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Thursday, December 22, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 60 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 60 Part 1

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Yu sat on the couch lost in thought.

It wasn’t because of the news she had just heard. It was rather because Fang Zhen said that Xu Huaisong had mentioned the old case to him in private.

Xu Huaisong wasn’t someone who would easily jump to conclusions. When they first found that group picture, Xu Huaisong was quite objective and rational. Even after Wei Jin was arrested for drug-related charges, he still didn’t accuse Wei Jin of anything for which he didn’t have any proof of. After he flew to the US, he never mentioned anything about it when video chatting with Ruan Yu.

But being a normal human being, he couldn’t remain emotionally impartial about Wei Jin’s case.

He was deeply concerned about it and had asked the police to watch how Wei Jin’s case progressed.

It was a matter which only Xu Huaisong could take care of. There was little that Ruan Yu could do to help him with it. The only thing she could do was to buy a high speed train ticket to go to Su City. She would give him the information the first moment he got off the plane and let him know that she would meet him at Su City.

The airport was much closer to Su City than Hang City.

It was late afternoon when Ruan Yu arrived at the train station of Su City. A few minutes later, Xu Huaisong also arrived at the station.

Xu Huaisong’s own car was in the mechanic’s shop and he had rented a car.

Ruan Yu got in the car and Xu Huaisong welcomed her by patting her head.

He leaned over to help Ruan Yu fasten the seatbelt and lightly pinched her nose to say: “I’ll be back in Hang City in a few hours after taking care of things over here. You don’t need to come all this way here.”

“I’m afraid that you won’t be able to finish tonight and have to spend the night here.”

They were apart for ten days and relied on video calls to keep in touch. Ruan Yu didn’t want to wait for an extra few hours more before seeing him.

Xu Huaisong laughed: “You know what my American colleagues called you?”

They had been video chatting much more frequently than the previous time when they were apart. Several of Xu Huaisong's American colleagues became familiar with her.  

Ruan Yu touched her nose: “What?”

Xu Huaisong started the car and turned the steering wheel to drive away from the train station. His lips curved upwards and said: “The clingy cat.”

Ruan Yu was speechless: “It was you who insisted on keeping video calls on while you go to sleep. Did you explain?”

“I did.”

“How did you clarify it?”

“I said, I probably couldn’t be counted as a person either.”


They had some small talk on their way to the police station, perhaps because they were excited to see each other again. However, it was more due to the fact that they were both anxious about what might come next and wanted to avoid the topic.

They were both uneasy about what they might learn at the police station, so they spoke of inconsequential things to ease the nervousness they both were experiencing at the moment.

Yet the deliberately created light-heartedness went out of the window when they saw Jiang Yi in front of the police station.

When Xu Huaisong was parking the car, Jiang Yi was following two policemen walking towards the station. It looked like he had been asked to come to the station for questioning.

Xu Huaisong frowned and parked the car. He then released the seat belt and was about to say something when he heard Ruan Yu saying: “Go, I’ll wait for you in the car.”

Xu Huaisong had some connection to the case but Ruan Yu was a total outsider. She felt she wasn’t in the position to go in.

She waited in the car and couldn’t get the image of Jiang Yi walking into the station off her head.

Jiang Yi was still wearing that same old, yellowing t-shirt with a stooping back. When he looked up at the police badge hanging on the doorway, both of his legs were trembling and he almost tripped while going up the steps.

Ruan Yu could even imagine that there must be fears filled in his eyes.

It wasn’t from a guilty conscience but from genuine fear.

Translated by Team DHH at

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