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Thursday, August 18, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 49 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 49 Part 1

In the quiet room, all the passion suddenly disappeared. There was only the sound of their panting that intertwined and echoed with the sound of dripping water in the living room.

After a moment of stillness, Xu Huaisong moved his hands off Ruan Yu and stepped back a little.

Losing the support of Xu Huaisong’s hands, Ruan Yu’s knees buckled and almost slid down to the floor along the wall. Xu Huaisong held her up.

Ruan Yu didn’t know why Xu Huaisong suddenly lost control of his emotions. But from just this short minute of intimacy, she realized that– –they were no longer the teenagers from eight years ago.

They had passed the age when they would be satisfied with simply strolling hand in hand when they were together.

Or perhaps it had already happened earlier, starting with the kiss before he left for the US, the kind of affection of the adult world had already been brewing.

Since they had been physically apart for almost a month, they had forgotten the feeling of physical contact. Ruan Yu hadn’t had the chance to adjust her mindset when they got together again and so she had subconsciously pushed back when faced with the sudden intimacy.

She didn’t feel nervous until now and belatedly felt a tingling in her body.

Her face turned bright red and she didn’t know where to look. Finally, her eyes landed on her own nose tip.

She didn’t know what to do with how Xu Huaisong was looking at her and the loosened buckles on her back.

Just as Ruan Yu was debating whether she should reach behind her back and fasten the buckles, Xu Huaisong moved first and raised his hands to reach over her back.

His palms were burning hot, making her shiver, but his movements were quite gentle.

In contrast to his aggressiveness earlier, Xu Huaisong now gently touched her back over her shirt trying to find the buckles so he could fasten them back on.

Ruan Yu never thought that a man would, in such a situation, stay put to try to pick up “the slack” and not turn away in a hurry to go to the bathroom to “calm down.”

His movement was clumsy but gentle.

Ruan Yu felt her heart melt.

She thought her reaction earlier must have hurt his feelings. She suddenly reached over to embrace him as he was still fighting to fasten the buckles back.

Xu Huaisong stopped and lowered his head to look at her.

Ruan Yu mumbled in a small voice: “You can’t buckle them this way……”

Xu Huaisong didn’t release his hold on the buckles: “What?”

“You can……” She buried her head in front of his chest. Her voice was stuffy and a little blurry: “You can reach in……”

Xu Huaisong’s Adam’s apple rolled a little and responded with an “en.” He reached under her shirt again but tried to avoid touching her smooth skin. He attempted to fasten the buckles with just one precise try.

But it wasn’t an easy task. He seemed afraid of making close contact with her again, afraid of being turned away again. He hesitated.

In the suffocating silence, Ruan Yu’s heart was pounding. She gritted her teeth and said: “You can also touch me……”

Xu Huaisong swallowed again. He said “en” after a short pause, then started fumbling around.

The moment they touched skin, both of them shuddered.

Xu Huaisong refastened the buckles, moved his hands out of her shirt, but didn’t offer any explanation for his earlier actions. He lowered his head to say: “You go take a shower first. I’ll clean the living room. Water will seep downstairs if it's left there for too long.

Ruan Yu nodded and turned to go away.

By the time she came out of the bathroom, the once messy living room had become tidy again.

Xu Huaisong was using a blow dryer to dry a stack of papers with lots of notes on them on the coffee table.

He noticed that Ruan Yu had come out of the bathroom with wet hair. He turned off the blow dryer and shook it in his hand.

Translated by Team DHH at

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