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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 50 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 50 Part 2

The two police men looked at each other.

Fang Zhen asked Sun Miaohan: “Was this a cigarette you smoked?”

Sun Miaohan shook her head in surprise: “No, I don’t smoke. It’s him……”

Xu Huaisong frowned and came up to say: “Ms. Sun had said that Mr. Wei had hastily left when the alarm sounded?”

Sun Miaohan nodded and lowered her head to look at the butt. She looked at Ruan Yu with a baffled expression, unable to see a connection between the two.

The three men in the room all looked rather serious. Ruan Yu didn’t dare say anything. After a short while, Fang Zhen picked up the butt to put into an evidence bag and said to his colleague: “Take it to the lab for a narcotics test.”

Sun Miaohan gasped.

Fang Zhen said: “Does Ms. Sun know anything about Mr. Wei in this regard?”

Sun Miaohan shook her head with widened eyes. After a short pause, she said in a low voice: “I only remember that last night he was smoking this cigarette while……” She couldn’t continue and looked over at Ruan Yu, the only other woman in the room, for help.

Ruan Yu took over the conversation: “I’ve heard from a friend that Mr. Wei has some unusual disposition in regard to ‘those’ things……”

“We can’t rule out the possibility that he uses narcotics to arouse himself when he seeks physical stimulation.” Xu Huaisong added to the conversation without any change in his expression: “Officer Fang, if possible, I hope the police will give due consideration to Ms. Sun’s personal safety. I don’t think it will be a good idea to summon Mr. Wei based on the case of ‘sexual assault.’”

Fang Zhen nodded: “If the lab result is what we are suspecting, we’ll apply for a confidential inquiry.”

After the talk with the police ended, Xu Huaisong let Ruan Yu contact the Cen family.

Cen Rongshen learned that they wanted to do some more investigation on the plagiarism issue and invited both of them to go to his office.

The Cen family made their fortune in the real estate business and had since expanded to various other fields, including gaming, tourism, and filming.

When Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong arrived at Cen Rongshen’s office, he was in the meeting with his upper management team. He received them after the meeting was over. Xu Huaisong went straight to the point that they had come hoping to revisit the records about Cen Sisi paying for spammers and buying trending hashtags.

Cen Rongshen had always been very sorry about the incident and very cooperative to the request. He let his secretary forward all the related records over and said: “Mr. Xu, all the records I have are here. I think it's probably incomplete.”

Xu Huaisong looked everything over and answered after a short moment of silence: “Mr. Cen, this probably is the complete record.”

“What do you mean, Mr. Xu?”

“I’m terribly sorry, it’s my mistake.”

Actually, Cen Sisi had already explained it in the recording of her phone conversation with Ruan Yu before. She had said that she had only hired a small group of spammers to test the water and didn’t understand herself why the topic went viral all of a sudden.

At the time, Xu Huaisong and Liu Mao both thought that Cen Sisi was making an excuse and didn’t think too much about it since they were in a hurry to recover Ruan Yu’s reputation. They had overlooked the real driving force behind the scene.

Xu Huaisong had been very quiet while driving after they came out of Cen’s office.

Ruan Yu looked at him: “It’s alright. You said it yourself that lawyers aren’t gods. It’s not too late to find out about it now. The problem is what should we do afterwards……”

“The crimes Wei Jin has committed in the past few years must be quite a few. But he’s used to exploiting legal loopholes. Attempted rape or illegal possession of drugs are of no importance to him; buying people to make a hashtag virl even more so.”

Indeed, with the relationship between Ruan Yu and Global Filming, it wasn’t a proper move to make a big deal about this. Even if the case were brought to court, the compensation he would have to pay would be nothing to him.

“Then, we can only watch him get away from all these?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head: “We have to hit him where it hurts. I asked the police to apply for a confidential inquiry to find where it hurts for him. This kind of person usually has a shady background and there must be a source where he gets his drugs. If we can prove that he is not only illegally possessing narcotics, but also illegally transporting or even selling narcotics, then no matter how powerful his backing is, they won’t be able to cover for him anymore.”

Ruan Yu nodded.

“But if the investor of the movie got arrested, then your movie project would be delayed or even be canceled.”

“It’s nothing. Nothing is more important than to rid the people of an evil!” 

Xu Huaisong was amused by the heroic expression on her face. 

Translated by Team DHH at

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