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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 91

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 91 
Extra: Shen Zemu and Yang Yin

When Shen Zemu woke up, he had a bad headache as if someone had placed a jackhammer against his skull and turned it on. He was lying in bed on the side of his body with half of his face sunk into the pillow. He confusedly blinked his eyes.

He couldn’t remember how late they had stayed up drinking. He only remembered that the jar of liquor that Oblivion brought emptied rather quickly, then they kept on drinking a bunch of beers.

He remembered that he had played the harmonica and also sang later? What did he sing? He couldn’t remember……

The memory afterwards was so blurred that it was like a phantom image that was impossible for him to decipher.

Shen Zemu didn’t like the feeling he was experiencing now.

He wanted to rub his temple, but when he tried to lift his hand, he found he was hugging something in his arms.

No, not exactly. To be more precise, it wasn't something, it was a person.

It was a soft, warm, and na-naked body.

Shen Zemu was fully awake now.

The person in his arms curled up their body with their legs bending upwards. One of the knee caps happened to be stuck right between Shen Zemu’s legs, the most awkward place.

Shen Zumu shut his eyes, he suspected that he was still drunk.

With a sliver of hope, he reopened his eyes and saw the top of the head of the person sticking out of the edge of the blanket.

That person was almost totally buried under the blanket despite the danger of being suffocated.

Shen Zemu lifted up the blanket to look under it. The person’s head was facing downwards at an angle. Their head had fluffy, messy short hair that blocked the view of the person’s face.

Judging from the length of the hair, it could either be Lin Chuyan or Yang Yin.

Shen Zemu started to worry; if it was Lin Chuyan, he would rather kill himself.

Very quickly Shen Zemu knew with certainty that it wasn’t Lin Chuyan. Because the person moved their body a bit and Shen Zemu could feel two masses paste onto his chest.

They were supple and plump, a rather foreign touch to Shen Zemu and made it difficult for him to breath.

As he remained in a state of shock, Yang Yin opened her eyes.

Three seconds later, “Ah, wu-- --”

Shen Zemu covered Yang Yin’s mouth to stop the sudden scream that was about to come out of her throat. “Sor, sorry.”

Yang Yin didn’t struggle and just used her hand to pull Shen Zemu’s hand off her face. Then she looked at him, eyes moist.

She looked like a helpless small animal. Shen Zemu felt a bit sorry for her and let go of his hand: “Keep it down.”

Yang Yin was in shock and took a few seconds before reacting. She asked him: “What happened?”

“I don’t know.” Shen Zemu felt his headache was getting worse. For a short moment, he would even rather have Lin Chuyan in his arms now. There was a basic difference between a man and a woman. At least if he was facing a naked Lin Chuyan he wouldn’t feel guilty.

Yang Yin: “Last night, you……”

“I was drunk.”

Yang Yin thought about it: “So was I.”

Human beings easily turn into animals once they’re drunk.

The most urgent thing to do in the present was to put clothes on. After both of them got dressed, Yang Yin sat on the bed thinking about something. Her eyes widened and rolled around, it seemed there were a lot of thoughts going on in her mind. Shen Zemu sneaked a peek at her. She didn’t seem to be sad but seemed to be more in shock, like she was trying to understand something inconceivable.

Shen Zemu was worried. He wondered whether something intensive happened between them last night?

“How can it be?” Yang Yin was talking to herself.

Shen Zemu rubbed his temples: “Last night we……”

“Ah?” Yang Yin recovered and took a look at Shen Zemu. She lowered her head: “Don’t worry. Nothing happened between us last night.”

Shen Zemu wasn’t that dumb to ask why.

-- --

Xiang Nuan had left a message for Yang Yin, telling her that she and Lin Chuyan had gone to class early in the morning and Oblivion had also gone back to his team. Lin Chuyan had arranged a cleaning service to come clean the place up. She and Shen Zemu could leave everything as is and didn’t have to worry about cleaning up.

Yang Yin breathed out a sigh of relief when she read the message. Fortunately, no one else was at the house right now.

Well, no, there was one more person there.

When Yang Yin and Shen Zemu went downstairs, they met the lonely Chen Yinghu.

Chen Yinghu was sitting in the living room eating melon seeds. Chen Yinghu said as soon as he saw them: “Cousin, I’m hungry.”

“Oh.” Shen Zemu turned around to look at Yang Yin: “Wanna have breakfast with us?”

“No, thanks. I have to go somewhere. I’ll get going now, bye.” Yang Yin hastily left them.

Shen Zemu rubbed his temples again.

Chen Yinghu kept cracking melon seeds to calm his famished stomach. He asked Shen Zemu while eating the melon seeds: “Cousin, why did you come down with Yin Jie? Is there something going on between you two?”

“No, nothing.” Shen Zenmu was a little irritated; why did his cousin suddenly become smarter.

Chen Yinghu looked sad: “Cousin, don’t fall in love, alright?”


“I’m single, I can only find you to console me.”

Shen Zemu didn’t respond. He was thinking how Yang Yin looked preoccupied earlier. Would she hide anything from him?

Chen Yinghu was still talking to himself: “Cousin, being single like me, I feel like you’re a German Shepherd: cool, intelligent, and loyal. What do you think I’m like? I feel like I’m a Pomeranian or a Toy Poodle, those super cute kinds.”

So Chen Yinghu thought he was super cute…… Shen Zemu had goosebumps and couldn’t stand staying there anymore. He simply left the house.

In the following days, Yang Yin and Shen Zemu didn’t talk to each other at all. The only interaction was when the award money for the Leiting Cup had finally arrived. Chen Yinghu and the others happily sent out red envelopes in the WeChat group. Shen Zemu followed suit.

He would issue a 200 RMB red envelope to 4 people. Yang Yin ended up grabbing 165 RMB on her own.

Yang Yin: Thanks, tycoon. ^ _ ^

Shen Zemu: You’re welcome.

Translated by Team DHH at