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Monday, December 7, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 132 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 132 Part 3

After both sides picked their champions, the skirmish officially started. During the laning phase in the early game, everything went rather normally, since every player in the team knew what to do-- -- However, Tong Yao still had a strange feeling about the whole process. It was just like in the early days of massive multiplayer online games when trying to do a 25 player raid for the first time, once the game reached the mid game, everyone had their own ideas, where some were right but some were wrong……

After the lesson they learned from the game against YQCB, everyone of ZGDX was very mindful of following orders. When everyone agreed upon an action, they would then basically carry it out to a tee-- --

For example, Old Cat was farming at top the previous second, but when Lu Sicheng said to teleport down the next second, Old Cat would immediately give up farming and teleport down even though there wasn’t any action at bot. Then the moment Old Cat landed at bot, Lu Sicheng would initiate his ultimate and let Little Fatty go ahead and kill the other side’s ad. They successfully gained a double kill at bot. Lu Sicheng let Old Cat get one kill which would make up or even exceed the loss he might have suffered from giving up on farming in the first place.

This was the good side from the lesson they learned.

Yet, there were times when other teammates voiced different opinions from the orders, then the skirmish turned into a mess for ZGDX. Usually when there was an objection, Lu Sicheng would habitually ponder about it…… Since he wasn’t used to doing this sort of things during a game, the few seconds he was evaluating the suggestion, though the suggestion might be correct and the best for team at the time, would cause the team to be left in a short state of leaderless-- --

League of Legends is a game that could change unexpectedly in just a few seconds.

Since ZGDX wasn’t used to playing as a team under these new conditions, after 50 minutes of battle, ZGDX lost the skirmish against Rp.

Everyone was exhausted after the skirmish-- --

It wasn’t simply because they lost the game.

It was because they were physically and mentally drained after 50 minutes of highly concentrated play. There were discussions in their ears for almost the entire time they were playing…...which was something they had never experienced before.

In the past, because they were all skilled players and they had Lu Sicheng giving out orders, all they needed most of the time was to follow the orders. At most, they sometimes had to plan a bit about how their own lane should be developed. However, in this match, they started to think for themselves and cared more about their awareness of the entire map. They would consider what should come next while they were considering their own areas so they could make corrections in case Lu Sicheng occasionally made a few not so correct decisions……

After the skirmish, the team held a debriefing which lasted a much longer time than any previous one before.

After the meeting, they all looked listless and famished.

Little Fatty: “Though physically exhausted, I’m in high spirits. I can feel the change of our team. After driving out our captain as the only voice in the team, we’ll be able to punch the League of Legends Master Series and stomp the Korean region! ! ! ! ! !”

Lu Sicheng: “Driving who out? The final say is still up to me. Want to rebel? Over my dead body.”

Little Fatty: “......”

Tong Yao shook her head at those childish two. She sat back at her own seat. While waiting for her teammates to finish ordering takeout, she flipped through the notes she had taken during the meeting. Looking at a whole bunch of points which needed to be improved, she put down her notebook and started to check Weibo posts to take her mind off of it.

She was looking for some relaxation.

Yet, she found a Weibo post which made her feel even worse-- --

[Rp-joker hehehe: Our Rp-joker just said in his stream: This afternoon, we had a skirmish with Chinese ZGDX, we won. And somehow I feel ZGDX was a mess in this match. Sometimes they supported each other swiftly just like a first rate team should. Sometimes they were slow in making better decisions. Don’t know what happened to them, it just feels like they aren’t in a good condition.

……………………..Ah, so many issues with ZGDX lately. Yesterday, they were saying that Cheng Ge had apologized to his teammates. Today, they lost the skirmish and their opponent said they were a mess. Don’t know what happened? Could it be that after the apology, ZGDX had changed its leader? Perhaps it’s not Cheng Ge anymore? It can’t be that the players really aren’t getting along? I’m worried.]

This post was shared 3000 times and the comments underneath reached 5000.

The shared ones were all worried about the team. The comments were split between feeling sorry for Lu Sicheng and trolling the other ZGDX teammates-- --Even those minor things like Little Fatty rolling his eyes at his captain were brought up to prove that the team didn’t really get along.

Tong Yao: “........................................”

She could sense that another storm was approaching.

They just had to stand strong and face the oncoming gale.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thank you for the chapter๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  2. I think they are misusing their right to voice their opinions. In any fight there needs to be a leader who decisively gives out orders and right now LSC has lost part of his decision making power. I think being democratic is ok but should be done before the game or after otherwise there will be no order during fights.

    1. Take it as adjusting period. Nothing changed is ever perfect from the get go. Even geniuses needs to adjust to changes, no?

    2. Growth is always accompanied by change, and it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Can't rush it either. This particular chapter goes well on how the characters and the story are developing.

    3. Wow these replies are really good and thoughtful. Hah, makes me want to think harder while reading haha.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh god! Just they picked out a small point and now it's going to be a huge mess๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
    Hate Rp joker he said that Cheng ge is replaced what a joke๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
