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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 95 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 95 Part 3
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Yang Yin didn’t take the bag and said: “Boss, it’s alright, I’m not used to using this brand.” Yang Yin believed that it was better not to get used to luxury brands. What if she spoiled herself to getting used to using luxury brands? It’s easy to go from a frugal life to luxury but the other way around was much more difficult.

“Just take it, it’s for you. Don’t think too much of it. It’s a reward.”

“Since it’s an employee benefit, then, boss, you can simply convert this into money and deposit it into my account.”

“You’re not cute at all.” Deng Wenbo repeated his earlier comment. Then he lifted his chin up at Shen Zemu’s direction and asked Yang Yin with squinted eyes: “What’s going on between you and that guy there? I mean, you dress up like this, it can’t be all for him?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, boss. He’s still a student, the flower of our motherland.”

“Oh, yeah, just a kid. I don’t think you would have such poor taste.”

Yang Yin was a little impatient by now. She spoke with him for a little while longer and sent him off. She went back into the meeting room and as soon as she had sat down, Shen Zemu suddenly said: “Which month is your birthday?”

“Me? March.”

“Mine’s January.” He moved his eyes from the computer screen to look at her: “I’m older than you by two months. So, don’t take me for a kid from now on.”

“Oh.” Yang Yin was a little afraid to look into his eyes. She was afraid he would see through her mind. She looked at his computer screen and said in a small voice: “Then, you’re good.”



“It doesn’t look good when you’re wearing high heels.”

Yang Yin almost choked herself. She looked down at her shoes and wondered how were they ugly? ? They looked super nice in her eyes!

In the afternoon, Yang Yin went back to her room to change into flip flops. Then she stood in front of Shen Zemu wearing a pair of vulgar hot pink flip flops and asked him: “Does this pair look better now?”

Shen Zemu looked down and glanced over the fair skin on the back of her feet and those small and delicate toes. He nodded: “It’s alright.”

Yang Yin thought to herself: what kind of aesthetic taste is this? Terrifying!

She just let herself loose the whole afternoon and wore the flip flops the whole time. But on the other hand, she felt comfortable wearing them.

Shen Zemu ate dinner with the team. When they were eating dinner, it started to rain heavily. Yang Yin was thinking of letting Shen Zemu leave when the rain stopped. But it began to rain harder and harder. The city even sent out warning messages about a torrential rain to everyone’s cell phones.

“Why don’t you just spend the night here tonight? I’ll let them get a room ready.” Yang Yin said.

One of the players asked Yang Yin: “Coach, why don’t we let Shen Ge move over here?”

Yang Yin slapped her head and looked over at Shen Zemu: “Where do you live now?”


“There shouldn’t be anything going on over at school now?”

“There’s nothing.”

His school was on summer break now. Most of his classmates were doing internships now. Shen Zemu had completed his internship requirement in the summer of his sophomore year, so this summer he didn’t have anything to do.

“Why don’t, you……” Yang Yin, who had some ulterior motives of her own, felt a little uneasy when she started asking. After stammering a bit, she continued: “Move over here for a few days? You can move back to school after we finish our task.”

Shen Zemu looked over the curtain of rain outside the window and said: “En.”

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Looks like someone’s gotten over FL. Thank you translators, I’m enjoying this side story.
