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Monday, March 29, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 152 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 152 Part 4

At the 38th minute, 29th second, three ZGDX players killed YQCB’s bot duo. YQCB’s jungler Gragas rushed over to help but didn’t arrive in time to save his teammates. At the same time, ZGDX’s Elise slung herself skywards to avoid Ashe’s ultimate and killed Gragas the moment she landed back on ground. After killing three enemies almost simultaneously, ZGDX then took down the Elder Dragon! !

ZGDX, now with Elder Dragon’s buff, destroyed two of YQCB’s turrets, one after the other. Then they also killed the enemy top, Gangplank, to caught up to the other side’s gold count and then went beyond-- --

Everyone called out in amazement again: Damn, a clash between Titans!

At the 45th minute, the two teams started another fight over Baron. YQCB had weakened Lu Sicheng first before initiating the fight as a last-ditch effort to come back on top. They didn’t expect Lu Sicheng would stand way behind Little Fatty and target his ultimate solidly on the enemy's jungler and kill him. Old K’s Elise, at the same time, slung down to the Baron pit and secured Baron with smite!

The audience stood up, applauded, and cheered!

Commentator A: [The almanac today really has everything written out! ! ! ! -- --Whoever starts making trouble will get shortchanged!]

At the 48th minute, 11th second mark, ZGDX led a wave of minions into the enemy’s base. They killed the other side’s top Gangplank, then their ad Ashe, and only the tanky Ekko, mid, was left shivering. The first round had thus ended!


Tong Yao took off her headphones. There was no smile on her face, instead she looked somewhat pale. Not only had she failed to carry the team’s momentum when she had the advantage in the early game, but instead somehow got herself killed. The team almost went down with her at the same time…… Fortunately, at that fight for Baron, Old Cat took the risk to teleport there and take down Baron, turning the game around for ZGDX. Otherwise, she would be the one that would be blamed if they lost this round.

A player’s mindset, skill, and even the ability to grasp the overall situation are all trainable. But a player’s play style is hard to change.

…...She remembered that ever since she started playing professionally, Lu Sicheng had said that a player like Ai Jia who has a steady playstyle and always looks for opportunities to strike would be her jinx. Judging from what had happened today, it seemed quite true.

The kind of dreadful feeling she felt after losing the match in the group round, which she thought she had already overcome, had now swept over her again…… On her way back to the breakroom, Tong Yao was a bit absent-minded and almost fell from a misstep on the stairs off the stage-- --Luckily, Lu Sicheng who was behind her reached over in time to steady her. After taking off his headphones after the match, Lu Sicheng had been keeping an eye on her.

Tong Yao looked up and met those dark brown eyes. She paused for a moment, then turned her hand around to grab Lu Sicheng’s sleeve: “Let Lu Yue play the next round.”

“......” Lu Sicheng took a glance at her, released his hold on her hand, then turned his head away: “No switching. Rotations are only for strategies.”

“But this is the finals. Such an important match, you can’t-- --”

“This is only a regional competition and you’ve become so fragile that you habitually run away from it. When we’re playing the international competition, every round will be very important and you expect Lu Yue to finish playing every round for you?-- --Today’s a best of 5, you’ll have to finish playing all of it even if your life's on the line.”


Tong Yao jumped up to hit his head, then turned around to find Xiao Rui.

Xiao Rui was nowhere to be found. Then she heard Lu Sicheng use an indifferent tone of voice to say behind her: “I said no switching and that’s it. No need to beg others.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng was her boyfriend.

But when they went on stage, he was just the callous Captain Lu.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Yaoyao, Don't run cos captain and your team will be your backbone

  2. Yao Yao, don’t be scared, go head strong and beat that stupid Ai Jia!!
