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Friday, November 27, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 130 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 130 Part 2

[That trash mid only depends on her gender to attract attention. The top is useless, disappearing from team fights. The jungler only knows how to fight monsters and couldn't lead the team. The ad, the team bully, got so big headed and messed up the ban & pick-- --666666666. It’s quite clear where the blame goes. OP, you must be that damn fatty support?]

Tong Yao chuckled when she read the last part, though the whole thing was quite serious…… Tong Yao then remembered the expression on Dubhe’s face when she last saw him on the second floor. She thought about the tone of the poster which was like he had deliberately modified it to sound silly. Furthermore, the result of their skirmish against the Korean team should have been a secret. People outside of the club shouldn’t have known that the lineup of their second round was copying that particular skirmish-- --Based on all the clues, Tong Yao automatically believed that the poster should be Dubhe.

Such an impatient brat, she should have taught him a lesson.

Tong Yao became more serious and, slightly frowned, continued to swipe up to see more posts. Soon her attention was caught by a post by someone with an id called “Ultraman dog”.

[Ultraman dog: Except for that one time when Lu Sicheng used Tong Yao’s computer during her stream to check the data of a certain skirmish, the results of any skirmish between ZGDX and Korean teams are always kept a secret. I don’t know where the OP got the information about ZGDX’s ban & pick strategy. To disclose such confidential information, you better be prepared to be tracked down.

In addition, let me remind you that there’s nothing wrong in applying the skills learned from skirmishes in a group match. Otherwise, what do you think skirmishes are for? Because they have too much time on their hands? -- --Don’t always think the Koreans are so noble. If it’s really something valuable, ZGDX wouldn’t use it in a group match even if they’ve learned it.

Finally, Lu Sicheng did cause some problems in that ban & pick. But the problem isn’t because Sivir is designed to restrict Ashe. Ashe in the late game does have the ability to counter Sivir, as long as there’s other hard cc (crowd control) that can trick Sivir to use her e, then Sivir would just be a muggle. The problem with Lu Sicheng is that: There aren’t that many hard cc in his team yet he still insisted on taking Ashe anyway.

He’s indeed full of hot air alright.

But it’s not like what you’ve said.

His problem is overlooking his team’s lineup and being too overconfident. At the same time, his teammates didn’t come out to stop him from doing so, his teammates also bear half of the blame-- --You could say that I’m whitewashing  Lu Sicheng, though this notion makes me want to throw up. But, don’t forget, this is a team game.]

Tong Yao, with one arm resting on her thigh to cup her face while the other held the cell phone, squinted slightly and thought: Wow, looks like this ‘Ultraman dog’ really knew what he was talking about……

Tong Yao checked other posts and found out that when this Ultraman dog was replying to others, his comments all showed that he really understood the game and was quite rational, unlike those crazy trolls. He told others that Lu Sicheng did make a mistake, but pointed out as a person quite familiar with the game: If you all don’t even know where his mistake lies, then don’t make things up.

Look at this, Tong Yao thought, Dubhe, even a fan is much wiser than you.

Tong Yao changed her posture, then used her alternate id to get on Tiebe to like Ultraman dog’s comments. She had turned into a fan of Ultraman dog. She then joined the fight-- --

As she was happily playing on Tieba, suddenly she heard a roar coming from downstairs-- --

“Fuck! The person who said that someone from our own team posted it better come out. I’ve turned on the stream to nicely and patiently explain to you, don’t try to create issues here! I’ve told you that the first round was because of the problem between me and Old K, it had nothing to do with anyone else. What are you bitching about here, fuck! So what if we took Ashe! We just did, so what! -- --Alright, be it that it wasn’t a good choice to take Ashe, our captain had apologized to us after we came back from dinner. He said he was being too willful and that he shouldn’t have taken Ashe. Damn, you’ve seen the US president’s twitter, but when have you ever seen ZGDX’s captain apologizes? ! ! ! !”

Tong Yao: “...........................................................”

Her cell phone fell on the floor as her hand shook from the shouting.

Tong Yao put on her slippers and opened her door to go lean on the railing to look down at the first floor. It was Old Cat, who was sitting crossed legged in front of his computer yelling and cursing. Usually, the players weren’t allowed to curse during their streams, though occasionally using them as filler words weren’t that big a problem. However, to shout like Old Cat was doing meant that he would probably get his pay deducted.

It looked like he was really furious.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. KWHSJDKSJSJ They really got lao mao mad loool


  2. Damn Old Cat go off, we love to see it

  3. Damn, you’ve seen the US president’s twitter, but when have you ever seen ZGDX’s captain apologizes? ! ! ! !”


  4. Old Cat I support your message! Keep going, let’s hear your words of wisdom. Shove that into the haters faces!!

  5. I don't think Dubhe is the OP but I do wonder if he he is Ultraman Dog 🤔

    1. I think ultraman dog is LSC. Too rational and to informed as to the team dynamic to be anyone else, plus we know LF has those ultraman boxers.
