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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 48 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 48 Part 3

Xu Huaisong also started cleaning after he returned to Ruan Yu’s apartment.

There was water all over the living room. Most of the furniture was damp. It was going to take some effort to dry them all.

As he was using a towel to soak up water from the couch, he heard the sound of a vibrating cell phone in the bedroom. He went to take a look and found Ruan Yu’s phone, which was charging at the moment. The phone screen showed that it was a call from Li Shican.

Xu Huaisong didn’t answer it. Soon afterwards, the phone started ringing for a second time.

When the phone rang for the third time, Xu Huaisong had to pick up the call. As the call connected, he could hear Li Shican saying while puffing: “Finally you answer the phone. Are you going to scare me to death……”

Xu Huaisong paused and wasn't able to utter “hello”.

Since there was no response, Li Shican hurriedly said: “What’s the situation over there now? I’m downstairs at your apartment.”

Xu Huaisong finally answered: “She’s alright now.”

It became dead quiet at the other end of the phone.

It took at least ten seconds before Li Shican, who was standing in front of the elevator at the lobby, could make a hollow laughing sound and asked to make sure: “Lawyer Xu?”


“It’s good that everything’s fine. She gave me a call earlier but it was cut off before we finished talking. I was worried, so……”


“Then, I’ll head back.”


Xu Huaisong slowly put the phone down after hanging up.

He didn’t need to check the phone record or ask any more questions.

The battery was running low when the whole incident happened, but the last person Ruan Yu called wasn’t him but Li Shican.

Xu Huaisong looked down to see that there were 17 missed calls. At the same time, he recalled the scene the other day when Li Shican rushed into the break room because he thought something had happened to Ruan Yu.

For a whole ten minutes, he stood in the dark bedroom without moving until the apartment door opened.

Ruan Yu called him from the living room: “Huaisong?”

He opened his mouth but no sound came out of it.

“Are you in the bedroom?” Ruan Yu put on slippers and waded through the water on the ground to go into the bedroom. Before she could see anything clearly, she was pulled over and forced to the wall.

In the darkness, a familiar male body scent washed over her and Xu Huaisong’s lips landed on hers.

Ruan Yu jumped and wanted to ask “what’s wrong”, but Xu Huaisong misinterpreted her open mouth.

Xu Huaisong kissed her, forcefully, direct, and without reservation, as if he wanted to consume her.

He pushed her against the wall, his body tightly against hers.

Ruan Yu passively received his kisses, with the vague feeling that Xu Huaisong seemed to be trembling.

He was trembling despite being so aggressive.

He was aggressive, but seemed to be afraid of something and wanted to be reassured from the intimacy.

Ruan Yu was having a hard time breathing easily and tried to push him away.

But Xu Huaisong didn’t stop.

His burning palms began to move around her back as if he was trying to find an emotional outlet but couldn’t find it.

He left her lips but moved to kiss the back of her ear and at the same time, his right hand reached under her top and began to move upwards

Ruan Yu shook: “Huaisong, Huaisong, what’s going on with you……”

Xu Huaisong stubbornly moved his hand to unbuckle her bra. Ruan Yu jumped and tried to pull his hand off.

Xu Huaisong paused and was suddenly still as a statue.

Translated by Team DHH at

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