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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 99 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 99 Part 1
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

While Yang Yin was talking with the tutor, someone suddenly came by and sat down at their table. From the corner of her eye she could see a pair of arms resting on the table. This person was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with the cuffs of the shirt neatly buttoned up, clean, neat, meticulous, and abstinent.

Yang Yin’s heart skipped a beat and looked up. She saw the face of Shen Zemu.

Shen Zemu was looking sideways at her. He looked at her quietly. When Yang Yin met his eyes, she uncomfortably moved her eyes away to look outside the window.

“Why are you here?” Yang Yin asked.

“Just passing by.” His answer was brief and forceful, very Shen Zemu-like.

The tutor put down his pen, took a look at Yang Yin, then Shen Zemu. He asked: “You two know each other?”

“Hrm.” Yang Yin turned her head around to take a look at the tutor. From the tutor’s expression, she asked: “You two know each other too? You aren’t in the same major, are you?”

“We aren’t. I’m in Computer Science. But the girls in my major, some of them like Lin Chuyan while some like Shen Zemu, and there’s quite a few more……”

“Who does quite a few more like?” Yang Yin was curious. The person who could be on par with Lin Chuyan and Shen Zemu or even surpass them must be rather outstanding.

“They like the both of them.” The tutor answered.

“What?” Yang Yin didn’t get it.

“It’s like they like them as a couple…...Like this.” The tutor seemed too embarrassed to put it in words. He gestured using his two fists with the two thumbs facing each other, wiggling a bit. Then he repeated: “Like this.”

Yang Yin found it quite amusing and thought those students were hilarious.

Shen Zemu didn’t know what bad things he had done in his previous life that he would always be paired up with Lin Chuyan wherever he went in this life…...He frowned, looked down at the books on the table, and asked deliberately: “What are you two doing?”

“Uhr……” Yang Yin was pulled back to reality. She scratched her head as her eyeballs circled in her eyes trying to find an excuse. Then she saw Shen Zemu’s eyes, calm and clear, she immediately realized that there was no need to pretend because he had figured out everything already. She then admitted quite frankly: “There are areas I don’t quite understand while I’m studying. See, that’s why I’ve hired a tutor.”

The tutor hurriedly said: “We’re studying together, improving together.”

Shen Zemu glanced at the tutor. He could see the eagerness in the tutor’s face.

Yang Yin had fair skin and was quite slender. She looked quite delicate and it was quite easy to arouse the desire to protect her from the opposite sex.

“You continue.” Shen Zemu said while nodding his head. Yang Yin didn’t know what exactly he wanted to find out.

With Shen Zemy watching next to her, Yang Yin was a little uneasy.

The tutor, rather simple-mindedly, didn’t sense Yang Yin’s awkwardness and picked up his pen to continue their discussion after the interruption.

Yang Yin had no choice but to go along with it.

After they talked for about 3 or 5 minutes, Shen Zemu abruptly pointed at Yang Yin’s notebook and said: “There’s an even simpler way to solve this problem.” Without asking, he took over the pen in the tutor’s hand and started to write down a few lines of operations on the notebook.

He returned the pen back to the tutor after he had finished writing.

Then he went to the counter to buy a glass of lemonade. The lemonade was in a pure white mug. When he walked back with the lemonade in his hand, he looked particularly like a retired official; the only thing missing would be a roll of newspaper in his other hand.

Shen Zemu sat back down with his lemonade, ignoring the looks from the other two people. He took a look at the tutor’s scratch paper and said to the tutor: “Trigonometry is taught in the second semester of the eleventh grade. She hasn’t learned it yet. You need to use another method to solve the problem.”

“What do you mean by that?” The tutor wasn’t pleased.

Yang Yin was a little ashamed: “I…...well, I indeed didn’t learn eleventh grade……”

“You have to tell me if you haven’t learned it. In any case, you have to let him leave first. With him around, I can’t help you solve the problems.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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