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Saturday, March 27, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 152 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 152 Part 3

Tong Yao had three misconceptions which contributed to her mistake-- --

I have an advantage.

I can carry.

I can get a kill.

After Tong Yao died, she saw a wave of minions move up and signaled Old K to come and farm the minions so they don’t go to waste. Meantime she could only watch helplessly as Ai Jia’s creep score caught up to her and even go beyond hers……

The match had reached the 12th minute, the gold gap between the two teams had shrunk to about 700, which was an insignificant amount-- --An opponent that keeps looking for opportunities to make up their differences in economy was a tough opponent to deal with. YQCB hounded them, looking for weaknesses, and constantly employed diversionary tactics, before long they had gradually made up the disadvantage they had suffered earlier.

Tong Yao grew rather cautious after her death from being too prideful. Nevertheless, that experience seemed to have been a breaking point for her. In the following five minutes, YQCB’s jungler and support duo had come over three times. They managed to kill Tong Yao in one of the three attacks and forced her to use flash in another one. She had to return to home base with a sliver of health left……

On her way back, she again watched another wave of minions that she couldn’t get. She felt like her heart was bleeding and misstepped on the edge of a cliff-- --Her teammates were all quiet for a while, then Little Fatty comforted her: “Steady, steady, it’s alright.” Lu Sicheng’s calm voice also chimed in: “Don’t worry, it’s alright.”

Tong Yao bit her lower lip: “No, it’s not alright. I’m in big trouble.”

Everyone: “......”

Tong Yao was having a difficult time since the other side was targeting her. She couldn’t even farm properly. For a whole five minutes, her development speed was only half of the opposing mid…… Though Lu Sicheng was a bit ahead on creep score, he was pinned down by Pope at bot and couldn’t go anywhere else. The only help that Little Fatty’s Tahm could offer was assisting Tong Yao in escaping. Tahm’s ability to initiate small scale team fights was not as good as the opposing team’s Bard……

The match was dragging into the mid game.

By this point, ZGDX had completely lost their small advantage. It was YQCB which was in control of the tempo of the game now and their economy had surpassed ZGDX.

Seeing that Lu Sicheng was locked at bot by Pope and couldn’t take over the game, Tong Yao called Old K to come help look for opportunities to counter attack-- --After another few small scale team fights, ZGDX still didn’t gain the lead and their economy was lagging even further behind. ZGDX had to give up on looking for fights but to focus on developing……

At the 27th minute, YQCB took down an ocean drake.

At the 32nd minute, ZGDX’s top teleported to mid and worked in coordination with Lu Sicheng’s ultimate to tear YQCB’s bot duo apart. But YQCB’s Gragas blew all four of them up, then he worked with Gangplank’s powder keg, blasting ZGDX so that they were all on the verge of death. Tong Yao’s Syndra threw a Dark Sphere at Ekko, but Ekko was still able to clean up all four ZGDX players with help from his ultimate-- --YQCB was able to get back on top by losing their duo at bot, netting two extra kills.

At the 32nd minute, 11th second, YQCB started to fight Baron. Old K’s Elise went down to Baron’s arena to try and steal the kill, but died instead.

The entire audience thought that YQCB was in control of the game’s tempo now.

At the 33rd minute, 8th second, Old Cat’s Lissandra respawned and teleported to his ward in the bush near blue buff, directly under Baron’s arena, and forced herself in. She worked with Lu Sicheng’s Jhin to stun the other side’s weakened Gangplank and kill him. At the same time, Little Fatty rushed over and swallowed Old Cat, who had only a sliver of health left, and ran away. Tong Yao also rushed over to take care of the rest, killing the three remaining weakened YQCB players!

Everyone shouted in amazement: Damn, a turn-based strategy game!

Translated by Team DHH at