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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 135 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 135 Part 2

They didn’t realize that Tong Yao’s interview had once again caused an earthquake in the esports world until they arrived back at base-- --

Certainly, there was an overwhelming number of questions and abusive insults. They basically boiled down to saying that Tong Yao had an inflated ego, or had grown arrogant just because she was a girl, or being a busybody, or disrespectful of fans…… All the professional players, if they were streaming, were talking about what had happened as well…… However, the players from other teams who had been kept quiet up till now had unexpectedly started to speak out. Every player-- --almost every player who knew Tong Yao had responded positively.

*Ah Guang: [Smiling is a very nice person. All of you who are talking about her probably would never know how nice she is. So don’t measure the heart of great men with your own tiny mean hearts.]

*Team Qing Dynasty ad: [Some people, for the good of this profession, say things that are unpleasant to the ears-- --Unpleasant advice is a good medicine, yeah, that’s the saying. None of you better be creating issues for Smiling while I’m streaming, or when anyone from my team is streaming. It’s meaningless. We’ll ban you. Smiling is a very good professional player; it has nothing to do with the gender.]

*Ai Jia: [‘But before that happens, even if the path is paved with thorns or burning sand, as the captain of ZGDX who everyone trusts and carries everyone’s hope, he should endure, he’s willing to endure, and he also must endure all of that’...... Ah, how nicely said, very moving. It’s inspiring. Rest assured, though the one who’ll be standing on that stage is regretfully not ZGDX, I’ll at least raise the Five-star Red Flag for Cheng Ge.]

*Jinyang’s voice could be heard in Ai Jia’s stream: [Envy won’t make you a better person. If you have all this time for bitching, why not use the time to improve yourselves.]

Ai Jia: [Did you all hear that? My girl’s words may not sound pleasing, but it makes a lot of sense.]

*Li Junhe: [(Korean) Interview? I watched it. Such a charming person. That’s why I’ve said before that Lu Sicheng’s very lucky, very lucky.]

*Liangsheng: [Hahahahahahaha! ! ! Did you all hear that? Our ad said the ad next door is very lucky to have the mid next door, hahahahahahaha-- -- How could I understand him? Sure I understand it! My Korean is pretty good. Li Junhe learns Chinese and I learn Korean…… He’s the one who wants it this way. Though we communicate in Chinese while playing matches, he just likes to make me learn Korean.]

*Li Huanshuo: [Interview? There’s nothing wrong with what she said. Who’s saying bad things about Smiling Jiejie? ! Are there any bullet comments trolling her? ! Ur, moderator, get to work. No one can say bad things about Smiling Jiejie on my channel! Not allowed! It’s forbidden! Ban it!]

*Jiang Yang: [What do I say? What can I say? Those who don’t understand the game better not say anything or you’ll embarrass yourself…… ZGDX for sure would be even stronger than now. I hope I’ll face the transformed ZGDX later. It’s not that I’m scared, it’s just the truth.]

*Little Fatty: [It’s all damn nonsense. Our mid certainly is super duper great! !  ! ! !]

*Old Cat: [We’re getting along just fine as a team, don’t you guys worry. Tong Yao’s words are our official opinions, even the punctuation marks are the same.]

*Old K: [It doesn’t really matter if you guys have to believe that we don’t get along, it won’t affect us anyway. The final match of the summer competition….. Oh, no, during the world tournament, we’ll give you all our answer. Since the fans all want to get their words thrown back at them, we’ll give you a satisfactory answer then.]

*ZGDX Team manager Xiao Rui: [We’ve said what we want to say. All the suffering will turn into the light illuminating our road forward. Go for it, ZGDX!]


It was the feeling that Tong Yao had everyone’s support.

Those who she had helped before, had befriended, or had influenced all showed up to support her.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. "Tong Yao’s words are our official opinions, even the punctuation marks are the same." LOL!!! Old Cat 🤣🤣🤣

  2. While this is all extremely heartwarming, AiJia's and JinYang's interactions are adorable

    "Envy won’t make you a better person. If you have all this time for bitching, why not use the time to improve yourselves."

    Ai Jia: "Did you all hear that? My girl’s words may not sound pleasing, but it makes a lot of sense."


  3. That collecting stamp also gather to say how nice Smiling are :)

  4. I honestly generally think Jiang Yang here deserves some appreciation. He stepped up for his ex, who is also his biggest opponent's team, even though they weren't personally involved anymore. It also shows how much he has grown as a person, from someone who didn't think girls could be esports players in the start of the novel to someone who now sincerely respects them. He knew she was being wronged, and spoke out irrespective of the past. This man's character development shone through because of just one statement, and I'm loving it. :)

    1. oof typos
      *genuinely not generally, also 'in' his biggest, their past not the past.
      Hahah I'm still getting used to using this comment section using Blogger.

  5. i guess collecting (limited edition jungler, and ad) stamps really paid off

  6. No matter how great she will play, there's always people, who will critisize her. sad, but its true

    1. Sad but even in real lifr this discrimination happen. I play MOBA and whenever they saw that im a girl they all think I wnat to be carried. When all along they all go steal my kills. XD me as a support player even got more kills than them

    2. Me too, I play MLBB and it's so annoying seeing this useless discrimination. I usually play mid or bot and if I'm the only girl and I have chat turned on, I get so many comments about carrying me, then they either push into my lane or outright steal my kills ರ╭╮ರ. So naturally, I repay the favor and try harder to carry the game myself
