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Thursday, December 1, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 57 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 57 Part 4

That day at Global Filming, Li Shican watched quietly in the lobby to make sure Ruan Yu got in Xu Huaisong’s car. Later on he sent a WeChat message over to Ruan Yu and right at that juncture, Ruan Yu happened to ask Xu Huaisong whether she was being too selfish.

What she meant by selfish was that she had taken his love for granted without paying back equally.

But Xu Huaisong had mistakenly thought Ruan Yu meant that she had frequently accepted Li Shican’s help without paying him back anything.

He thought mistakenly that what Ruan Yu was struggling with was whether she should respond to Li Shican’s caring attention.

“......” After she had thought it through, Ruan Yu was speechless and felt like a fool.

Certainly though, Xu Huaisong was a much bigger fool than she.

Ruan Yu asked in amazement: “When I was at the store and wouldn’t let you come over, you wouldn’t think……”

Was he thinking that she wouldn’t let him go over to the store because it had something to do with Li Shican as well?

Xu Huaisong didn’t respond. It looked like he had admitted it in silence.

Ruan Yu didn't know whether she should laugh or get angry: “Xu Huaisong, you really are driving me mad!”

Xu Huaisong was stunned and blinked his eyes.

Ruan Yu turned to take her cell phone and opened the chat box with Lu Shenglan: “Come, take a good look at this to see what exactly was on my mind.”

Xu Huaisong read through the chats between Ruan Yu and Lu Shenglan then frowned: “What did she say to you?”

Ruan Yu had been hesitating about how to bring up this matter to Xu Huaisong. But now she didn’t have any hesitation and told him what they talked about in detail.

Xu Huaisong listened and pinched between his eyebrows.

Ruan Yu annoyingly asked: “What now, do you have a headache?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head: “Liver aches.”[1]

The liver hurts from being too upset.

“I’m the one who should have liver aches!” She sniffled: “You misunderstood me and sentenced me without even giving me a chance to explain…… Why can’t you speak your mind to make it clear? Do you think silence is gold?”

The more Ruan Yu spoke, the more upsetting she got. Finally, she got up from the couch and paced back and forth as if that was the only way to make her feel better.

Xu Huaisong also sat quietly to comb through his own thoughts. Then he got up to pull Ruan Yu back: “I’m wrong. I won’t keep anything bottled up from now on.”

Ruan Yu took a deep breath: “You better pray there’s still a from now on.”
“Don’t……” He pulled her into his arms: “I really know I’m wrong.”

Ruan Yu grinded her teeth and bit his chin.

Xu Huaisong hissed and cleared his throat: “Now, I’ll be straightforward and ask you a question?”

She gave him a glance: “Shoot.”

“Since it has nothing to do with Li Shican, then what had you been doing in the store? You said you were going to buy some good food to eat, but you didn’t eat much.”


Ruan Yu didn’t know how to reply.

It would not be a big deal to mention what she had done in the store if it was in an intimate moment.

But under the circumstances of now, would she still want to tell him what she had bought?

No, she wouldn’t want to.

She was still upset.

She shook her head: “For this matter, you can just bottle it up in your mind.”

Xu Huaisong frustratedly laughed: “You were just telling me to speak my mind clearly. Now I asked and you wouldn’t tell me.”

“I won’t tell you. So what?”

There was nothing Xu Huaisong could do about it. He adjusted his breathing and glanced over at the big bag of snacks which Ruan Yu had brought back from the store.

His glance made Ruan Yu nervous.

Xu Huaisong keenly noticed Ruan Yu’s uneasiness. He blinked his eyes and said: “Did you buy something?”

Ruan Yu cursed in her mind but shook her head: “No, it’s nothing……”

Xu Huaisong released her and went to check out the bag.

Ruan Yu hurriedly followed him, trying to pull him: “Huh, what are you doing? Don’t look into the bag, it’s my personal property!”

Xu Huaisong couldn’t hold back his curiosity and forgot all about how to be a gentleman. He picked up the bag.

Ruan Yu fought with him to get the bag back.

The two of them pushed and shoved and rolled around on the carpet. Finally, the bag broke in half and two colorful boxes fell out.

“......” He’d discovered a secret.

“......” A secret was discovered.

[1]: 肝疼 (gān téng), literally means 'liver aches'. This is commonly used in China, probably online, to mean that one's angry or upset. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that anger hurts one's liver.

Translated by Team DHH at

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