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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 92 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 92 Part 2 
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

Actually, Deng Wenbo had hired Yang Yin as a last resort. Dw had been downgraded and any aspiring players or coaches wouldn't willingly take the post. He certainly could afford to splurge, but the problem was whether splurging would help raise his team back up. He had spent a large sum of money to hire first rate players in the first place but the team was still downgraded. Unlimited splurging would only make him a squanderer and become a laughing stock in the business.

Since Yang Yin was willing to agree to a bet with him, Deng Wenbo figured that Yang Yin must’ve been confident enough to take on the task.

As soon as Deng Wenbo signed the agreement with Yang Yin, he left the mess all to Yang Yin.

After Dw was downgraded, four of the five main players left. The remaining one stayed because he hadn’t found a team to go to. Yang Yin picked among the substitutes and the youth trainees to form a new team. That was the first step.

The second step was to replace the two original data analysts who had also resigned. Yang Yin got hold of Deng Webo hoping that he could hire another data analyst.

When the phone call got through, Deng Wenbo happened to be singing in a karaoke club with some of his lady friends. After hearing Yang Yin’s request, he simply said: “You can take care of it.”

Yang Yin was having trouble with the same problem-- --A downgraded team couldn’t attract an aspiring data analyst. Those who were willing to come probably wouldn’t meet Yang Yin’s requirements.

Without any other choices, Yang Yin posted an advertisement in her friend groups:

Hiring Data Analyst, Kings of Glory game. Good at math, has strong logical thinking skills, good analytical abilities and enough knowledge about the game. Competitive pay. Contact me if interested. Cell phone: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Xiang Nuan asked: Yin Jiejie, can this data analyst be part-time?

Yang Yin hadn’t thought about this question. All the data analysts she had seen were full-time. But …… there didn’t seem to be any problem if it was part-time. The data analyst’s job was to sort out and analyse data then make suitable suggestions. Anyone who had a computer could do it; there was no strict requirement about when and where the analyst could work.

Yang Yin then reposted after deleting the first one and added “Part-timers welcome.”

Afterwards, she asked Xiang Nuan: Nuannuan, are you interested?

Xiang Nuan: I’m not. My math isn’t that good. Q A Q

Xiang Nuan: I was thinking about asking Lin Chuyan whether he wants to do it. But he said he’s too busy to take on another part-time job.

Yang Yin: En, en. Come visit me at my club.

Xiang Nuan: Sure, sure!


Waiwai saw Yang Yin’s post and got very excited: “I’m going to apply. I want to make money!”

Shen Zemu who was next to him glanced over him: “Don’t apply.”


“Because I’ve already applied.”

“Hey, you think I’m not qualified to compete with you?”

Shen Zemu didn’t reply and gave him a look. The meaning of the look was quite obvious.

Waiwai was quite annoyed at being despised. What was even more annoying was the fact that he really wasn’t in a position to compete with Shen Zemu.

Shen Zemu briefly asked Yang Yin on WeChat about the job description and the pay for being a data analyst. After Yang Yin told him, she asked him: Are you interested?

Shen Zemu: En.

Yang Yin: You have enough time?

Shen Zemu: Yes.

He was going to be a senior soon and had been guaranteed a slot in his graduate school of choice already. The coming year would probably be the most relaxed period in his college career.

Then Yang Yin said: Let’s meet and talk it over.

Shen Zemu: Alright.

They agreed to meet the next day. It was exam week and Shen Zemu had two exams on that day. Yang Yin arrived at school to meet him and waited for him outside his classroom.

Translated by Team DHH at

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