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Thursday, August 11, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 48 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 48 Part 2

On her way to go downstairs, Ruan Yu met her landlord’s family who had just gotten out of the elevator.

The kind lady landlord came up to Ruan Yu and said with a smile: “Fortunately it wasn’t a real fire. It’s alright, the alarms in the building have gone off like this before. We just treat it like we’re doing an exercise. It’s just like a fire drill; if there’s a real fire, then won't we all know what to do and to evacuate even quicker?”

Ruan Yu knew she was comforting her and appreciatively nodded: “Sorry to cause trouble for you.”

The lady landlord shook her head to show that she didn’t really mind it and asked: “Is that your boyfriend downstairs?”


“Quite a nice young man.” She smiled: “When we were all evacuating, he was the only one who went the opposite direction to go up. He wouldn’t listen when people tried to stop him and kept saying– – ‘my girlfriend’s still up there’.”

Ruan Yu felt a lump in her throat. Her eyes, which were reddish from the smoke, began to moisten.

After the landlord’s family went back to their apartment, Ruan Yu walked up to the window on the hallway to look down. She could still see a few residents lingering downstairs. They probably wouldn’t let the incident go quietly and were still circling around someone from management demanding an explanation.

Under the streetlight, Xu Huaisong seemed to be apologizing to them. He bowed deeply at 90 degrees to each one of them.

Ruan Yu turned to run into the elevator. When she arrived at the first floor, she saw Xu Huaisong walking into the building from outside.

Even though it was in a public place, Ruan Yu went up to embrace him and bury her head in his chest: “Sorry to put you through that.”

Xu Huaisong touched the back of her head and lowered his head with a smile: “Put me through what? It wasn’t a real fire and there’s still a chance to apologize, isn’t that good?”

Ruan Yu sniffled and tightened her grip on him.

Suddenly, a female voice came behind him: “I’m sorry……”

It was the voice of Sun Miaohan.

Ruan Yu quickly released Xu Huaisong and turned to look at her. Sun Miaohan’s eyes were reddish and her hair was a mess. Ruan Yu went up to her to ask: “You alright?”

Sun Miaohan shook her head and tears started to stream down.

Ruan Yu patted her shoulder to comfort her and asked: “Where’s he?”

“He’s gone……” Sun Miaohan replied while sobbing: “When the alarm sounded, I ran down the stairs with neighbors while it was chaotic and saw him drive away.”

Ruan Yu: “En.” She thought for a moment and turned to tell Xu Huaisong: “I’ll take her up first.”

She thought it was inconvenient to ask Sun Miaohan too many details in front of a man. Ruan Yu waited till they were back in Sun Miaohan’s apartment to ask: “What exactly happened?”

As she was asking, she saw the living room was in a jumble, an overturned floor lamp, broken glass, torn apart pillows……

It didn’t look like a casting couch situation.

This was a scene of attempted rape.

For a moment, Ruan Yu felt like she was suffocating, like there was a load in her chest.

She didn’t even have the courage to ask for the details anymore.

Sun Miaohan wiped her tears and said: “He’s at the top of management at Global Filming. The other day he saw my performance and told me that he liked my acting and would make me the female lead of the film. Tonight, he took me to have dinner with a director and said he would take me home afterwards……”

“I’m so stupid and didn’t even understand what he actually meant. I thought he was just going to see me home. It didn’t dawn on me until we were in the elevator and he started to touch me……”

Sun Miaohan didn’t continue, probably not wanting to remember or felt too embarrassed to talk about it. She picked up the broom to start cleaning the broken pieces of glasses.

Ruan Yu also knelt down to help her pick up the floor lamp. She asked: “You’ve avoided him tonight, but what do you plan to do in the future?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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