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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 136 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 136 Part 3

Jinyang became very quiet on the other end of the phone.

After a long while, Tong Yao heard her frosty voice: “The last time you fetched the cat on your own to sleep with you was the night you broke up with Jian Yang. You got scared, so what. But you keep telling people you’re alright, damn, who are you trying to fool? You think you’re the lead actress in a Korean drama?”

Tong Yao: “......”

She lifted her blanket up to let Dabing and Xiao Cong in, then she used one hand to stroke the cats and one hand to hold the phone to keep chatting with Jinyang for a while longer. She didn’t hang up and go to sleep until she was too drowsy to even keep her eyes open…... She didn’t sleep well that night and was constantly hounded by random dreams. She felt like her whole body had fallen into an ice cellar and was surrounded by darkness. Though she was under the blanket, she could still feel the chilling coldness coming from the tip of her right index finger spread all over her body.

She had nightmares the whole night.

When it was almost daybreak, she didn’t know what time it began but she started to feel enveloped by the warmth of a body. The darkness and chilling cold had dissipated. She calmed down-- --She opened her eyes in a daze, with the faint early morning light coming through the window, she saw a broad chest in front of her.

“What time is it?”


“Just came back?”


“You smoked?”


Tong Yao yawned, mumbled something, and lifted her hand to pat the man’s chest. Her hand was soon carefully brought back under the blanket by the man-- --The two cats were nowhere to be found. Tong Yao didn’t bother looking for them, since something better than the cats had replaced them.

“Go sleep.”

Tong Yao raised her head and used the tip of her nose to rub against his chin, then sighed quite satisfactory before closing her eyes-- --She had been restless the whole night, now she could get some peace of mind.


On Sunday, it was time for ZGDX’s match against Red Arrow.

ZGDX’s mid, Smiling, was absent and the substitute, Lu, was playing the game instead. It took only one hour and twenty minutes for the two rounds of the match, including break time. ZGDX won the game, 2 : 0.

When the game was over, the look on the faces of Red Arrow’s players seemed to indicate that they didn’t really know what had happened-- --Not only them, even the audience hadn’t gotten over their surprise. For the entire time of both rounds, Lu Sicheng hadn’t spoken a single word. Old K was the one who took over main command with the rest of the team pitching in. What Lu Sicheng did was simply hard carry his team and he was in control of the tempo of the game from beginning to end.

Lu Sicheng was the MVP for both rounds though people said this version of the game wasn’t too friendly towards ADs. He used one hour and twenty minutes to lead the audience back to the days when ADCs were the ones who dominated the game.

“So fierce.”

“He played so violently today. Wonder what’s wrong with him; it feels like Cheng Ge’s going to eat people.”

“It feels like he’s playing with a lot of emotions. There were several occasions where he shouldn’t have ganked to be on the safe side, but did it anyway. It all relied on their skill to win the team fights.”

“It seems that……………………..he’s angry? But why?”

The name of the MVP for both rounds were displayed on the big screen. The audience looked at that handsome but indifferent face on the screen and was making all kinds of guesses. What they didn’t expect was that there was something even more surprising waiting for them-- --

After the game was over, there was no MVP interview because Lu Sicheng refused to be interviewed.

The arena was left with the embarrassed host, the commentators who came to save the show but without knowing what had happened or what to say, and the dumbfounded audience.

Translated by Team DHH at