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Thursday, December 8, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 58 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 58 Part 2

Xu Huaisong at 18 years old wouldn’t say “I like you” to her because he couldn’t decide his own future. At 26 years old, he wouldn’t say “I love you” to her because he couldn’t be sure about the future of their relationship.

He wouldn’t do so even though his love for her was already strong enough for him to turn the steering wheel at that critical moment.

Ruan Yu felt a lump in her throat but tried to hold back her tears while staring at the ceiling light.

How could Xu Huaisong be so foolish.

She couldn’t even get angry at his foolishness.

Xu Huaisong was about to lie down but saw Ruan Yu’s expression as if she had been deeply moved by something while staring at the ceiling. He paused: “What’s up there?”

Ruan Yu sniffled her nose and almost cried: “The lamp is so beautiful……”


Xu Huaisong was silent for a moment: “Should I turn it on for you?”

Ruan Yu shook her head: “It’s still quite beautiful when it’s dark……”

He blinked: “Then you keep sitting there and look at it for a while longer?”

She nodded.

Xu Huaisong lied down on the bed.

Ruan Yu held onto her knees and continued watching the ceiling light to calm herself. Yet, the emotion surging inside of her was getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Huaisong was very quiet when he was sad.

Xu Huaisong was also very quiet when he was in love.

This man wasn’t iridescent fireworks nor an earth-shattering thunderbolt. He was the ever-flowing stream, flowing through rocks and ditches, which sent the most wonderful love to her along the way little by little.

It flowed in a trickle yet it could flow to eternity.

Ruan Yu pulled on the cover and slowly laid herself down. She turned sideways to face him and said: “Xu Huaisong, will you be tired of me one day and leave me?”

Xu Huaisong, who was lying flat, immediately frowned when he heard her and turned his head over to say: “I won’t.” He asked: “What are you thinking……”

“I won’t leave you either.” She interrupted him: “I really won’t.”

His knitted brows relaxed. Ruan Yu got closer to him: “Therefore, there isn’t any uncertain future between us.”

“En.” He sighed with a smile: “No need to comfort me. I know I’ve misunderstood you before.”

Ruan Yu shook her head to indicate that she wasn’t trying to comfort him. She stammered: “What I meant is that since that’s the case, why couldn’t we…… be together now?”

Xu Huaisong was surprised: “We’ve already been together for two……”

“I mean.” She hurriedly interrupted him but hesitated to say what she wanted to say: “I mean……”

Xu Huaisong figured out what Ruan Yu meant from her ashamed expression and slowly blinked his eyes.

Something flashed in his eyes as if a star had fallen into the bottom of his eyes.

He was silent for a long moment before opening his mouth to confirm it: “You serious about it?”

Ruan Yu was afraid that if she showed any hesitation, he would continue to draw back. She forcefully nodded: “It has nothing to do with the fact you saved my life or whether you felt bad or not. It’s me who wants…...”

She wanted to hand herself to him.

After speaking her mind, she cast her eyes down to look at her own nose tips and dared not to look at him again.

Xu Huaisong didn’t move for a while while looking at her.

Just as Ruan Yu had made up her mind to take the initiative, Xu Huaisong slightly pinched her chin and confirmed for the last time: “Then I won’t hold back……”

Ruan Yu slowly closed her eyes and nodded.


Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Finally?

    Anyway this sounds so poetic "it flowed in a trickle yet it could flow to eternity" i'm stealing thiss
