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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 79 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 79 Part 2

Lin Chuyan moved closer to Xiang Nuan and rested his head on his elbow on the desk. He asked in a small voice: “Then, do you want to marry me?”

Xiang Nuan turned her head away: “Go away, I’m only 19.”

Lin Chuyan straightened up and lightly sighed from frustration. Indeed, Xiang Nuan was too young and it wasn’t appropriate for him to push forward their relationship too intimately at this point.

Though he was a little……

“I dreamt of you last night.” He said.

He didn’t say anything more, yet Xiang Nuan could guess what the dream probably was after their passionate kiss yesterday.

Xiang Nuan blushed and her heart was also beating fast. She threw away her pen and took out a roll of tape. She pulled off a piece of tape and taped over Lin Chuyan’s lips.

She couldn’t focus on her studies if he kept talking.

Lin Chuyan’s mouth remained taped for a rather long time, until Xiang Nuan had finished a practice sheet and was ready to go to lunch.

Xiang Nuan put down her pen, moved her shoulders around, then found out that the tape was still on Lin Chuyan’s mouth. When she looked at him, he even winked at her.

He looked quite pathetic.

Xiang Nuan felt guilty and carefully peeled off the tape from his face.

Lin Chuyan used a tissue to wipe his mouth and said: “You have to make it up to me.”

“You can’t kiss me today.”

“Why not?”

“I can’t accept a Lin Chuyan that smells like tape.”

Lin Chuyan: =  =


They had three-cup chicken, lamb soup, and two stir fried vegetable dishes for lunch. Lin Chuyan saw an ad of a shopping website on the table and used his cell phone to scan it: “There's a red envelope for registering.”

Xiang Nuan could understand that when a person’s out of money, he would easily be attracted by any red envelope giveaways.

“Help me think of a password.” Lin Chuyan said.

Xiang Nuan was picking up a piece of radish in the lamb soup to put into her mouth. She responded: “Just use the initials of your name plus your student number. Don’t use your birthday. Birthdays are too easy.”

Lin Chuyan: “Oh.” He dragged the word.

The piece of radish was a little too hot to put into the mouth, Xiang Nuan only took a little bite, then began to blow on it. When she looked up, she saw Lin Chuyan was laughing.

He was looking at his cell phone. His eyes looked like they were shining and his white teeth were showing as he laughed. It seemed that he was quite happy about something.

“Come on, how big is the red envelope?” Xiang Nuan was curious.

“39.” Lin Chuyan made up a number.

Xiang Nuan thought that Lin Chuyan could be this happy from just a 39 RMB red envelope, he must be really poor. She wanted to buy some more good food for him.

She grabbed her meal card: “I’ll go get a tomato beef.”

“No need.” Lin Chuyan grabbed her hand: “We have enough here. Don’t be wasteful. Sit down.”

He was still laughing.

Translated by Team DHH at