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Friday, August 28, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 113 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 113 Part 1

[Third post: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?]

[Fourth post: Original poster, I warn you to watch yourself. You can say my wifey Yao Mei[1] is falling in love with her teammate and I would have no objections. But you said that Cheng Ge likes a human being and I’m not convinced-- --If he likes anyone, it has to be Yu Jinle (*Little Fatty’s name). He’s been Cheng Ge’s support for so many years and is still alive despite having sold out Cheng Ge many times. There’s only one explanation: “Love”.]

[Fifth post: 666, I have to hand it to all of you fangirls. The angle by which you follow a player is always so surprising-- -- “I’ve been watching Chessman compete for three and a half years, from the Korean region to the Chinese region. I may not understand the game too well, but I’m confident that I know this man better than anyone else.” 6666666666, you’ve created a different perspective for the esports circle.]

[Sixth post: Is there something wrong with you, fifth post? You guys don’t have any problems when you stare at female hosts’ chests and thighs and comment about it? Have fangirls provoked you? The original poster didn’t really say anything offending did she? Or is it in your view that even if a player has carried every game, he still doesn’t have the right to fall in love?]

[Seventh post: ……………………………………………..I checked all the pictures posted, then took a look at the pictures I’ve taken with my boyfriend. The look in his eyes, the look in Cheng Ge’s eyes, indeed…...they’re exactly the same.]

[Eighth post: Kick the above PDA away.]

[Ninth post: It’s better not to talk nonsense at a time like this.]

[Tenth post: I’ll be here waiting to see the original poster eating shit. I’ve marked it and made a screen shot. Please don’t disavow it.]


Tong Yao: “......”

Half an hour later, Tong Yao checked again and there were already over two hundred posts with over four hundred replies-- --At this rate, this post could become just like the posts from the “Xu Tailun incident” in no time.

Tong Yao anxiously finished dinner and was hoping that the post would quiet down shortly after or that her teammates didn’t see it-- --

It was simply Tong Yao’s wishful thinking.

The reality was that everyone in the ZGDX teams, except Lu Sicheng who didn’t check Tieba unless there was something going on, all liked to check Tieba on a regular basis to read gossip, including the team manager Xiao Rui-- --Males like to gossip as well. Many of the Tieba posts were sparked by these people using alternate ids.

After everyone was full and got back to the bus, Xiao Rui was the first one to log on Tieba, soon followed by everyone else. They immediately found this post and started a heated discussion about its contents-- --

Xiao Rui: “Shit! ‘Are the two Cs of ZGDX together?’-- --? ! As the team manager, I have to say no one has informed me about this!”

Old Cat: “Hahahahahahahahahahaha, the look in his eyes is mellow, it really is if you look at the picture……”

Lu Yue also checked the Tieba posts and immediately saved the pictures and logged on to WeChat: “The look in his eyes must be photoshopped, I’m disgusted. I’ll send them to my mom and let her view them with the captions: Summer is here and it’s that time once every year for your oldest son to be in heat. In the past, he hid it well but this year, he probably hasn’t been able to keep it in.”

Old K giggly asked: “Has Cheng Ge ever looked at Little Fatty this way?”

Little Fatty replied with a stone face: “Never.”

The kids in the B team didn’t dare say anything for fear of Lu Sicheng’s usual overbearing attitude. But they all leaned against the back of their seats and looked at the last row of the bus-- --The captain of ZGDX A team who was sitting in the last row finally opened his eyes and stretched his long legs to sit up straighter: “What’s going on?”

[1]: 妹 (mei) meaning little sister when used after a person’s name. 妹妹 (mei mei) is the actual word for little sister. This is in the same type of word as ge and jie.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. AHAHAHAHAHA. I love it. All of it.
    The post comments. The team. Lu Yue constantly sending stuff to their mom. Lol.

    1. I just hope haters don't get overbearing and cross the line. This isn't a Xu Tailun type of bad scandal.

  2. Netizens comments are fun even on novels loooool They're so creative


  3. LSC is pretty much carefree about showing his feelings about TY. He literally has his heart on his sleeve, whereas TY is rather the opposite which irks him to no end 🤭🤭🤭

  4. They can't hide it. They're too inlove with each other that every little thing they do show it
