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Friday, March 26, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 152 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 152 Part 2

As they were bickering, Pope’s q ability had already reached the maximum number of Focus stacks, which increases Ashe’s attack speed, and rushed forward striking with multiple basic attacks before unleashing her w ability, “volley.” As her arrows flew at him, Little Fatty, noticing that both flash and exhaust were still on cooldown, began trying to retreat under the turret. As he did so, the enemy Gragas suddenly appeared and seemed to be planning on using his exploding barrels to force Little Fatty forwards into Ashe’s attack range, who could then finish him off from outside the turret’s range-- --

Unfortunately for the enemy team, their coordination was a little off. Their support cast exhaust on Lu Sicheng as Pope dove under the turret and followed right behind Pope, but he was a bit too slow at starting to tank hits from the turret as Pope had already been hit a couple times. Though Little Fatty had a sliver of health left, he was able to devour Pope. At the same time, Lu Sicheng used heal to help Little Fatty’s flagging health. By the time Little Fatty regurgitated Pope, his health bar was in a poor state, just like Little Fatty’s.

Old K yelled: “I can’t go over! Mid Ai Jia’s blocking me! Tong Yao! Come beat him up!”

At the same time, Ashe failed at her tower dive and could only use heal and flash to run away before all her health was gone-- --Seeing he had lost the chance to kill Ashe, Little Fatty angrily slapped down on the keyboard: “Damn, he’d be dead if only my exhaust was back two seconds earlier! ! ! ! !”

“If you had your exhaust, he wouldn’t have come up so hastily.” Lu Sicheng was rather calm: “He’s very good at tower diving and quite accurate at calculating this sort of thing, he just won’t die unless their jungler and support don’t arrive in time to back him up…… This time around, the success of his tower dive all depended on the jungler and support tanking properly.”

Lu Sicheng had just finished talking as Tong Yao, who had already worked together with Old K to force the other side’s mid back, blocked the retreating jungler, then killed him-- --

First blood!

After the intense tower dive at bot, mid followed with a kill!

Amid the loud applause and laughter from the audience, Commentator A kept talking: [The beginning of this match clearly tells us that the almanac says today is not a good day to initiate any trouble; the one making trouble will usually have to pay a heavy price.]

Commentator B: [Then, later on, whoever initiates the fight against Baron-- --]

Commentator A: [..................................Don’t say it. I’m scared.]

YQCB failed at their first tower dive attempt and their bot duo was forced to return home. In addition, ZGDX’s mid had killed their jungler. Tong Yao and Old K went down to bot to team up with Little Fatty and Lu Sicheng to push the outer turret at YQCB’s bot-- --At this time, Ai Jia went up to top to work together with Top Rongrong to push ZGDX’s top outer turret. However, ZGDX moved faster than YQCB, after getting the 650 gold from destroying the turret, they also took down the first drake immediately afterwards.

The match had been going on for nine minutes and the economic gap between the two teams was about 1500 gold. The duo at bot switched lanes to top and the match, after a little period of chaos, had returned to the laning phase.

Commentator A: [With one kill in hand and a several dozen lead in farm, Smiling should be feeling quite good now.]

Commentator B: [It’s hard to say; it depends on who she’s facing in lane-- --Ai Jia is the kind of player who’s good at looking for opportunity when under pressure. Facing him during the laning phase would be troublesome if she thinks she has the advantage and plans to kill him.]

What happened next proved that Commentator B truly had the potential to be a jinx. Right after his words, Tong Yao moved forward, cleared the minions, and threw a Dark Sphere at Ai Jia but he managed to avoid it. Then Ai Jia moved backwards a little bit-- --Tong Yao didn’t think too much about it but moved in simply because she felt that she could kill him-- --She entered the range of the turret and was stunned by Ekko. Ekko came and casted a combo of abilities plus his ultimate, then retreated out of Tong Yao’s attack range. Tong Yao’s health diminished quickly and she wanted to retreat. As she was moving out of the turret’s range, Gragas, who had just respawned, came up and blew Tong Yao back under the range of the turret and successfully got Tong Yao killed!

Commentator A: [Aiya, she’s too hasty this time. Too hasty!]  

Commentator B: [What did I just say! Ai Jia is very good under pressure. No matter how much of an advantage you have, he can still fight back! Now another wave of minions is coming, Smiling’s going to lose on a whole wave of minions and all the advantages she had built up earlier will be wiped out! She’s really getting in over her head.]

Translated by Team DHH at

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