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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 98 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times 
Chapter 98 Part 2
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Shen Zemu had moved back to school after summer vacation ended and didn’t come to the club as often.

Yang Yin also stopped wearing skirts all the time.

The players all liked secretly inviting Shen Zemu to come over. It was the first time that Shen Zemu found that he was a rather popular guy?

Another person who was not used to not seeing Shen Zemu often was Deng Wenbo.

Deng Wenbo had known from the start that Yang Yin had a special interest in Shen Zemu.

One time Deng Wenbo asked Yang Yin: “Tell me, me and Shen Zemu, who looks more handsome?”

“Boss, where did you get the confidence to compare how attractive you are with him?” Yang Yin was baffled.

Deng Wenbo was a little disappointed and said: “Alright, I won’t compare with him. Just tell me then, do you think I’m good looking?”

Yang Yin shook her head.

Deng Wenbo said: “But all the other women all say that I’m handsome.”

Yang Yin opened her palm face up and said: “Boss, one hundred RMB for one ‘handsome.’ I can say it to you for a whole day.”

Deng Wenbo felt that he wasn’t being treated fairly: “You’re a tigress in front of me, but a little sheep in front of him.”

Yang Yin didn't fully understand what Deng Wenbo was upset about, but she didn’t bother getting to the bottom of it.

Deng Wenbo, however, kept going: “Why do you have two faces at such a young age?”

Yang Yin threatened him: “Boss, my iron fist is already hungry for action.”

Deng Wenbo: =  =

He stopped talking.

Deng Wenbo seemed to have a lot of time on his hands lately and came over to the base quite often. Though he felt bad when Yang Yin rebuked him, he still couldn’t stop himself from going over to get some more. Even he couldn’t understand his own mind.

-- --

After Shen Zemu went back to school, the offseason of the summer was over for Yang Yin’s team as well. They officially started their season in the minor league.

There were several kinds of competitions for the Kings of Glory minor league teams. Most of the teams would have to advance from weekly matches to monthly matches to finals. Those teams that came on top of the minor league competitions could qualify for the preliminaries. The first three winning teams of the preliminaries could participate in next season's major league competition.

Yang Yin, while preparing the team for the competition, tried to find out more about the other participating teams. What she had found so far didn’t seem too optimistic for her own team.

It wasn’t just a bit bad, it was outright frightening.

The Kings of Glory major league was getting more and more popular and had thus attracted many well-established esports clubs to join in. For this season, there were at least four very strong esports clubs forming new Kings of Glory teams. Those teams must all be strong teams, in terms of both financial backing and skill.

Translated by Team DHH at

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