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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 59 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 59 Part 1

Xu Huaisong lifted his hands and when his kiss landed on Ruan Yu’s lips, his burning palms also landed on her back.

Ruan Yu shivered from the sensation.

Xu Huaisong moved his hands up and down on her with closed eyes.

Ruan Yu was somewhat startled by the sudden movement and wondered to herself if all men probably instinctively knew how to do this thing?

She moved her hands to hold his head.

Xu Huaisong paused and breathlessly asked: “......Where’s your bubble gum?”

“In the third drawer of the TV cabinet……”

Xu Huaisong turned to get out of the bed.

The bed sheet was already gathered in the corner. The disheveled Ruan Yu buried her face in the pillow. Her heart was restless.

She longed for what was going to happen but was nervous about it.

She buried her face even deeper into the pillow and refused to look up when she heard the rustling sound next to the bed.

Then she heard a husky voice from above her head: “There’s no turning back. It’s too late to regret it.”

Ruan Yu jumped: “Wait, wait a moment……”

Xu Huaisong took a deep breath and continued to coax her patiently and gently.

Ruan Yu felt like a lone boat drifting on the ocean. Surrounded by ferocious waves, there was no way for her to escape.

Ruan Yu was as tense as a cooked shrimp: “You, how would you know how……”

Xu Huaisong climbed up and used his nose tip to touch hers: “Because I’ve drilled it many times in my head.”

He touched her sweaty forehead and asked: “Is it ok now?”

Ruan Yu bit her lips and didn’t say anything. Xu Huaisong realized that she had given her consent in silence.

When it finally happened, both of them groaned at the same time.

Xu Huaisong paused and asked her: “Does it hurt?”

Ruan Yu shook her head: “It’s, it’s alright……but I……”

Xu Huaisong patiently asked her: “But what?”

“But I feel like crying……”

Xu Huaisong kissed her forehead: “Silly.”

But Ruan Yu really started crying, tears began to well up in her eyes.

Ruan Yu said while sniffling: “Xu Huaisong, I……”

“I love you.” He interrupted her: “I should be the one who says it first.”

Ruan Yu tightly embraced his back and nodded, then nodded again: “I love you too, probably even more so than you’ve imagined.”

Xu Huaisong’s heart trembled and he continued moving.

Ruan Yu felt that it was a very, very long night. It was so long that she could even see to the end of her whole life.

When Ruan Yu woke up the next morning, she wasn’t in Xu Huaisong’s arms like in those dramas.

She was woken up by the noise of running water.

She opened her eyes and discovered that there was no one next to her but the sheet was still warm.

Xu Huaisong was washing up in the bathroom, probably having just gotten up not too long ago.

In a daze, Ruan Yu blinked her eyes and saw the daylight shine through the gap between the curtains. She slowly woke up and the events of last night also became clearer and clearer in her head.

She and Xu Huaisong had finally taken that step.

From 16 to 18 years old, they held hands once. From May to September when she was 26 years old, they took that step.

It was quite fast yet slow at the same time.

Translated by Team DHH at

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