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Monday, October 19, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 123 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 123 Part 2

Pope’s health was dropping and he had already used his shield’s e ability to block Lu Sicheng’s damage w ability!

The cooldown time for Ashe’s w ability was only 15 seconds while the cooldown time for Sivir’s shield was 22 seconds. While the two sides were facing off, YQCB’s support Braum got in front of Sivir and turned on his shield-- --

“Count 5 seconds, then exhaust him. Wait till the shield disappears, then attack the support. 5, 4 -- --”

Lu Sicheng watched his own health go down quickly and his calm voice sound in the earphones-- --As the countdown went on, Braum’s shield disappeared and Ashe began applying Frost Shot on him over and over. A level 3 Braum wasn’t very beefy enough to resist much damage and after a while his health was almost gone. Braum cast exhaust on Lu Sicheng and began to back away. Right at that moment, Lu Sicheng’s w was available and he didn’t give Braum the chance to retreat. Nine arrows of light shot out and killed Braum despite the distance he’d created between him and Ashe.


The fans of ZGDX exploded into cheers-- --

Commentator A: [Such a brilliant target switch! Chessman’s super precise at calculating the timing of abilities! He’s definitely calculated everything, every single step-- --including the basic attack damage!]

Commentator B: [No one would have expected-- --Sivir vs. Ashe, with Sivir initiating the attack on Ashe after she reached level 3 first and having it end up killing her support……]


“This counterattack’s well done!”

In the ZGDX voice chat, the rest of the team was praising bot’s performance.

Commentator A: [To be honest, Pope got short changed in this fight with Chessman getting first blood. It’s 400 gold. Besides, all the minions have been cleared out already. Cheng Ge’s going to be ahead with a small item when he gets back. The disadvantage caused by the differences in champions’ properties suddenly will be……]

Before he could finish his comments, Sivir made a surprising move-- --She suddenly flashed forwards and used her q ability on Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty who were under the turret, at low health, and on their way back to base. The attack killed both Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty!

Then Sivir was killed by the turret!

A tower dive! The score suddenly changed from 1:0 to 2:2, back to being even!

Both ADC had two kills each. The YQCB fans who had been somewhat quiet so far became excited!

Commentators A and B: [........................................]

Commentator A: [To be honest, I was dumbfounded by that flash.]

Commentator B: [Didn’t you notice that I haven’t had the courage to speak?]

Commentator A: [Really, almost any other ADC probably would’ve just given up under the circumstances. To use the flash like this, he must know very well about Sivir’s damage and be very confident in his own skill at pulling it off!]

Commentator A: [Friends, have you found out by now? To the commentators who can have their words thrown back at them immediately, it’s hard to be commentators for this match, hahahahahahaha……]

It was easy for the commentators to tease themselves. It wasn’t that relaxed for the players on the battleground. The lead that ZGDX enjoyed earlier was now only the 100 gold that Lu Sicheng had earned with the first kill and the additional assist that Little Fatty had……

“I didn’t even have time to hit heal, this Li Junhe.” Lu Sicheng was still keeping his cool: “The other side's ad is still here. But Old K, if you can’t make it then don’t bother to come over. I think later on their jungler will be stationed at bot.”

Just as Lu Sicheng had said, the other side’s jungler came down to bot twice in the following two minutes to harass bot. Lu Sicheng was forced to give up on farming and retreat. His experience lagged behind and he was further harassed by the enemy AD. It looked like the enemy would soon be able to take the outer turret at bot-- --

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Oh Will it be a tie or will they lose? If they lose this match they are not disqualified, right?

  2. This is getting exciting! I feel like I'm watching it. Can't wait for the drama to come out! 😄
    Thanks so much for translating!

  3. I’m glad that the writer makes them fight for every win. It makes more dramatic and exciting
