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Monday, February 8, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 144 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 144 Part 1 

The rankings of the 2016 League of Legends major league competition at the China Region round of robin ended like so--

A group: first, ZGDX; second, Red Arrow; third, Huawei; fourth, King.

B group: first, YQCB; second, CK; third, Alpha; fourth, Qing Dynasty.

The team with the highest accumulated points in each group would be in the semi finals in the playoffs.

In Tong Yao’s view, this arrangement meant that while the third and fourth ranked teams were fighting head to head to get the chance to go against the second ranked team, the first ranked team of the group could sit tight with crossed legs at base eating melon seed. When the winning team of the third and fourth went against the second ranked team to fight for the slot in the semi-finals, the first ranked team of the group…… well, could still sit at base with crossed legs eating melon seeds.

Tong Yao was just doing that, eating melon seeds, while streaming with millions of viewers watching the match between CK and Huawei for a place in semi-finals. The winner of this match would go against ZGDX to decide which team would move onto the summer season’s finals.

Compared to the official commentators, a professional player’s commentary on a match was usually even more professional and detailed-- --At least, that was the reason why most viewers had come to watch the playoff match on her stream. About 20 minutes into the match, the viewers found that the commentator that was eating melon seeds in front of the computer was actually more of an amateur than those amateur commentators…... 

For example, around the 20 minute mark, CK had a gold lead and had destroyed all three of Huawei’s outer turrets. Huawei, on the other hand, hadn’t destroyed a single turret yet.

At this time, the Baron spawned. CK’s jungler, ad, and support worked together to invade the upper half of Huawei’s jungle and disappeared from Huawei’s view…… At the same time, Huawei had killed CK’s mid and quickly pushed the outer turret at CK’s mid lane. Then the five players of Huawei as a group went directly to bot. First they took down an ocean drake, then they moved on, getting ready to push CK’s outer turret at bot. They were trying to catch up from their disadvantage in their gold economy by earning it from the turrets.

At this nerve racking moment, the official commentators on the stream were so excited that they couldn’t even speak smoothly. Yet, at the ZGDX base, the cracking sound of melon seeds steadily continued--

“Huawei’s sudden move to go down to bot without a ward at Baron and knowing what CK’s ad, support, and jungler are up to is too rash. After getting a kill, taking down mid’s turret and a drake, they would’ve been better off stopping and going back to protect Baron. If I was CK right now, I would go steal a drake…… It’s dangerous to steal drake. It certainly is dangerous, otherwise, why call it a steal. To successfully steal one, it’s even more exhilarating than to steal the other team’s base. Even if it fails, it’s still quite thrilling and exciting-- --Too bad our captain is an old man who prefers stability. Usually when I say, captain, let’s go steal a drake, he would ask me whether I’m awake.”

The cracking sound continued.

“I know stealing a drake at the 20th minute is too dangerous. But I want to see Yang god’s face suddenly turn pale when the drake gets stolen-- --The point is CK had to start drake in order for me to watch a drake to be stolen from him, xixixixi.”

The cracking sound continued.

“Li Huanshuo’s drake stealing skill is quite good; it’s Li Huanshuo after all.”

The cracking sound continued.

“These two teams? A ratio between 4 to 6, CK being a little stronger. If we don’t count the junglers, then it would be 50-50. Because Yang god and Li Huanshuo at jungle would be 1 to 9; Yang god has lowered the total performance of the team.”

Tong Yao put down the melon seeds in her hand, pat her hands, and clicked to check the bullet comments-- --


[Hahahahahahahahahaha, damn, commentate properly. I request to get off this kind of commentary that's colored by subjective opinions!]

[666666 does Yang god know that you’re mocking him like this?]

[I feel bad for Yang god. Nowadays, young ladies really know how to hold grudges. One misspoken word or one wrong move will be remembered for ten thousand years.]

[I won’t call the police. I’m Cheng Ge!]

Tong Yao laughed.

Translated by Team DHH at

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