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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 86 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 86 Part 2

Being a professional team, Invincible seemed to recognize they had problems facing Xiang Nuan’s team and used the excuse of having problems with their equipment to ask for a ten minute extension to the break time.

They needed time to adjust their battle plan.

-- --

In the third match, during the pick and ban phase, Invincible took the Zhuge Liang which had caused them a lot of trouble in the previous match. Lin Chuyan then chose Mai Shiranui as his champion. In the current patch of the game, the first pick for mage champions would be either Zhuge Liang or Mai Shiranui. In any professional competition or high ranked matches, these two mages were the most played. The champion Lin Chuyan was actually the best at playing was Diaochan, but Diaochan needed a lot of resources and wasn’t as efficient.

Since Invincible had rushed to grab Zhuge Liang, Xiang Nuan’s team fortunately had the chance to snatch Hua Mulan for her.

Afterwards, they took Sun Bin for Yang Yin, Marco Polo for Shen Zemu, and Miyamoto Musashi for Chen Yinghu as their jungler.

Miyamoto Musashi wasn’t a mainstream champion for jungler, but it fit quite well to the team’s current lineup. The other champions in the lineup weren’t tanky enough and it would be difficult for them to deal a steady stream of damage during a team fight without dying. Miyamoto Musashi could make up for their lack of survivability, in addition his ultimate ability roots the enemy, guaranteeing that his teammates could wail on the victim.

The lineup for team Invincible was Zhuge Liang, Li Yuanfang, Cao Cao, Yang Jian, and Zhang Fei. Li Yuanfang was the jungler. This was a quite formidable lineup. Other than Zhuge Liang, Li Yuanfang was very effective as a jungler and at pushing towers. Li Yuanfang had a pair of big ears which could detect the position of the enemies, as such hiding in bushes wouldn’t work against him. Players from the Invincible A team were good at playing Cao Cao and Yang Jian and the B team players must be very familiar with these two champions. So the tolerance for error with this lineup was very high. Zhang Fei, Cao Cao, and Yang Jian were all tanky champions and it happened to be the weak point of Xiang Nuan’s team.

In terms of their lineups, team Invincible was at an advantage.

Certainly, the champion lineup was only one of the aspects of winning a match. It still mostly depended on how the players brought their abilities to its fullest extent.


From the beginning of the game, Invincible played quite aggressively.

They had obviously adjusted their mindset. Li Yuanfang kept invading the jungle, establishing an advantage for their team, and helped the top and bot lanes smoothly develop. Xiang Nuan’s team was unable to stop him. By 4 ½ minutes, Invincible had a lead of over a thousand gold and that one thousand gold had been mostly earned by Cao Cao and Yang Jian. Once these two champions fully developed, they would become terrifying enemies.

As times went by, the gap between the two teams kept widening.

“Don’t rush.” Yang Yin said: “Farm, avoid fights, it’s not time to fight yet.”

The enemy played with a tight pace and Xiang Nuan’s team could hardly find any flaws to take advantage of. Xiang Nuan felt a bit pressured. Her direct opposite was Cao Cao, who focused only on farming and didn’t even bother to look at her.

Now the players from Invincible were showing the quality of professional players. They only fought for victory and didn’t bother with any other distractions.

Both sides quietly developed their economy. Only once in a while did one side try to tempt the other side, but there were no real fights. The match was at a stalemate.

The viewers began to grow bored.

-- --Why isn’t Chu god screwing around? I’m not used to the Chu god who isn’t doing that.

-- --How can he? He simply can’t.

-- --Chu god has done what he can. Facing Li Yuanfang, Chu god hasn’t lost a single turret. Just tell me whether he’s awesome or not!

-- --Yeah right, just by only farming? The turrets in mid lane haven’t been destroyed at all because my Nuan god’s looking after him!

-- --Li Yuanfang, though aggressive, hasn’t actually fully pushed their advantage.

-- --The marksman looks like he’s having a rather miserable time from all the pressure he’s dealing with. It’s a pity, he looks so handsome. I’m sleepy.

-- --It’s not that bad. Marco Polo’s economy isn’t that far behind. He’s stolen quite a few resources from Miyamoto.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thanks for the translation!

    Still rooting for our team.

  2. Now they are acting more like professional team.
