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Friday, December 25, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 135 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile 
Chapter 135 Part 3

“...........................................................Uhr, what should I say?”

Lu Sicheng sat in front of the computer, lifting his hand to scratch his chin as if pondering hard on something. After a long while, he slowly said: “Those words were a bit arrogant. But, doesn’t ‘I don’t regret it’ sound like a marriage oath? Therefore, it sounded too good that I don’t have the heart to scold her…… Hum, you all thought she was talking about those haters who would scold her? That’s not it, she was talking about me, about me.”

The careless expression on his face made him look rather laid-back. However the viewers couldn’t see through the camera his disdain towards those troublemakers and his disgust towards the whole incident in his dark brown pupils……

[6666666 you have to fight with trolls over this?]

[What’s wrong with you…...This conceited tone of voice is really amazing. Smiling, come quick and take a look at your man, he’s really gone crazy.]

[2333333333 So you didn’t have the heart to scold her.]

[The whole world is speaking up for her, 6666666]

The corners of Lu Sicheng’s lips were curving upwards, but there wasn’t even a trace of a smile in his eyes.

He glanced over some comments mixed with all the “666” bullet comments which said things like “disappointed” “covering each other” “ZGDX is over” “women should stay away from esports, now everyone’s gone crazy”...... Lu Sicheng paused for a moment, the clicking sound of his mouse went silent. A few seconds later, he clicked the mouse again and the enemy’s ad died from a tower dive. Above Lu Sicheng champion’s head the number “300” appeared. At the same time, his calm voice could be heard-- --

“Those of you who can’t stand it can turn off the stream, return your tickets for the competition, tear my autograph apart, burn my pictures, and cancel your subscription to my Weibo-- --I deeply appreciated your fondness of me in the past. But I won’t feel sorry that you’re leaving. No need to send me a private message to inform me either. I won’t tearfully regret it. Goodbye, I won’t see you off.”

As Lu Sicheng was talking, Tong Yao happened to pass behind him. She slapped his back when she heard what he was saying. Lu Sicheng acted as if nothing had happened and only lifted his hand to scratch his back.

“What? You think what I said was too rude and beneath my dignity. Well, I’m an internet addicted old man.” Lu Sicheng said: “Don’t overrate me, I can’t bear it.”

He kept countering the bullet comments.

Tong Yao: “......”

Xiao Rui walked over to give Tong Yao a glance and whispered: “Just let him be. Those internet trolls can only bitch online. Could they douse you with acid in real life? It’ll be alright in a few days.”

Tong Yao nodded, but lifted her hand to touch her face.


It turned out that Tong Yao’s worry was valid.

One day later, about 24 hours after Xiao Rui assured her that the trolls couldn’t do anything to her, Tong Yao received an express package-- --It happened quite often when fans sent gifts to the players. Tong Yao would always get on stream after receiving the gift to thank the fan and to prove that she had received the gift in person-- --She didn’t give it much thought when opening the package……

She was then cut by a blade which was securely attached to the edge of the package. Her hand shook and dropped the box. There were several dozens of dead cockroaches falling out from the upside down box. 

The base was instantly in a state of commotion.

Lu Sicheng, with a black face, took Tong Yao upstairs to look for the first aid kit. Xiao Rui called the housekeep to come sweep away the dead cockroaches. In the confusion, Little Fatty picked up a note with crooked handwriting off the floor-- --

[Just to teach you a small lesson. So cocky. Better not play the following matches, the players section isn’t that far from the audience.]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thanks for the chapter.I'm really looking forward how lu si cheng gonna act,his mind must be boiling right now.

  2. Wtf was that cockroachs i thought it was encouraging gift πŸ˜‚

  3. oh damn Chessman is about to go off even more on the haters

  4. (SPOILER ALERT) this scene was heartbreaking 😭😭😭😭

  5. Oh god! I know this scene and it was shown in drama
    I literally cried my tears didn't stop😭😭😭
