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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 60 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 60 Part 2

Ruan Yu understood how frightened Jiang Yi must be when the whole world was saying “you’re guilty.”

She had gone through that kind of despair when she couldn’t give any convincing explanation to defend herself.

Ruan Yu sighed and watched the sun gradually setting in the west. After about an hour, Xu Huaisong walked out of the station by himself.

When he opened the car door, Ruan Yu’s heart abruptly tugged. She turned her body sideways to check his facial expression first.

He had a relieved expression on his face. Ruan Yu couldn’t wait to ask: “There’s still no conclusion?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head. He sat in the car but didn’t start the car, instead he sighed deeply while leaning against the back of the seat: “There should be a conclusion, though we have to wait for the trail. But it’s pretty much certain now.”

“Was it really……Wei Jin?”

“The police have investigated Wei Jin’s cash flows in recent years because of his possible involvement in drugs. They have discovered a suspicious account. Wei Jin has been wiring money into this account for ten years, big sums of money. The money transfers through many hands and eventually reaches a real estate tycoon in Hong Kong.”

“This real estate tycoon was once a medical examiner in Su City.”

Ruan Yu’s throat tightened; she had guessed what had happened back then.

Xu Huaisong swallowed with some difficulty: “The police found out that Wei Jin had asked this medical examiner to tamper with the victim’s body, causing the autopsy to determine that the time of death to be much earlier than the actual time. Because of this, Jiang Yi’s alibi couldn’t hold out and Wei Jin could provide a reasonable alibi.”

“In reality, when Jiang Yi and the victim were having sex in the men’s restroom, Wei Jin happened to be in the stall at the corner.”

Xu Huaisong didn’t continue, probably not wanting to give Ruan Yu too many details.

But Ruan Yu could pretty much figure out what had happened in the restroom.

Jiang Yi and all his friends were just having a wild party that evening. Wei Jin must have had much to drink as well. He happened to overhear Jiang Yi and the victim in the restroom. After Jiang Yi left the restroom in a hurry, he must have been so aroused that he wanted to do the same with the victim. 

Wei Jin probably accidentally killed the girl during a physical scuffle.

Facing the choices of turning himself in or using a fake alibi to get away, Wei Jin chose the latter. From then on, under his glamorous appearance, he had a twisted soul, taking drugs and raping women.

“Why didn’t Wei Jin try to silence this medical examiner for all those years?”

“One is that there's a risk trying to silence him. The other is that the medical examiner must be a smart person. He must have preserved some evidence so Wei Jin wouldn’t dare trying to kill him. If he accidentally dies, that evidence will be given to the police.”

Ruan Yu closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Jiang Yi walking out of the police station by himself, he was staggering. After walking out of the glass door, he crumpled onto the step outside.

Then, he started wailing.

A thirtyish man, like a child, howling with an open mouth. He cried so hard that he was out of breath, making a strange squealing sound.

Ten years later, on this day against a bleeding red sunset glow, Jiang Yi uttered cries of anguish. He wanted to use a voice which could be heard by the whole world to shout again: “I didn’t kill anyone! I didn’t kill anyone……”

He cried and shouted, laughing as he cried. But his laugh was very gloomy, very desperate.

Ruan Yu watched through the car window how passersby looked at Jiang Yi in surprise and confusion. The way they looked at him was like they were seeing a horrible mad man.

Xu Huaisong opened the car door.

He walked over and squatted down in front of Jiang Yi, gently patted his back and said: “It’s all over. It’s alright now.”

Jiang Yi stopped shouting and used his hands which were covered with calluses to cover his face.

Tears streamed down between his fingers. Xu Huaisong gently smiled at him: “Let me take you home, alright?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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