4 would advance to this point. I mean, we’ve been away from the finals for too long-- --In the beginning, no one even had any faith in the team but they bravely made it to today, even defeating two LPL teams back to back!]

One of the fans waiting outside was excited to be interviewed. He had a G4 tattoo sticker on his face-- --

He walked back towards his friends after the interview while many others gathered around the reporter who was interviewing the people waiting to get in……

[(German) No one should ever look down on European teams anymore! We’re very strong, hahahahahahahahahaha, really. How long has it been since we saw a finals without LCK? I hope today’s best of 5 can be played to its fullest, no matter the result. At least I can enjoy it for longer! G4! Yay!]


[(Chinese) I’m studying in Los Angeles-- --Now I’m super glad that I’ve made the decision to come to LA for college two years ago! LPL! LPL! LPL! After a few years, we’re back! ZGDX, go for it!]


[(English) To be honest, I’m supporting ZGDX. They’re the only team which has a girl playing. The first time I watched Smiling sit on the stage, I was mesmerized by her-- --How can there be such a cute girl who can play the game so well, the kind who could take you all the way to Challenger……]


[(Chinese) The regret Weixiao had at S2 can hopefully be made up at this world competition stage by the one who carries the id with the same meaning-- --Those of you who know about it would know what I’m talking about. ZGDX, go for it!]

At dusk, the audience was finally in their seats-- --The huge arena was densely packed and glow sticks and fluorescent boards flashed like fireflies glowing in the darkness……

Those who didn’t get the infield tickets were sitting quite far away from the stage. It was so far away that the players on stage probably couldn’t even clearly see the support items in their hands…… But when the players entered the arena one after another and waved at the audience, they still raised up their support boards, ipads and cell phones and excitedly waved and screamed!

Amidst the excitement, all three commentators were getting into their own seats-- --

Commentato D: [Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome back to our 2016 League of Legends professional leagues world competitions finals! I’m your host D!]

Commentator F: [I’m F.]

Commentator G: [I’m G…… Uh, uh, uh, we can see these two next to me, hahahahaha, looking quite happy. I have to say that it looks like they had quite a fun time in the past month travelling all around the US for free?]

The audience burst into laughter.

Translated by Team DHH at

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 21 Part 4

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You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 21 Part 4

Ruan Yu and her mother left the school after Qu Lan finished catching up with her old colleagues. Ruan Yu accompanied her to a nearby shopping center to wait for Liu Mao to come pick her up after he finished his business. By the time they met up with Liu Mao, it was already almost dusk.

Qu Lan wanted to go back with Ruan Yu by high speed train, but she thought that after they arrived at Hang City, she would have to trouble her daughter to take her back to the suburb. Therefore, she agreed to let Liu Mao take her back. Before she left with Liu Mao, she told Ruan Yu to stay safe and keep in touch.

Ruan Yu promised she would. Just as she was about to get a ride to the high speed train station, it started to rain.

She had given her umbrella to her mother. She decided to go buy an umbrella for herself since she’d be exposed to the weather on her way back. By the time she came out of the market with the umbrella, it was raining even harder, the umbrella wasn’t of much help keeping her dry.

The rain poured on her umbrella and very quickly the road was filled with puddles of water.

The sky was getting darker. Ruan Yu stood at the roadside using a ride sharing app to get a ride. After a little while, she received a phone call from Qu Lan: “Yuyu, the rain’s getting heavier. Have you gotten a ride yet?”

“Don’t worry, mom. I bought an umbrella and I’ve got a ride too.”

She finished saying that when a sports car flew by her. The tires of the car splashed up some muddy water onto the hem of her white dress.

She bit her tongue, stopping herself from crying out loud, because she didn’t want to make her mother worry. After hanging up the phone, she didn’t know what to do while holding her cell phone in hand.

With the weather like this, no one was taking her request for a ride.

She rested the umbrella on her shoulder and took out some tissues to wipe the hem of her dress. She kept refreshing the app page while worrying that she wouldn’t make it to take the high speed train in time. Suddenly, she saw a Porsche Cayenne coming her way at a high speed.

With the earlier experience, Ruan Yu immediately backed away. To her surprise, the car slowed down all of a sudden near those puddles and eventually came to a full stop right in front of her.

The backseat window rolled down and Xu Huaishi stretched her head out: “It’s really you, Ruan Jiejie! Why are you here?”

Ruan Yu was stunned and saw Xu Huaisong in the driver’s seat.

She replied: “I’m getting a ride to the high speed train station.”

Xu Huaishi told her: “Then, get in. We’ll take you!”

Ruan Yu was hesitating. The front window was also rolling down. Xu Huaisong spoke without any expression: “I can’t stop here.”

Ruan Yu hurriedly said: “Oh, oh.” Then she took down the umbrella and walked over to the back door. Xu Huaishi waved her hand: “There’s no room back here!”

Ruan Yu had no choice but to turn to get in the front passenger seat.

The car was brand new. Ruan Yu noticed it the moment she opened the car door. After sitting down on the seat, she felt that she couldn’t put the dripping wet umbrella on the car floor. The water on the umbrella all dropped onto her dress.

Xu Huaisong started the car while taking a look at her: “Just drop the umbrella anywhere.”

Ruan Yu: “En. Thanks.” Then she carefully put down the umbrella right next to her feet. She heard him again: “The seatbelt.”

Xu Huaishi suddenly reached forward: “Ge, in novels usually the gentleman character would help the female character buckle the seatbelt at a moment like this.”

Xu Huaisong, Ruan Yu: “......”

Ruan Yu thought that wasn’t a gentleman’s gesture but probably had some indecent intentions.

Ruan Yu awkwardly laughed: “I can do it myself.” She pulled over the seat belt as she spoke.

Since she knew why Xu Huaisong is in Su City, she didn’t ask why they would be here. After a short while, she saw Xu Huaisong put one hand on the steering wheel while using the other hand to open the storage compartment and pull out a clean white towel to hand it over to her.

Ruan Yu paused before taking the towel over and thanked him again. Then she slowly wiped the mud and water stains on her dress.

Xu Huaisong: “En. I’ll take Huai shi home first.”

Since they were giving her a ride, Ruan Yu didn’t feel she was in any position to say anything against it. But if they would take Huaishi home first, she would miss her train. She figured that if she missed it then she could rebook another train.

Xu Huaisong drove his sister home and helped her get all her stuff off the car from the back seat. When he came back to the driver’s seat, Ruan Yu heard him say: “Not going to the train station. We’ll drive to Hang City directly.”

Translated by Team DHH at

Monday, October 11, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 187 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 187 Part 3

There was a sudden influx of bullet comments on Jian Yang’s stream-- --


[I feel you, buddy.]

[It hurts.]

[....................................You better not laugh. Your laugh makes me hurt for you, brother.]

[How does it feel when your ex-girlfriend plays better games than you @Yang god. When you started playing professionally, you would never have thought that one day you’re going to sit at base all by yourself commentating the S series semi-finals for your ex-girlfriend……]

Jian Yang probably saw that last comment. He started out by saying [congratulations to ZGDX, congratulations to LPL], then after being silent for a few seconds, he continued: [Indeed, I’ve never thought about it-- --Me and her, aiya, it was that summer vacation when I taught her how to play League of Legends. We played ranked matches together for that whole summer, she was mid and I, jungler…… That’s right, she played mid from the very beginning. With me, a Challenger on the top server of the country playing with her, she would crush the other side no matter which lane she was at.]

Tong Yao: “......”

Jian Yang’s voice was calm, with a hint of a smile at the corners of his lips-- --

It wasn’t a forced smile either.

It looked like Tong Yao wasn’t the only one who had finally grown up after such a long time.

[After that summer vacation was over, I received the invitation from CK to play professionally-- --I was way too excited and didn’t think too much about other things…… I still remember when the vacation was almost over, she came to find me and asked whether I had finished my summer assignments.] As if he had recalled something, Jian Yang’s smile became wilder. He turned off the match video and leaned back to the chair: [I said I didn’t do the summer assignments because I’m going to play for a professional team…… At the time, she looked at me as if I was nuts. She looked so confused, hahahahahahahahahaha…… Nothing, there’s nothing that I can’t talk about-- --It’s in the past anyway. Now we are all professional players. To tell the truth, I’m actually quite proud. If it wasn't for me, there wouldn’t be a world first mid, Smiling or the LPL Twisted Fate double stars.]

Bullet comments were filled with “It hurts” “Damn, I’m going to cry” “Shit, how can you be this miserable. I can’t stand a story like this’...... Jian Yang was speechless but still continued with a smile-- --

[Seeing her shine on the international stage, I’m also quite happy for her. Really, the LPL really needs a world championship.] Jian Yang lightly said: [Though one year ago, I would never have imagined that it would be Tong Yao who would make the LPL’s dream come true-- --]

Jian Yang: [Do I regret teaching her League of Legends?]

Jian Yang: [I certainly don’t regret it.]

Jian Yang: [Though it’s Cheng Ge who benefits from it, it’s Cheng Ge after all…… If I were a woman, I'd like him too. There’s nothing wrong with it-- --Really, really, best wishes to them. Though I can be sarcastic for a while, that’s for sure. It’s like having the disciple master the trade and then runs the master out of business. The disciple is marching towards the world championship while the master got eliminated at the quarter-finals, damn it…… But it’s still a must to send over my best wishes!]

In the end, Jian Yang waved goodbye with a smile to the viewers before turning off the camera. 

The video of the stream ended. Lu Sicheng took a look at the heading of the video, [The most heart piercing commentary in the history of LPL]......

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Tong Yao was still leaning against him without moving. Lu Sicheng patted her shoulder and looked down at her. Her eyes were slightly reddish…… He used his rough thumb to press down the corner of her eye: “Deeply moved?’

“I’m moved.” Tong Yao’s voice was a little hoarse: “It’s the kind of feeling that your son has grown up all of a sudden.”

“..........................” The hand resting on the corner of her eye stopped moving. Then Lu Sicheng started laughing and held her in his arms.

“What are you laughing at?” Tong Yao looked up at him.

“I’m hurting for Yang god. His emotional talk turned him into a son.”


Tong Yao rolled her eyes. Lu Sicheng patted her head: “Play well at the finals, avenge CK and YQCB.”

Tong Yao nodded and used both her hands to circle around Lu Sicheng’s waist. She buried her face in his chest to take a deep breath, it was a familiar scent-- --

At this moment, she felt a calmness she had never felt before. She was filled with zeal, full of the yearning and determination for winning the upcoming finals.

Translated by Team DHH at

Saturday, October 9, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 187 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 187 Part 2

Tong Yao blinked and reached over to pull off Lu Sicheng’s earphones. Lu Sicheng hissed and pushed Tong Yao’s head against his chest. Tong Yao could hear her ex-boyfriend’s voice in the earphones-- --

Jian Yang: [Honestly speaking, Tong Yao was positioned too far ahead. She got killed without causing any damage to the enemy, a real waste of all the kills and supports she got earlier. She’s actually sending a heart-warming gift to TAT……]

Tong Yao abruptly pulled her head up: “What did he say? !”

Lu Sicheng patted her head: “Weren’t you standing too far ahead?”

Tong Yao: “He said I was sending a heart-warming gift to TAT!”

Lu Sicheng sneered: “Wasn’t it true that you and Little Fatty had sent a heart-warming gift to TAT?”

Little Fatty: “You two just fight amongst yourselves, don’t involve an innocent bystander…… I was Braum, if I didn’t stand in front of you guys to protect you, then should I stand behind the AD and run away after casting a R?”

Lu Sicheng lazily gave Little Fatty a glance before trying to retrieve his earphones from Tong Yao. Tong Yao stretched her arm out so Lu Sicheng couldn’t get them-- --But her arm wasn’t as long as Lu Sicheng’s. The two struggled for a while, then both fell down in the last row seat. Lu Sicheng, with one hand holding down Tong Yao’s waist, said: “Give me the earphones.”

His voice was low and his breath was right next to Tong Yao’s lips…… Tong Yao looked up and gave him a kiss on his slightly coolish lips while stuffing the earphones into her own pocket: “No.”

Lu Sicheng fixed his eyes on her for a while, then used a serious tone of voice to say: “This is a public place, what are you doing?”

Tong Yao used her chin to point at the cell phone in Lu Sicheng’s other hand: “Watch together?”

Lu Sicheng sat up and the hand on Tong Yao’s waist also pulled her upright-- --The two of them were back to their original position with Tong Yao leaning against Lu Sicheng’s body. Little Fatty couldn’t stop himself from teasing: “It’s 30 some degrees outside now. Are you two so cold that you have to huddle so tightly?”

Lu Sicheng answered without even looking up: “You can go huddle with Lu Yue?”

Lu Yue was looking down at his cell phone playing a game. He also answered without looking up: “No way.”

As they were bantering back and forth, Tong Yao adjusted Lu Sicheng’s arm and started to watch Jian Yang’s commentary together with Lu Sicheng. They were watching it as their review of the round that had just finished-- -- A professional player’s commentary was more specialized than the normal onsite commentators. Usually, the commentators could at most point out who did what at a team fight or what a player would do in the next few minutes……

When a professional player commented on a match, they had a very strong map awareness-- --It was just like what Tong Yao had done when she was sitting in the audience watching the spring season competition back home. She could predict what the game would be like in the next 20 minutes or even the whole game just by seeing the placement of a ward.

Jian Yang was a jungler and had an even better sense about the whole map than other positions-- --As such, while they were watching the video, Jian Yang’s comments would elicit a discussion between Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng from time to time……

They watched the video without much of an issue till the last team fight. It was a team fight that had been rated by all fans as the top three team fights of year for best teamwork even though this year’s world competition wasn’t over yet-- --

When Tong Yao’s Twisted Fate threw his red card and made it through a narrow gap between TAT’s front line players, accurately hitting TAT’s AD and killing him, Jian Yang cried out loud “nice”, then added: “That red card was truly critical. It could fly past all the other players and hit the AD; either Tong Yao’s ability to predict her enemies has reached perfection or she’s in the lucky goddess’ favor, in short, a stroke of luck.]

Lu Sicheng chuckled when he heard Jian Yang. Tong Yao patted the screen of the cell phone: “Shit, how difficult is it to admit that I’m strong?”

Then the video was showing Lu Sicheng’s Twitch back away with a sliver of health and Tong Yao got a double kill-- --The cheers from the audience could be heard in the video. Tong Yao moved her lips about to say something when she heard Jian Yang say: [This Twisted Fate is really strong…… Tomorrow, I’ll force our mid to practice Twisted Fate-- --]

In the video, ZGDX pushed forward to TAT’s base.

The moment TAT’s base exploded, the cameraman gave ZGDX’s five players a shot. It caught the moment when Tong Yao threw down headphones and jumped into Lu Sicheng’s arms…… The camera clearly captured the smile on her face and the moment when she looked up at Lu Sicheng with a smiling face. Her black pupils shone like stars under the stage lights……

Jian Yang paused for a moment, then he also started laughing happily with them.

Translated by Team DHH at