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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 144 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 144 Part 2

“What I said above doesn’t represent the official position of ZGDX. Those big brothers on Tieba, don’t you spread rumors and get my pay deducted.”

Tong Yao sounded quite at ease while speaking. She was like an old hand, “I know what you are up to.” Compared to half a year ago when she just entered this circle and was always cautious of what she said, she was a totally different person now. Now she could roll with the punches.

She switched back to the match on her stream as she spoke. In addition to continuing to mock Jiang Yang and Li Huanshuo, occasionally she would also explain, in a more serious attitude, to the audience the more popular item builds nowadays and the reasons each player picked a certain item. She would discuss what other items they might pick in different situations…… But the composition of the audience at the time was somewhat different from those who asked her to do commentary more earnestly earlier. Her viewership had increased tremendously, but those who joined later were more interested in her talking about her personal love-hate relationships than the match itself-- --

“Which team is ZGDX more interested in playing against in the playoffs?” Tong Yao thought about it: “There’s not much of a difference to us. It’s just that we’d shake hands with different people…… Speaking of shaking hands, I’ve held Yang god’s hand once as the ex-girlfriend after I’ve broken up with him. That was during the opening day of the summer competition. It was quite a harmonious and friendly occasion.”


[Cheng Ge hasn’t woken up yet, right? See how cocky you are, tsk, tsk, tsk.]

[A basket full of nonsense.]

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, to hell with harmonious and friendly. Can’t you keep your mouth shut, hahahahahaha]

[Where’s your Ashe? Someone here is getting ahead of herself.]

[If Yang god heard your commentary, he’d probably be so pissed that he won’t even want to play the match.]

[Boasts, boasts. Let’s post on Tieba with the title-- --ZGDX substitute mid boasted: doesn’t matter which team we play against, we’ll win anyway.]

“What substitute mid, that bullet comment, you better speak nicely.” Tong Yao held her legs and used her finger, which was without the bandage now, to tap her knee. The deep and long slash was now only a light pinkish shallow mark on her finger. “I’ve already said I’m the trump card, not substitute. The secret weapon, you understand, the secret weapon! Uh, Lu, my brother-in-law, is truly the substitute……”

While Tong Yao was chitchatting, CK had already pushed to Huawei’s base. CK had taken Baron. Li Huanshuo had tried to contest it but wasn’t successful-- --It seemed that Yang god’s 1 to Li Huanshuo’s 9 in the jungle wasn’t true.

Tong Yao watched the game absent-mindedly and didn’t feel like her words had been thrown back at her face. She was still ridiculing occasionally and didn’t seem to take the match too seriously-- --Only some mindful viewers would discover that she would actually sit up from time to time and move her hands from her knees. At certain moments of the match, she would grab the pen and quickly jot down some data on something which the viewers couldn’t see……

During the twenty some minutes match, she had filled up most of a sheet with her messy handwriting with random numbers and scrawled words-- --As she was jotting down the current stats of the match and the creep score of the adc and apc of both teams, Tong Yao heard footsteps behind her.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed that the bullet comments had gotten even more lively.

Tong Yao threw down her pen and glanced at the screen. The bullet comments were the same about [Ashe’s here] [King of hell is here] [Your master is here, time to kneel and greet]......

Tong Yao leaned back into the chair and looked up at the man who was standing behind her-- --Lu Sicheng had just woken up and taken a shower. His hair was still dripping wet, there was a black towel on top of his head. He noticed that Tong Yao was looking at him and lowered his head. A drop of water fell on Tong Yao’s forehead.

Tong Yao shrank her neck.

The man behind her very naturally lifted his hand to wipe the bead of water off her face.

Translated by Team DHH at