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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 98 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 98 Part 3
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Yang Yin told Deng Wenbo the situation she had found. Deng Wenbo asked: “What exactly does it mean? Sum it up briefly.”

“To sum it up briefly, it means that we have to steer Dw, a precarious little broken boat, against four battleships for the three entrance tickets. Oh, right, at the time of the preliminaries, there will be three more big ships coming down from the major league.”

“Uhr.” Deng Wenbo was taken aback and asked: “Then, is there any chance for us?”

“I don’t know. I’m now a little regretful.” Yang Yin looked depressed. She had expected that by the time of the preliminaries there would be a few strong teams, but now it seemed that there were too many of them?......

Deng Wenbo felt a little sorry for Yang Yin seeing her so upset. He said: “Then, why don’t we…...just forget about it?”

Yang Yin glanced over those players who were diligently working hard in the training room and felt that she couldn’t just give up: “Boss, I feel that we can’t give up halfway just because it would be tough. Even if there’s only a slim hope, we still have to put in all our effort.”

Deng Wenbo finally understood why he hadn’t fired Yang Yin though she rebuked him almost everyday-- --He thought mostly it was because he was such a broad-minded person-- --But the other reason was because he truly liked that vigorous attitude of hers.

Yang Yin started to closely monitor those teams. Whenever those teams played a match, she would go out of her way to find the video of the game. She would save those videos to carefully analyze them. It was unusual for anyone to do so at the minor league level. There were too many matches in the minor league and the changes in teams and players were quite fluid as well. Some matches were so minor that there weren’t even a stream of them online and it was quite difficult to get those videos.

In addition, she also analyzed the teams in the major league to predict which 3 teams they might encounter in the preliminaries.

-- --

In October, Yang Yin led her players in one of the city competitions. Their opponent at Nanshan City happened to be one of the four newly formed strong teams. Yang Yin’s team lost the match as expected, but they didn’t lose it too badly. It was 1 : 2. After the match, Yang Yin gave her players a pep talk: “It was MX we were facing! You guys won one round against them, I’m quite impressed!”

The morale of her players were lifted.

Deng Wenbo felt she was really good at what she was doing.

After the city competition, Yang Yin asked for a day off to take the exam. Afterwards, Shen Zemu asked her how the exam went.

She replied: I feel pretty good about it.

She had listened to Shen Zemu’s advise to not take the courses for her major just yet. Instead, she had started to study high school math and physics.

She used Shen Zemu’s old textbooks and studied his original, handwritten notes. She studied vigorously and felt like she had an endless amount of energy.

Even she couldn’t believe it and sometimes wondered if she had taken some energy pills.

However, passion aside, her vigorous energy couldn’t make her more intelligent. There were times when she simply couldn’t do some of the harder problems.

Yang Yin found a tutor through an agency. She was basically self-studying, but whenever she encountered any questions, she would take it down then went to the tutor two hours each week to get her questions answered.

The tutor was a student of Nanshan University, majoring in Computer Science. They had agreed to meet every Sunday morning from 7:30 to 9:30 am. The tutor at first wasn’t willing to do those hours. Yang Yin had to increase the pay before he agreed.

Since she didn’t let anyone in her team know about the self-study exams, she couldn’t have the tutor come to the club.

She had to go meet the tutor.

Sunday morning, Yang Yin took a ride to go to the Yuanchi campus of Nanshan University. Because she was afraid to run into someone she knew at campus, she had arranged to meet the tutor at a coffee shop about two bus stops from the campus.

…...What she didn’t expect was that she happened to run into Shen Zemu there.

It was quite a coincidence that Shen Zemu would show up there. That morning, Shen Zemu had gotten up early to go to Nanshan Technology to pick up some equipment for his own lab. Since the place wasn’t too far from the campus and there was no direct bus line to get there, he had decided to walk over there.

When he was about to reach Nanshan Technology, he happened to see Yang Yin through the window of a coffee shop.

There was a man sitting across from her. They kept talking back and forth with some books spread out on the table. Yang Yin, with a pen in hand, would take down notes from time to time.

Shen Zemu stood outside the window, watching them, but she didn’t notice him at all.

Then, he made a turn to go straight into the coffee shop.

Translated by Team DHH at

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