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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 99 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 99 Part 2

Lu Sicheng sat across from Tong Yao with his hands still in pockets. He wouldn’t look at the menu and instead he fixed his eyes calmly on Tong Yao. Tong Yao felt like the gaze had burned a hole in her face-- --Finally, Tong Yao raised the menu to block the terrible gaze and didn’t put it down until she had decided what to order: “I’ve decided. What do you want?”

“I’m not eating.”


A deep, muffled, husky voice came from behind the mask: “Such a ugly person like me has no right to eat.”


The first reaction of Tong Yao was to look at the waiter. As expected, the waiter looked completely confused.

Then the waiter looked at Tong Yao as if he was accusing Tong Yao.

When Tong Yao’s eyes met the waiter’s, it was quite an awkward moment.

Tong Yao quickly decided to order two of the things she wanted and sent the waiter away who kept peeking at Lu Sicheng as if he wanted to see whether the face behind the mask was disfigured or not. Tong Yao reached over the table to grab the mask away from Lu Sicheng’s face!

Lu Sicheng: “Hiss.”

Lu Sicheng: “What are you doing?”

Tong Yao was about to burst but got timid under Lu Sicheng’s glance: “Alright, fine, I’m wrong, ok? Lu Sicheng, can you just let me off-- --There were fans over there! How would they think if they saw us hanging out here hand in hand? ! Remember those comments from your fans that day? They couldn’t accept that you have a girlfriend! They won’t accept!”

Lu Sicheng frowned: “I don’t care.”

As he was speaking, he reached over: “Give me my mask back.”

Tong Yao held the mask in hand and leaned backwards, avoiding his big hand. However, Lu Sicheng had long arms; his fingers teasingly touched Tong Yao’s face here and there then pinched the tip of her nose…...Tong Yao almost slapped the table: “You don’t care, but I care. It’s not that I’m afraid they would treat me like they had treated Jinyang or said that I don’t do my job well, only knowing how to lure their idol-- --My only concern is that ever since you started playing professionally, no one has said anything bad about you-- --Not even those on Tieba that do nothing but diss players!”

Lu Sicheng released his hand which was pinching Tong Yao’s nose. There was something twinkling slightly in his dark brown eyes: “So, then?”

“I won’t allow myself to be the breach for those trolls to diss you.”

“......” Lu Sicheng was quiet for a few seconds. Then he sat back squarely in his chair: “Isn’t it too late to think about this now?”


“But you are.”

“? ?”

“Any normal human being will have his Achilles’ heel. I’m not a god, so I have it too.”


“And you’re it.”

Lu Sicheng became quiet after saying so and changed his sitting position: “I don’t care what they say. If their assessment of me is positive, I would be very happy and feel very honored. But my own behavior won’t be coerced by complimentary remarks-- --My reputation comes from my actions. It’s not the other way around, that I behave in certain ways to fit into those remarks-- --It seems that’s too complicated for you to understand?”

Tong Yao looked confused.

Lu Sicheng lightly sighed: “I just happen to like a girl. I haven’t done anything wrong. Why are you so nervously trying to protect me?”

Tong Yao’s confused look was starting to fade away.

It wasn’t that she didn’t understand what Lu Sicheng just said. It was that she was suddenly hit by a realization that she didn’t know what to say-- --She didn’t know what she had done or said to become the Achilles’ heel of the number one male idol in the LoL professional circle. Yet the term had come out of the male idol’s mouth so naturally in a tone of voice as if to say ‘I’m reasoning with you”......

Tong Yao had to try hard to recall whether she had indeed saved the galaxy in her previous life-- --

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. You are my Achilles knee. Oh god. Can I have him please? I guess not mi didn't save s galaxy in my previous life ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  2. Ayo he keeps proving he can be freaking cute, I canttt


  3. Thanks for the hard work! Definitely worth the wait for these moments ๐Ÿ˜

  4. Thank you for the chapter๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  5. Oh wow! Having a guy admit that you’re his only ‘weak point’.... Cheng ge is coming full speed and not hesitating at all

  6. "my reputation comes from my action, it's not the other way around" I give my kow-tow to Captain Lu
