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Friday, October 30, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 124 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 124 Part 3

Little Fatty looked at his own Taric, then looked at YQCB’s lineup and finally he became the third person in the arena to realize what was going on. He cried out: “Ahhh, isn’t this-- --”

“It was the lineup we took when we played the skirmish against that Korean team, OP, before. When we saw they locked down Yasuo, we felt relieved and took Azir and Trundle. Then? We got badly beaten.” Ming god’s voice came through the earphones, with a tint of gratifying smile: “You guys are always like this. Forgetting everything after reviewing a skirmish. You know why people say a good memory isn’t as good as a crappy pen. Only our Tong Yao would take down notes, that’s why she remembered……”

Tong Yao tee-heed.

Lu Sicheng at this moment had already relaxingly leaned back again in the chair. He turned and saw Tong Yao was smiling, he reached out with his long arm to touch the corners of her curved up lips.

Then he sat back up again and locked Taliyah for Tong Yao.

Yasuo, who everyone thought was for mid, instantly became top’s champion. The audience was once again in a commotion, though the noise was blocked out by the players’ earphones-- --The commentators were in shock too. Despite the result of this match, at least at the ban & pick phase ZGDX had tricked YQCB multiple times and each time ZGDX has led YQCB around by the nose.

This looked like it was going to be a splendid best of three match!

Just 5 minutes into the game, Pope as usual tried to dive at just level three but was quickly taught a lesson by ZGDX’s unconventional line up. Gragas arrived just in time to blow Pope away and interrupted the tempo of his offensive. The fast moving Taliyah came to assist and killed YQCB’s two players at bot together with Gargas, one step ahead of Azir!

Ai Jia arrived afterwards and was about to turn around and leave, but he was blocked by Taliyah’s e ability, which throws boulders in a cone and slow enemies in the area, then Taliyah stomped on his face-- --

The first 3:0 at the beginning of the game!

ZGDX also easily took down bot’s outer turret!

The first drake was also theirs!

YQCB seemed not to know how to deal with such a strange lineup which they had never fought against. In this match they experienced the same pressure they had delivered onto ZGDX in the last match. ZGDX moved fast to support each other, they communicated well, and Old K had placed wards all over the upper half of the jungle to keep the area under watch. Old Cat’s Yasuo, though on the sidelines, could still develop quite smoothly……

At the 25th minute of the game, both sides had a team fight.

Taliyah’s e ability together with Yasuo’s wind wall created an airtight wall which prevented the enemy from flanking their own team. When YQCB saw that after they had tried everything they could but Pope still couldn’t get closer to Lu Sicheng who was well protected by his teammates, and Old Cat’s Yasuo could move freely like the wind to YQCB’s side, they knew that this match was probably a goner-- --

The status of a match could change rapidly at any moment, but sometimes, the result of a match could be already decided right at the ban & pick phase!

At the 37th minute, ZGDX pushed to YQCB’s base and easily won the match. The battle between the two teams now had to be decided with a third match!

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Yeayyyy..... They made to tie the game!!!

  2. Aaaaaaaa well done!!! I was so nervous!
    Hopefully they'll win or will at least not lose so badly


  3. TY’s note taking and studying of matches always pays off. She turned things around for her team.

  4. a slap to those who said ty never did turn the tides and paved way for her team to win a match!

    1. I totally agree now they should feel guilty 😠😠😠

  5. I loved, loved this part.. Super exciting match.. arghhhh!!!
