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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 112 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 112 Part 3

As they were eating dinner, Tong Yao had a feeling that the incident wouldn’t end there.

As she had expected, halfway through dinner, Jinyang sent a link with the message: This isn’t from me.

Tong Yao clicked open the link to take a look. She swallowed a whole piece of meat the moment she laid eyes on the heading on the link. The piece of meat was searing hot. Tong Yao dropped her chopsticks and stood up to grab a glass of water to gulp down. She then caught her breath with teary eyes. When she finally calmed down, she noticed that everyone at the table was looking at her-- --

Tong Yao: “......”

She sat back down.

The heading of the post of Tieba was-- --

[(Subject) Are the two Cs of ZGDX together? I felt like there’s something going on before. As a girl, I feel the looks in their eyes couldn’t possibly fool anyone.]

There wasn’t a single word in the post, instead it was filled with HD pictures with no watermarks-- --

The first time when Lu Sicheng mentioned Tong Yao in a MVP interview; he praised her “she’s strong” with soft eyes and a rare faint smile next to his lips.

The picture of when Little Fatty broke Tong Yao’s sandal and Lu Sicheng picked her up was certainly included.

Tong Yao looked up at Lu Sicheng with slightly knit eyebrows when the two of them went to the movie for the first time and had been ganked by fans.

Lu Sicheng subconsciously turned to look at Tong Yao in the middle of the match against Qing Dynasty when Tong Yao had been targeted by Xu Tailun and had anxiety written all over her face.

When Tong Yao accompanied Jinyang to watch YQCB’s match in the audience, Tong Yao was looking up at the big screen while Lu Sicheng, with arms crossed in front of him, leaned against the doorway to the players’ passageway and quietly watched Tong Yao from afar across the crowd.

During the Demacia Cup match today, while all the others were focusing on the game on stage, the two of them had their heads lowered, occupied in their own discussion. They probably had talked about something humorous; Tong Yao was smiling with her eyes narrowed to slits while the corners of Lu Sicheng’s lips slightly curved up and Old K was next to him with a displeased expression on his face.

Then there were several pictures which had been taken today in front of the hotel.

The first one: Lu Sicheng standing on the bus with one hand holding the door frame, half of his body stretching out of the door with his head looking downwards. The side view of his face looked perfect in the SLR HD camera.  Under the bus, Tong Yao was holding a dark blue jacket while looking up at the man.

The second one: Tong Yao looked down to put on the jacket which had been in her arms earlier; the jacket obviously was too big for her, it was the size for a tall man.

The third one: The man reached out with one hand to the girl.

The fourth one: The girl took hold of his hand.

The second post was the conclusion from the original poster-- --

[Original Poster: 

Hints can be hard to pick up on, but the way they look at each other can’t fool anyone-- --

I’ve been watching Chessman compete for three and a half years, from the Korean region to the Chinese region. I may not understand the game too well, but I’m confident that I know this man better than anyone else. I haven’t seen him look at anyone like that in these three and a half years. Now he only looks at his team’s mid that way.

In conclusion, these two must be together now, or Cheng Ge has a crush on Smiling. In any case, it’s a choice between the two options I present here; there absolutely won’t be a third answer.

You guys can choose one of the two.

If I’m wrong, I’ll stream myself eating shit.]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Shit-eating seems to be a very common bet punishment. XD

    But, in this case, someone will have a shit-eating grin for being right. Lol.

    Thanks for the translation!

  2. damn, op, you really are something lol


  3. Hey op are you a fansite? Lmao i wanna get my hands on those pics too xD

  4. lol, the OP knew Cheng-ge personality really well. Good luck, Yaoyao!

  5. I'm going for the first option! hehehehe

  6. I love how confident that fan analyser was

    PS. The author really knows how to get us worked up, maybe something unexpected will happen in the next chapter??

  7. She nailed it. Cheng ge can't hide his adoration lol
