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Thursday, September 1, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 50 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 50 Part 1

Before Sun Miaohan left, Ruan Yu urged her to cut off all ties with Global Filming.

Sun Miaohan nodded and said she would. But she turned around after just walking out of the apartment: “Jiejie, actually I’m a little baffled……”


“Last night the alarm didn’t go on for long and management quickly made it clear that it was a false alarm. However, before that happened, he had already hastily driven away. Why would he leave me alone so easily?”

Ruan Yu shook her head to indicate that she had no clue either. She turned to take a look at Xu Huaisong just as Sun Miaohan’s cell phone started ringing.

Sun Miaohan picked up the call but soon tears started to well up in her eyes. She talked on the cell phone: “Auntie, I really don’t want to call the police…… Forget about it, it’s no use……”

There was a high pitch sound coming from the cell phone. It was a voice with an accent: “What has this world come to that we can’t even call the police when bullied? You just wait there, the police will be there very soon. You tell them everything so they can take that guy to jail!”

After hanging up the phone, Sun Miaohan took a deep breath and held back the tears as she spoke to Ruan Yu: “Jiejie, I have to go upstairs now. My aunt back home was very angry after learning all this and has called the police for me.”

Ruan Yu patted her shoulder and watched her go into the elevator. She turned to see Xu Huaisong sitting on the couch, pinching between his eyes. She walked over and asked: “Is the situation quite complicated?”

“According to what you told me last night, she didn’t resist at all, at least when they were under surveillance in the elevator. It would be quite difficult for the police to file a case simply based upon her statement about what happened after they entered her apartment. If the police were to investigate this matter and after summoning the other party to find that they can’t file a case against him, what do you think Wei Jin would do afterwards?”

Ruan Yu pressed her lips together and didn’t say anything.

Though what he said was cruel, the reality would be exactly like he said.

Sun Miaohan wouldn’t be the only case on Wei Jin’s hand. But most of the girls chose to compromise instead of hitting a rock with an egg.

A person like Wei Jin is used to doing whatever he wants and wouldn’t care about a particular girl. If this time Sun Miaohan left because she “couldn’t afford to play the game”, he probably would forget about her in no time.

But if she made a big deal about this incident, offended him, and the law wasn’t able to punish him, then the situation might wind up even more ugly.

Xu Huaisong shut his eyes before opening them to say: “You met Wei Jin last night. If the police get involved, you’ll inevitably get entangled in it. Even the smoke alarm incident will be exposed as well. Sun Miaohan could just leave, but you have a contract with Global Filming. What are you going to do then?”

All men are selfish.

As a lawyer, Xu Huaisong would provide legal support if Sun Miaohan wanted to pursue it. But as a boyfriend, he didn’t want Ruan Yu to get involved.

Xu Huaisong rubbed his temples: “I’ll go up to the 15th floor to see what’s going on.”

Ruan Yu followed Xu Huaisong to the 15th floor, Fang Zhen and another police officer were already asking Sun Miaohan questions. There was a police dog on a leash at the door.

Ruan Yu asked in a small voice: “Why is there a police dog here?”

Xu Huaisong didn’t know the answer either and shook his head.

Fang Zhen was surprised to see the two and the other police officer was dumbfounded: “Hm, Ms. Ruan, Mr. Xu, we’ve met again!”

Ruan Yu held onto her forehead and was wondering whether she had the same sort of luck as Mouri Kogoro.[1] 

Noticing that Ruan Yu kept looking at the police dog, the police officer explained: “It’s a misunderstanding. The person who called the police said that the suspect had run away from the crime scene, so we thought we needed to track the suspect down.”

Sun Miaohan apologetically said: “My bad, my aunt didn’t know the exact circumstances……”

She then continued to describe what had happened last night.

Fang Zhen then asked Ruan Yu for details again. In the end, he wanted to confirm all the items which Wei Jin had touched last night.

Sun Miaohan walked into the kitchen to take out the trash bag and said: “I’ve already swept up all the broken glasses and pillow stuffing. They are all here……” As she was talking, the police dog at the door suddenly started barking furiously and tried to break loose to charge at her.

Sun Miaohan jumped and threw down the trash bag.

The two policemen rushed over, one trying to calm the dog down and the other to check the trash bag.

Fang Zhen put on gloves and carefully flipped through the content inside the bag while asking: “Is there something with blood on it?”

Sun Miaohan was frightened and stammered: “No, nothing……!”

The police dog was still barking hard and the police officer couldn’t get it to calm down. Fang Zhen turned his head to say: “Let Xinxin come and smell it.”

The other police officer released the dog.

The dog, Xinxin, immediately pounced over and nosed through items in the bag. Finally it brought out a cigarette butt.

[1]: Mouri Kogoro is a character from Detective Conan. Normally Conan solves the case while Kogoro is asleep or knocked out. It’s not clear what the Author intended by the comparison. We interpret the original text to imply that Ruan Yu seems to run into crimes as frequently as Mouri Kogoro does.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Maybe this Wei guy was the one who murdered that girl. He seems psycho enough
