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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 102 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 102 Part 3 
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Deng Wenbo, to tell the truth, didn’t really care whether his team could survive or not. But looking at Yang Yin’s face, he knew there wasn’t any possibility for her to stay. He somewhat depressingly said: “I’m so regretful now.”

“What? I’ve brought the team back up and now you’re regretful? Haven’t you seen how they wrote about you? All compliments. Boss, you’ve earned big, alright? Now even if you don’t want the team, you can sell it without any problem. If you’re really interested in selling it, I can even find a buyer for you.”

“I’m not talking about that.”

“Then what is it?”

“I regret knowing you. If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t feel like how I feel now, feeling bad everyday. I feel bad if I don’t see you, but I still feel bad when I do see you.”

Yang Yin was stunned at those words. She couldn’t really see her boss being such a melancholic person.

Just as she didn’t know how to respond to her boss, Shen Zemu, with a box in arms, touched Deng Wenbo: “Excuse me.” As he was speaking, he didn’t wait for Deng Wenbo’s response and walked by directly between Yang Yin and Deng Wenbo.

Yang Yin took the chance to say: “Boss, I have to go pack my things.” Then she ran away.

Deng Wenbo didn’t even get a hug from her.


Yang Yin planned to move all of her stuff back to her own place. She had bought the place two years ago. Since it was a small unit, the price tag wasn’t too expensive but she was still paying a mortgage every month.

The route from the club to her place would pass by Shen Zemu’s school. The two of them took the same taxi, packed with all their things.

When Shen Zemu arrived at his school, he told the driver when he got off: “Wait here for me.”

The driver asked: “You’re coming back?”


Yang Yin didn’t think it was necessary: “You don’t have to. I can handle it myself.”

“It’s alright. I have time.”

Shen Zemu didn’t have a lot of stuff and had put everything in a cardboard box. He dropped off the box at his dorm, then went back to help Yang Yin move.

By the time they arrived at Yang Yin’s place, it was already evening. Yang Yin had a lot more stuff to move. Shen Zemu ran up and down several times and was all sweaty.

The driver told Yang Yin: “Your boyfriend’s really nice.”

Yang Yin was secretly quite happy to hear that, but she still had to explain: “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“He’s not? Too bad. Oh, my daughter is about the same age as him. I want to introduce……”

“Don’t you do that.” Yang Yin said.

After they moved everything in and sent the driver away, Yang Yin asked Shen Zemu: “What do you want to eat for dinner?”


“Then I’ll cook for you? I can really cook.”

The look in Shen Zemu’s eyes was warm: “Just cook something, not too much.”

Yang Yin easily cooked four dishes and one soup.

After dinner it was starting to get late into the night and Shen Zemu felt it wasn’t proper to stay at a single girl’s place for too long. Shen Zemu helped Yang Yin wash the dishes, then he said goodnight.

Yang Yin stood on the balcony watching Shen Zemu leave. The snow was getting heavier outside. Shen Zemu walked alone in the snow, suddenly as if he had sensed something, he turned to look at her.

Yang Yin thought about something: “Shen Zemu! Wait there for me!”

Shen Zemu stood in the snow waiting for her to come out. Yang Yin ran out and saw a thin layer of snow flakes had accumulated on his shoulder.

“Here, for you.” She handed him a box.

Translated by Team DHH at

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