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Saturday, November 28, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 130 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile 
Chapter 130 Part 3

Old K came out of the kitchen carrying a carton of milk. When he passed by Old Cat, he covered Old Cat’s mouth with his hand-- --Old Cat violently struggled to get Old K’s hand off. The two of them started arguing……

“Why do you have to say so much to them?”

“They insisted that that post which knew about our skirmish with the Koreans was posted by someone from our team. They said our team only looks harmonious on the outside. They said-- --”

“There’s nothing wrong with saying that. Today before we went out of the door, you even rolled your eyes at me.”

“Damn you! Is this the time to talk about that?”

“Why do you have to bother with them……”

“All the information about that skirmish is kept secret. Though I don’t know how this person got the information, I know for sure it isn’t from our own people. If they keep talking like that then we’ll start to grow suspicious of each other…… It’s an especially dirty trick to create issues among teammates in a team!”

“Are you an idiot? We discussed so much about that skirmish during that ban & pick phase. Though the audience couldn’t hear us, you know how many backstage sound people could hear us?”


Tong Yao leaned against the railing listening to the argument between the best partners on the team till their voices grew smaller and smaller…… Old K’s words about the backstage sound workers reminded Tong Yao. She realized that it was true people outside of their team could know about that skirmish as well……

If that was the case-- --Tong Yao tried to make some sense out of the mess. Then she felt someone was looking at her quietly. She looked slightly upwards and met Dubhe's eyes who was standing on the hallway of the third floor. He had a towel and a cup holding his toothbrush in his hand. His hair was slightly damp, he probably just finished showering. He stood there looking at Tong Yao without any expression on his face.

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao slowly straightened her body.

Dubhe kept looking at her for a while, then abruptly spoke: “I have better things to do than that.”

He turned to walk away after saying that.

Tong Yao scratched her head. She went back to her room and picked up her cell phone to go on website-- -- This website tracked everyone’s rankings globally, including those on the Korean server. She typed in Dubhe’s id. Among all of his victorious matches, she found out that he had played a match that lasted for 50 minutes since 4:45 pm that afternoon. In this ranked match, Dubhe ended with 32 kills, 2 deaths, plus 10 assists, had one pentakill, and essentially carried the match.

On the other hand, the author of that particular post had started writing since 5 pm and hadn’t stopped yet. Anyone who retorted to him, he immediately fought back-- -- A person who was playing an intense match and did so well in the match definitely wouldn’t have the time to keep replying at the same time…… Even though Dubhe had died twice during the match, the respawn time during the early game was only a few seconds and only a minute during the late game. There wouldn’t be enough time for him to type all those words.

In other words, Dubhe couldn’t have possibly made that post.

Just like he said, he had better things to do?

[ZGDX, Smiling: I’m doomed. I thought that the post trolling you had been written by Dubhe. qaq. I blamed the wrong person.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: What’s the id? That brat’s Tieba id is something like Ultraman dog, pretty childish. It’s easy to tell.]

[ZGDX, Smiling: ……………….He’s Ultraman dog! ! ! Ah, very well, I’ve not only blamed the wrong person but also blamed the good guy.]

[I want to tie the red thread with you: ? ? So you’ve wrongfully blamed him and you want to marry him to redeem yourself? Look at the time, put down your cell phone, get to bed.]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. 🤣🤣🤣


  2. I knew it wasn't him

    Anyway thanks for the chapter

  3. Look! Look! Look! I know people that I like would not be tht bad... He is TY idol 🤣 Dubhe is not that bad guys.. I feel sad read that he had a lot of antis

  4. yqy Dubhe, redeeming himself more and more. Wait...don't tell me he's also called Little Chessman because they share personalities, right? 2 chunni tsudere ADCs on the same team...I feel sorry for their teammates lmao

  5. Dubhe, you’ve redeemed yourself but I still won’t forgive you for trying to force yourself on Tong Yao.

  6. Ooh I guessed right - Dubhe is Ultraman Dog - after bagging Cheng Ge he kind of had his back
