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Saturday, December 5, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 132 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 132 Part 2

When Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng walked downstairs, the rest of the team were already sitting in front of their computers playing ranked matches to warm up for the upcoming skirmish. Little Fatty looked listless. When Tong Yao sat down in her own seat, she heard Old Cat asking Little Fatty: “What’s wrong with you, Little Fatty? Didn’t sleep well?”

Little Fatty slightly squinted his eyes: “Oh…………. Suppose one day early in the morning, you saw a young lady in your dream, who was 170 cm tall with legs as long as 110 cm, an E cup, and weighed 47 kg, confessing to you. But before you have time to accept, you were woken up by the sound of rustling. You opened your eyes and heard your team’s ad threatening your team’s mid that he was going to bang her till she cried. Can you be in a good mood?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Old Cat looked up to stare at Tong Yao.

Their eyes met; it was quite an awkward moment. 

Tong Yao unflinchingly replied with an expressionless face: “He said ‘suppose’.”

Lu Sicheng happened to come over with some food in hand. He could hear Little Fatty’s loud voice even in the kitchen-- -- Facing the questioning looks from his teammates and the team manager, he also remained quite calm and at ease. He glanced over all the people there and retorted: “Do I look like that kind of person?”

Just as he finished asking, numerous voices came from various corners of the base saying “you do” “it’s exactly in line with your image, no doubt about it” “yes, you do” “Isn’t it”-- --

There were even voices coming from several kids of the B team on the second floor.

Lu Sicheng: “......”

[This phenomenon signifies that the time for ZGDX to rule by the only voice of the captain has passed. From now on, the team will be moving into a beautiful time where everyone voices their opinions and suggestions. -- --ZGDX Team Manager Xiao Rui]


The skirmish began at 1:30 pm as scheduled.

From the beginning of the ban & pick phase, Tong Yao had sensed that this skirmish wasn’t going to be the same as the other ones. She could feel that there was something quite different-- -- In the skirmishes they had before, under normal circumstances, it would be Lu Sicheng and Ming god talking at this phase. Lu Sicheng would say let’s try so and so strategy and Ming god would then say let’s take so and so champions.

They would echo each other, obviously they probably had discussed it before the skirmish. So every time the ban & pick phase would go by rather quickly. The team would only briefly talk it over which champion would work best with the others-- --

Today, however, it was quite different.

They were already involved in a heated argument just over which champion the mid should take.

Ming god: “Take Ekko to play around with? Tong Yao has to practice more with Ekko, sometimes you release the ultimate too randomly.”

Little Fatty: “Leblanc is still available, we’ll just let it go?”

Old Cat: “The important part of a training match is training, not winning. Tong Yao doesn’t need to get any more training for Leblanc, right?”

Old K: “I second that. I suggest taking Brand.”

Lu Sicheng: “Take Orianna.”

Little Fatty: “Why Orianna, the other side has Akali. Don’t mess around.”

Lu Sicheng: “......”

In the end, it took them too long for them to decide and they were close to running out the countdown, Tong Yao hastily picked Ekko and locked him in.

The same situation repeated itself during the pick for ad. The discussion was so heated that even the kids from the B team were gathered at the railing on the second floor to watch the rare moment. Amidst the discussion of “Urgot” “Draven” “Jinx’s better”, Lu Sicheng locked Kalista as the champion for himself without any expression on his face.

Everyone was silent for five seconds.

Old Cat: “The apology is all a fake, team bully.”

Little Fatty: “Team bully.”

Old K: “Team bully.

Tong Yao looked at Lu Sicheng sympathetically. Lu Sicheng said with a stone face: “I just want to play this one. Who said Draven earlier, you better raise your hand.”

Little Fatty: “......”

Lu Sicheng could play almost all the ad champions pretty well, except Draven. His teammates had confirmed that his skill level for playing this champion was at best Gold III-- --Little Fatty had mentioned him purely for fun. Old Cat, likewise, was doing the same when he had brought up Urgot-- -- Among the five major regions, during this year’s regular summer season competitions, the number of times Urgot had been picked or even banned was zero.

Lu Sicheng would listen to constructive suggestions, but not random ones.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. It's time for the oppressed to be released and go crazy!!!

  2. Lolol, LSC is now regretting ever apologizing to the team.

    Joking aside, I'm happy for them! The team relationship seems to have gotten closer, hopefully that indicates their better execution.

  3. Poor Fatty had his dream completely annihilated by his roomie. I was laughing so hard reading that I snorted and my hubby looked at me like I was crazy 🤣🤣🤣
