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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 123 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 123 Part 3

“Enemy’s top’s coming back. Old K comes up top so we can trade turrets.”

Old Cat sounded somewhat anxious. It seemed that he wanted to work with their jungler and rush the opposition’s outer turret at top-- --But when he was near the turret, Old K didn’t walk towards top until he had defeated a set of monsters. It was a gap of only a few seconds. Just as Old Cat was closing in on the turret, the enemy’s top teleported to top and forced Old Cat to back off. Old K noticed that Old Cat’s health was low and rushed over to help-- --

Right at that moment, the enemy’s jungler also rushed over to help kill Old K and Old Cat. It was another easy 0:2!

At the eleventh minute of the game, there was a 1300 gold difference between the two teams, with YQCB in the lead.

ZGDX were having a very difficult time at top and bot lanes. Pope didn’t give Lu Sicheng a chance to go to other lanes to help or farm. Instead, Pope kept Lu Sicheng tied to bot; Lu Sicheng couldn’t get away or get rid of him!

-- --The only player in the entire ZGDX team who could develop normally was Tong Yao who was having a normal laning phase against Ai Jia.

But ZGDX couldn’t gain an advantage at mid. They gave up on the first Infernal Drake with the hope of exchanging it for a turret at mid, but the enemy quickly reinforced mid. Halfway through the fight for the drake, YQCB left their jungler to finish the fight and the rest of the team swarmed back to mid, forcing ZGDX to back off……

From the moment Old K arrived late by a few seconds, it was like ZGDX was under a curse. The enemy’s outer turrets at mid and top were barely standing, but ZGDX simply couldn’t rush things no matter how hard they tried-- --It was like YQCB had a jet engine on them; help always arrived swiftly and they effectively completed their objectives. Every time ZDGX wanted to go to a position, YQCB would predict and get to the location ahead of them!

25 minutes into the game, there was now a 2500 gold difference between the two teams.

Lu Sicheng: “Drag it on a bit. Once we take down the turrets, it won’t be too difficult then.”

Usually, in a situation like this, teammates would say some encouraging words to each other to keep fighting, but today no one was saying anything. Tong Yao frowned and clicked on the map to see those two barely standing turrets which they had tried for ten minutes to attack, but still hadn't found the chance. Suddenly a thought came to her: Will this match even have a late game?

This was a doubt she never had before and her own heart skipped a bit, her palm was all sweaty.

At the 27th minute, both sides finally had a team fight. The combination of Janna and Kindred worked well. Kindred used her ultimate and within the zone nobody could die. Then Little Fatty’s Janna would blow the weakened enemies out of Kindred’s ultimate zone while healing her allies-- --

Then Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng took the opportunity to attack with everything they had while the enemies were still confused.

Little Fatty: “Alright, alright.”

Old Cat: “This bronze tactic worked fine…...I guess no one’s used it before in competitions.”

Little Fatty: “But I figure we can only pull it off once. Next time who would be so damn dumb to get close to you and initiate a team fight?”

Little Fatty was right. ZGDX won this team fight and finally took down those two weakened turrets-- --Afterwards, however, the enemy refused to initiate a team fight with them unless Janna or Kindred either had just used their ultimate or had died……

ZGDX was back to being pressured like in the early game. Wherever ZGDX went, the enemy would follow and attack them, confident with their superior items. Tong Yao looked at the dark area on the map, her team didn’t even have the opportunity to place wards down. It was the first time she felt like a thief, trying her luck while trying to get her own team’s blue buff……

What followed seemed quite normal.

-- --At the 42nd minute, Old K was caught while placing wards and the enemy went straight for Baron.

If ZGDX lost Baron at this time, it meant the enemy would be able to get to ZGDX’s base. Though ZGDX had only 4 players alive at the moment, they had no choice but to go and face the enemy. Ashe used her ultimate to try to freeze at least one of the enemies so ZGDX wouldn’t be at a disadvantage in numbers-- --Lu Sicheng fired Ashe’s ultimate rather accurately, but the enemy had Pope and Sivir came out of the Baron’s arena and used her shield, e ability, to cancel Lu Sicheng’s ultimate. In an unprecedented occurrence, Tong Yao heard the man next to her curse during a match.

Naturally, they lost Baron.

Then it was a make it or break it team fight which ZGDX had no way of avoiding-- --

Translated by Team DHH at