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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 58 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 58 Part 1

Ruan Yu sat on the carpet with both hands over her face.

Xu Huaisong stared at the two boxes, slowly pushed up his glasses, then turned his head to find Ruan Yu peeking through her fingers. Noticing that Xu Huaisong was looking her way, Ruan Yu quickly gathered her fingers.

Xu Huaisong turned his eyes back to the two boxes.

Ruan Yu buried her face between her knees.

It looked like she was waiting for help to save her from the embarrassment.

After a while, Xu Huaisong put up a “calm” front and moved closer to Ruan Yu. He squatted down beside her and said: “How old are you still eating bubble gum?”


Ruan Yu looked up, stunned.

“Hrm?” She subconsciously questioned.

So he didn’t recognize those boxes? Was it because of the cultural differences between China and the US?

Xu Huaisong acted naturally and turned his head to rummage through the other snacks in the shopping bag. He picked up one after another: “Jelly, shrimp crackers, gummies, how old are you?”

Xu Huaisong looked like he genuinely thought that Ruan Yu was embarrassed that all the snacks had been discovered. Ruan Yu’s blushing face gradually returned to a normal color: “I……I can’t?”

Xu Huaisong smiled and gave her a glance: “Whatever pleases you.” He reached over the two boxes, preparing to put them back into the bag.

Ruan Yu nimbly grabbed the two boxes into her arms: “These are mine. The rest, I can share with you……”

He touched her head: “I won’t fight with you.” Then he reached over to pull her up: “Get up.”

Ruan Yu used one hand to cradle the boxes and got up from the ground with help from Xu Huaisong. Then she watched him walk towards the bedroom and said: “I’ll read a bit then go to sleep.”

Ruan Yu nodded and tidied up the living room. She put the boxes into the drawer. When she walked into the bedroom, she saw Xu Huaisong leaning against the headboard of the bed and had a book in hand checking the questions he had missed. He looked very focused and didn’t seem to be bothered by the accident earlier at all.

He really didn’t recognize the boxes of condoms.

Ruan Yu didn’t know whether she should be crying or laughing. Ruan Yu walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She looked into the mirror and didn’t know how to describe how she felt now.

Was she glad or sad?

It took her ten minutes to brush her teeth, until her teeth were sore. She adjusted herself and opened the bathroom door to go out in a faux happy mood. She climbed onto the bed: “Today’s exhausting. Don’t read anymore, let’s sleep!”

Xu Huaisong answered “oh” and closed his notebook.

Ruan Yu looked at him with a smile. Her eyes glanced over the cover of the book in his hand and the smile froze on her lips.

Wasn’t….. his book upside down?

Xu Huaisong put the book down on the nightstand and shut the ceiling light, but left the light next to the door on to keep the hallway lit.

The bedroom became dark. Ruan Yu blinked her eyes and recalled the words she had seen on the book cover. She was sure that her eyes didn’t fail her.

Therefore, he had looked at an upside down book for ten minutes and didn’t even realize it?

Then, what was he thinking of?


Ruan Yu flipped open the cover and slowly sat down on the bed under it. She looked at the ceiling.

He recognized the condoms.

How could he not recognize the condoms?

He recognized them but pretended not to so as not to embarrass her.

He recognized them but pretended not because the so-called “wolf without his utensils” was only an excuse.

He would rather take cold showers and read upside down books than cross that line before he thought it was alright to do so.

Translated by Team DHH at

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