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Thursday, December 29, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 60 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 60 Part 3

It was already dark after Xu Huaisong and Ruan Yu took Jiang Yi home. They then found a restaurant to eat dinner. Afterwards, Xu Huaisong planned to drive back to Hang City but Ruan Yu suggested: “Let’s go visit your mother?”

Xu Huaisong knew what Ruan Yu meant between the lines. He should let Tao Rong know about the new development of the old case.

Xu Huaisong cast his eyes down: “Wait a couple of days. I haven’t figured out how to tell her.”

Too many years had passed. Once the truth revealed itself, as one of the people who was entangled in it, he didn’t know at the moment how to untie the encased knot.

It was relatively easy to explain the truth. But what about the aftermath? Could a family which had been split for ten years be patched up again? And how would it be patched up?

Xu Huaisong was digesting the turn of events himself right now and wasn’t in a position to talk to Tao Rong yet.

Ruan Yu pondered a bit: “It’s fine not to let her know now. But it’s dark, let’s not drive back.”

Xu Huaisong turned his head to look at her: “Then, a hotel?”

She shook her head and put her arms around his: “Let’s just go stay at your home. Your grandma invited us last time.”

Xu Huaisong laughed: “I’ve seen people trick their girlfriends into going home with them, but I’ve never seen someone who gets tricked by his girlfriend to go to his own home.”

Ruan Yu gave him a glance: “Then, will you be tricked?”

“I will.”

Xu Huaisong called his home, then Ruan Yu dragged him to go shopping. After the shopping spree, he carried big and small bags back home with her.

Tao Rong and his grandma happily let them into the living room.

Since it was the weekend, Xu Huaishi was also at home doing homework. Seeing all the packages, she ran to the living room and pointed at all the bags: “Is there anything for me?”

Xu Huaisong said: “Yes.” He picked up a set of 48 practice tests to give her.

Xu Huaishi: “......”

Ruan Yu whispered in her ear: “This has nothing to do with me. It’s your brother who wanted to buy them for you.”

Xu Huaishi said with a pursed mouth: “Jiejie, even you can’t control him.”

“There’s nothing to be controlled.” Xu Huaisong pushed her towards the study: “Go do your homework.”

“Doesn’t a high school senior have any human rights?” Xu Huaishi talked back but shrunk her neck before her brother gave her a cold stare: “Alright, alright, no human rights, no human rights!” Then she rushed back to the study. Before she closed the door, she mouthed to Ruan Yu– –don’t marry him, don’t marry him!

Ruan Yu laughed and waved at her, telling her not to worry.

Tao Rong and Grandma led them to sit on the couch. This time both sides had time to prepare for the meeting and the atmosphere was cordial.

When Tao Rong asked why they were both at Su City, Xu Huaisong was about to say “taking care of business” when Ruan Yu replied: “Huaisong just flew back from the US today. Since the airport is closer to here, we came over.”

Grandma: “Hrm, it’s so tiring flying back and forth. Does Huaisong have any plans?”

Xu Huaisong was silent for a moment before answering truthfully: “I do. After taking care of the rest of my work in the US, I basically don’t need to go there anymore.”

Something flashed in Tao Rong’s eyes.

Grandma laughed and referred to Ruan Yu in a more intimate way: “I’ve told your mother that you care about Yuyu so much that you must have plans. It’s good that you have plans, it’s good……”

Tao Rong was quiet for a while before asking: “Then what about your father?”

Xu Huaisong paused before replying: “At his current situation, it’s impossible to leave him in the US all by himself for any long period of time.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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