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Monday, November 2, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 125 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 125 Part 2

The third match started.

Both teams were extremely careful.

In the first 20 minutes there hadn’t been a single kill!

The most thrilling moment during this time was when there was an exchange of abilities in bot lane and Lu Sicheng was left with a sliver of health and four of the enemy went for a tower dive-- --At that time, Little Fatty’s Tahm Kench swallowed Lu Sicheng and turned on his shield at the same time. At almost the exact same moment, Old Cat teleported to the enemy’s rear, one step ahead of the enemy’s top!

But Pope’s sense of smell was even sharper than a cat!

Almost the very second when Old Cat cleaned up the minions and clicked the key to teleport, YQCB signaled for their team to retreat-- --Even though they only had to wait for half a second more for Little Fatty to spit out Lu Sicheng from his mouth when the ability ends and only needed to make a normal attack to kill Lu Sicheng. They didn’t show an ounce of reluctance or greediness before retreating.

-- --YQCB was quite disciplined; they moved forward or retreated with one simple order, like a regular army. Their mobility was almost as good as Team Lan which was famous for its high mobility.

-- --ZGDX was quick to react, had good positioning, and were very aware of supporting each other-- --The first match they played like a heap of loose sand and lost the match. Now they seemed to have learned their lesson. In this match, their eyes seemed to be glued to the mini map at the lower right hand corner. Whenever there was any slight movement-- --For example, when Pope casually took a look at Lu Sicheng, just an unintentional look, the teleport beam immediately lit up at bot from Old Cat. By the time Ai Jia realized what was going on, Tong Yao, who was trading abilities with him the previous second, was already half way down the road from mid to bot……

It was like in ancient times, when a chief eunuch shouted “assassins, guard the emperor” and all the imperial guards and soldiers would rush over-- --They would give up the monsters they were attacking and the minions they were farming, even abandoning the enemies whom they were exchanging abilities with.

They would do it without hesitation, decisively.

Thus during the first 20 minutes of the game, though there were 3 team fights at bot, there were no casualties on either side. The most bustling one among the 3 had all 10 players present-- --But since all players on both sides could accurately calculate the damage from each ability and in addition, were extra careful since the beginning of the game, no one was seriously injured though they had fought for a few rounds.

Commentator A: [I know the audience’s hearts must’ve stopped beating. In fact, it’s the same for me. Ah, I was shouting-- --Ah,Chessman hit heal; ah, Pope’s health is low; ah, Liangsheng’s using his thundering smash; ah, ah, Smiling’s ready to reap, ahhhh-- --I was so excited, I almost jumped onto the table-- --Aye, damn it, they stopped fighting just like that, without a single kill. They simply went into the bushes and headed back.]

Commentator B: [Hahahahahahahahahahaha, I got so confused with that team fight as well. It’s not that I’m incapable of understanding it, really, I know some of you are going to say that I’m not at that level, but this time it really isn’t because of that. It’s that you just can’t say it in time or watch it in time-- --They all moved so fast. It’s like you’re watching two masters dueling, you thought they simply flew into the air and exchanged one punch but in reality they already exchanged hundreds of punches.]

Commentator A pulled out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat: [That’s the feeling.]

Commentator B sighed: [I hope, for this match, no matter which team wins or loses, we can all keep our mouth shut-- --We know for sure that both teams probably all have some more advanced strategies that they haven’t used here, but at least in terms of operation and fighting spirit they have already put in 100%. We should be satisfied to be able to see such a performance in a group match.]

Commentator A: [I have to say something which might get trolled. But after a match like this one, what right do those trolls have to say that the Korean Region is far better than us? On what grounds? !]

The excited and high pitched voices of the commentators and their hyper mood lasted for a total of 65 minutes-- --

In a normal League of Legends competition, it was rare for a match to last up to 55 minutes. Towards the end of the match, it wasn’t an issue about kills, economy, or items. Everyone had all the items, everything was like back to the beginning of the match. But the players, after a long period of concentrated playing, would feel exhaustion, numbness……

From the corner of her eye, Tong Yao noticed that Lu Sicheng threw down his mouse after taking the red buff. 

She frowned and glanced over Lu Sicheng’s wrist-- --There was a patch she had pasted onto his wrist on their way to the arena. She originally wanted him to wear a wristband, but Lu Sicheng wouldn’t do it no matter what. He said he wasn’t used to wearing one and it would influence his performance.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. No way his oldness will make them lose damnnnn


  2. Game players sometimes end up with wrist injuries. I hope he can keep going. It must be painful though. They have been playing for almost 3 hrs right?

  3. I used to do numerical data entry and can honesty say I understand the wrist pain too well - I feel Chenge Ge pain

  4. ZGDX is exhausted and now wrist pains have started to conquer
