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Thursday, September 8, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 50 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 50 Chapter 3

Xu Huaisong said a little while later: “Didn’t you ask me before what I and Li Shican went to talk about that day in his agency’s office?”

Ruan Yun gave him a glance: “So you’re finally willing to talk about it?”

“I wasn’t sure about Global Filming’s overall strategy at the time, but I was quite dubious about the fact that they chose him as the male lead from the beginning: why it happened to be him.”

“He kept becoming a trending topic then and I suspected that Global Filming would disclose the relationship between you, him, and Cen Sisi right before the film came out to promote the film. So I developed a contingency plan with him that day.”

“What kind of plan?”

Xu Huaisong curled his lips upwards: “In light of what Wei Jin’s facing right now, there’s probably no need for the plan anymore.”

“So you still don’t plan to talk about it?”


Ruan Yu took a deep breath and pouted to say: “Then it’ll be better off that you didn’t bring it up at all!”

The car stopped at the red light. Xu Huaisong used one of his hands to stroke Ruan Yu’s hair: “I can stay here for over a month this time. In addition to following up on the police investigation of Wei Jin’s background, I’ll mainly focus on Zhou Jun’s case. Besides these two things, I’ll spend the rest of my time with you.”

Ruan Yu harrumphed in a low voice: “Then what about your lawyer exam?[1] This is the first year of the new format. All the exam models have changed, what luck you have to happen to be the first group to take it.”

Xu Huaisong almost choked: “I’m studying.”

“Tsk, what a pity. You better spend less time with me and do more practice. If you don’t pass the exam, you can’t take any cases; if you don’t have any cases, then you’ll be unemployed and I’ll have to support you with my royalties.”

Xu Huaisong moved his hand down to her forehead and gestured to flick her.

Ruan Yu shrunk her neck: “Woa, the lawyer’s committing a crime!”

Xu Huaisong laughed out and used his thumb to rub her forehead instead.

Ruan Yu used both hands to grab onto his and put it in between hers: “You just said that you’ll leave after a month?”

“About a month.”

Ruan Yu released his hand and took out her cell phone to search on Baidu: [how to apply for a passport.]

She got a general idea after a quick search. Then, after they came back to her apartment, she pushed Xu Huaisong to study.

She dragged Xu Huaisong to sit on the coach. He speechlessly looked at all the books on the coffee table that included constitutional law, civil law, commercial law, criminal law, economic law, and international law.

Ruan Yu flipped through some of the book with interest and mumbled: “I almost can’t recognize the word ‘law’ now…… Why don’t we start with doing some practice tests?”


Ruan Yu opened a book called <Lawyer Exam in 70 Days> and noticed that it was all blank inside. She asked him: “Choose a number from one to ten?”


Ruan Yu flipped to the seventh set of questions and handed a pen over to him. She opened her cell phone to start a timer: “Come, volume 3 of the seventh set. Get ready, I’ll time it for you.”

Xu Huaisong sighed and started to work on the problems. Half an hour later, he frowned and reached over at the book for economic law.

Ruan Yu stopped him: “Wait? How can you check the book while doing the test, will they let you do that during the exam?”

Xu Huaisong was a little short of confidence: “This is quite different from the US law system. I haven’t memorized economic law yet.”

“The purpose of doing practice tests is to find out your current readiness. If you don’t know the answer, so be it. Don’t try to get away from it.”

Xu Huaisong had no choice but to retract his hand and continued with the questions.

Ruan Yu touched his head: “There's a reward if you get over 90 points.”

Xu Huaisong tilted his head: “What kind of reward?”

“I’ll let you know after you’re done.”

Xu Huaisong cast his eyes down and decided to guess through the rest of the questions.

He would choose the longest answer if the choices were three short answers and one long one. If there were three long ones and one short, he would choose the shortest. If two short and two long ones, he would choose B. If the choices were at different lengths, he would choose C.

When he was close to finishing the test, Ruan Yu heard him start coughing a lot.

“Your throat’s not feeling well?”


“Then I’ll get some water for you.”

Ruan Yu stood up and walked away.

Xu Huaisong quickly flipped to the answer keys section. As he was busy looking for volume 3 in the seventh set, suddenly he heard a call in a rather chilling voice –  – “Mr. Xu.”

He paused and looked up.

Ruan Yu was holding an empty glass while leaning against the kitchen door. She looked at him and said: “I knew you were faking it. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I got a teaching certificate after graduating from college. I know only too well people like you who try to cheat.”

[1]: The official name of the exam is: China's Unified Qualification Exam for Legal Professionals. It is a government issued license / exam to be a practicing lawyer in China.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. I love their interactions. I hope he bought the "utensils" already. I want to see the other kind of interaction too
