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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 96 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 96 Part 3
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Shen Zemu closed the door and began to catch the mouse with a broom in hand.

Yang Yin huddled on bed and gave him instructions: “It’s over there! There! Ah! ! !”

Shen Zemu was frustrated by her verbal interference. He straightened up, grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her head: “Don’t look.”


After bustling for a while, Shen Zemu finally caught the mouse and killed it.

“It’s alright now.” He said.

Yang Yin pulled the blanket off her and saw Shen Zemu was using a napkin to pick up the mouse by its tail. It’s head was pointed downwards and its gray rounded body dangled in his hand.

“Ah! ! !” She screamed again and almost burst into tears.

“I’ll let you see the body.” Shen Zemu wanted to assure her.

“I’m not looking, I’m not looking. Take it away, hurry!”

Shen Zemu threw the body into the trash can. He turned around, with his back facing her. She didn’t get to see the sudden smile on his face.

Yang Yin once again pulled her head out of the blanket and noticed that Shen Zemu was looking at her desk.

On top of the desk…...Yang Yin’s heart started racing. She jumped up from bed and almost threw herself over the desk, trying to gather everything on the desk. But she was one step too late.

Shen Zemu had already picked up the stack of notes she had printed out.

They were those ‘straight A student’s notes.’

“Don’t look at that. Give it back to me, quick.” Yang Yin was a little flustered and tried to grab the notes back.

Shen Zemu raised his arm up to where she couldn’t reach.

He lowered his head to look at her, the look was quiet as a deep sea.

Yang Yin couldn’t get her notes back and embarrassingly lowered her head.

Shen Zemu flipped through the notes and found out it was all in his handwriting. Shen Zemu: “......”

He took a glance at Yang Yin who was looking downwards, without knowing what she was thinking of.

“Why?” Shen Zemu suddenly asked.

Yang Yin looked up and replied as calmly as possible: “I just want to get a degree. It’s never too late to learn. It never hurts to learn more skills.”

“But why automation?”

“It’s not that I chose it. The teacher at the adult school recommended this major to me after he has done some evaluation.”

“The adult school teacher recommended you to study automation?”

“Right, any problem?”

Shen Zemu didn’t reply, only quietly looked at her. Yang Yin couldn’t take the pressure. She moved her eyes away and started to push him towards the door: “It’s late, go to bed early. Thank you for your help.”

She pushed him out of the door and heard him saying suddenly: “You think I’m a fool.”

Yang Yin pretended that she hadn’t heard him and shut the door behind him.

Shen Zemu started to knock on her door.

Yang Yin leaned against the door with her back and used her hand to support her forehead while looking down. The knocking didn’t stop. It looked like if she didn’t open the door, he was going to keep knocking till the end of the world.

Yang Yin abruptly opened the door and frustratedly looked at him: “Let’s talk tomorrow, alright?”

Shen Zemu didn’t say anything but went past her to go into her room.

Yang Yin: “Hey……”

Shen Zemu went to the trash can, bending over to pick up the black trash bag.

There wasn't a lot of stuff in the bag; the biggest item in it was that dead mouse.

Shen Zemu carried the trash bag out of the room. When he was at the door, he took a glance at the dumbfounded Yang Yin and said: “Good night.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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