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Saturday, October 31, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 125 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 125 Part 1

From the beginning of the first match, Xiao Rui was sitting in the break room checking posts on Tieba.

Tieba was flooded with posts with titles like [ZGDX, the world’s number one braggart] [What’s ZGDX’s top doing] [Smiling really can’t play in a uphill battle, she can only put icing on the cake] [My eyes hurt watching this match] [Let me tell you a joke, the major league’s best team gets smashed by a relegation team]. One post with the title [ZGDX must be the last fig leaf of the major league] was pushed to the top with many people leaving “?” comments to ridicule it……

Xiao Rui read the posts one after another.

Then he backed out of each post.

He didn’t even have to look up at the big screen tv in the breakroom to know what the match was going on at the present time. He could tell how the game was like by reading comments like: ZGDX is being brutally beaten by YQCB. ZGDX is fighting desperately like a cornered beast, struggling with much difficulty……

Putting down his cell phone, Xiao Rui sighed and said to the staff in the room: “We can order them to delete Tieba again.”

The staff smiled bitterly. 

When the ban & pick phase of the second match started, Xiao Rui figured out something after staring at the screen for a while. He took out Tong Yao’s little notebook from her jacket and flipped to find the notes she took about the skirmish against Team OP-- --He compared the ban & pick record on the notebook to the ban & pick broadcasting on the TV in front of him. He opened his mouth and had a sense of deja vu.

Xiao Rui put down Tong Yao’s notebook and picked up his cell phone to read Tieba again, and found the posts had changed-- --

[Is ZGDX giving up by taking this lineup?]

[What kind of fancy trick this is.]

[With this ban & pick, is ZGDX trying to give their brother team next door a hand?]


After the match started, the posts became-- --

[Look at the speed Tong Yao comes to help.]

[There’s no match to ZGDX’s champion pool; there’s no champion that they can’t use.]

[ZGDX is still stronger, no doubt about it.]

[It’s really something to see Taliyah interrupt Pope. I never knew that this champion was this useful-- --To be honest, it seems that all the major league players wouldn’t take a certain champion until either Smiling or lck has used them.]


The most interesting thing was that the post [ZGDX must be the last fig leaf of the major league] was pinned again with comments of “?” that were counter ridiculing those who had left “?” beneath the post when ZGDX was losing the match earlier-- --

There were bustling and lively discussions on Tieba, but they were a complete turn around from those trolling ZGDX thirty minutes ago. Xiao Rui was amazed by it and almost doubted whether he had logged on to a fake Tieba…… When ZGDX pushed YQCB’s base in the second match, he couldn’t stand to keep quiet anymore and made a post-- --

[Subject] [Boasting when winning, trolling when losing. Faces change 30 times during a 30 minute match, to be honest, don’t you all feel like retarded?]

Content of the post: 

YQCB has been playing completely differently from the Spring competition, the team has remodeled itself. Can you all see that these two teams are on a par with each other?

This is a good thing. With only one team performing well, we’ll never win the world championship. If we want the world title, the whole region has to be strong.

To be honest with you, you all like to rush to judge, boasting when they’re winning and trolling when they’re losing, and really look retarded.

In the time between making the post and the players returning to the breakroom after the second match, no one replied to Xiao Rui’s post. The post quickly disappeared in the sea of all the other posts.

Xiao Rui: “......”

It looked like no one felt like they were retarded.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Poor xiao rui. So much effort placed on the post only for it to only get lost on hundreds of posts

  2. Poor thing, his post got lost in the sea of posts.
    But honestly, Xiao Rui is too cute

  3. Lol.... Poor Xiao Rui! ๐Ÿคฃ

  4. It's always hard to be the only person being reasonable


  5. They’re all trolls tbh. I hate it when fans are this fickle. You can’t call yourself a fan if you diss your fav when things aren’t going well. True fans keep supporting even when things are going downhill. Because no one is perfect, no team is perfect. Things can’t work out all the time. Life isn’t like that.

  6. Or maybe they all recognised the truth in his words and decided to pull their heads in for a while instead of proving how retarded they are lol

    1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. People in Tisha are like chameleons๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค
    Seriously I have an urge to slap them with my sandal๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
