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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 90 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 90 Part 2

Extra: Hu Ge and Keke

Ke Ke didn’t write a postcard. Instead she stood in front of the blackboard and read the postcards with her arms folded in front of her chest. She was reading what others had written and the things they really wanted to say to someone they couldn’t reach.

Ke Sha looked around in the shop and walked back to her sister: “Jiejie, what are you looking at?”

A postcard pasted in the middle to the right hand side of the board suddenly caught Ke Ke’s attention.

She didn’t know why, but the handwriting looked somewhat familiar.

“Jiejie?” Ke Sha called her sister again but received no response.

Ke Ke was surprised and confused at the same time. She reached over to take down the postcard. She carefully read through the words on the card. The handwriting was in thick black strokes and looked rather scrawled. Every word looked like a crazy bull running wild on the pasture:

To Keke

I don’t know where you are now, I don’t know what you are doing either. I’m going to start playing a competition soon, I’m a little nervous. The competition will be streamed online. If you happen to see it, please root for me.

Chen Yinghu



Tears dropped onto the postcard, smudging the words written on it.

Ke Sha was shocked to see her sister suddenly crying. She hesitantly asked: “Jiejie, you aren’t……”

Ke Ke looked up at her younger sister at a loss.

“You aren’t crying because the handwriting is so ugly?”

Ke Ke shook her head, still crying: “No, I, I don’t know why, but I feel so sad.” She touched her heart: “I feel especially uncomfortable here, it’s like something is stabbing here……”

Ke Sha sensed something didn’t feel right and started to carefully read the content of the postcard.

The sales clerk who stood next to them stretched his neck over to ask them: “Girls, you know Hu Ge?”

The two sisters looked up at him.

The sales clerk pointed at the postcard: “This is from Hu Ge. He used to come here often. He hasn’t been coming as often lately because he has training though.”

Ke Ke pinched the postcard tightly and tried to search the name ‘Hu Ge’ in her brain. It was still a blur to her. She still didn’t know who Hu Ge was. Yet, whenever she thought about this name, her heart hurt.

“Who… he?” Ke Ke asked.

“Hu Ge is a famous video game player. Now he’s playing professionally. He’s been in a few games recently, you can go follow him.”

“......” The two sisters didn’t quite understand what the sales clerk was talking about.

Ke Sha thought about something and asked: “Do you have this Hu Ge’s contact information?”

“I have his WeChat. But I can’t give it to you. Hu Ge has a lot of fans, not anyone can add him as a friend. Do you understand?”

“......” They still didn’t quite get it.

Ke Sha said: “We just want to get to know this Hu Ge, is it alright?”

The sales clerk looked at them as if to say ‘I know what you’re up to’ and said: “You are Hu Ge’s fans, right? You don’t have to deny it, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“We……” Ke Sha thought about it and realized it was hard to find a convincing excuse. She didn’t expect the sales clerk would believe that her sister had lost her memory in a car accident. To fake being fans would probably be the best way to convince the sales clerk. Ke Sha then nodded earnestly: “We’re his fans. We want to know more about him, would that be alright? Please!”

“You don’t need to go through all this trouble.” Sales clerk took out his cell phone and flipped through his contacts: “I’ll just give Hu Ge a call and ask him whether he’s willing to meet you. What are your names?”

Ke Ke hurriedly answered: “I, my family name is Ke. My name is Ke Ke.”

“Ke Keke, cough, cough, cough? Why did your dad give you that name? Isn’t he cursing you to cough constantly?”

“No, my full name is just two characters, Ke Ke.”

“Oh, oh, alright. Wait here, I don’t know whether Hu Ge is free now or not. Let me try.”

The sales clerk used WeChat to call Chen Yinghu. It rang for almost half a minute before it connected. The sales clerk lifted the phone near his ear and laughed: “Hu Ge, do you remember me? Me, Xiao Deng from “Old Friends”......Hu Ge, go for the game. Come over when you have time. I’ll give you half price on postcards…...Oh, yeah, Hu Ge, there’s something here. I have two of your fans here in my shop. They’re pretty and want to get to know…...What? Not interested? ......Oh, alright. They’re quite crazy about you, one of them cried when she saw your name. Her name is Ke Ke. Goodbye, Hu Ge…..Hrm? Right, yeah that’s right, she’s called Ke Ke…...Hu Ge? Hu Ge?”

The sales clerk widened his eyes with the phone in his hand and looked shocked and confused.

“What happened?” Ke Sha asked.

“Hu Ge, he’s…... crying.”

Translated by Team DHH at