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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 79 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 79 Part 3

Lin Chuyan was now laughing even harder, his mouth had widened from ear to ear and his eyes had bent into crescents. Though his smiling face was good looking… was a little frightening as well! Who would laugh to this extent just for 39 RMB? Was there something wrong with his psyche……

Xiang Nuan was concerned; she didn’t want to go against Lin Chuyan’s wish and sat down back as he had asked. Then she silently looked at him.

Lin Chuyan picked up some food for her with a wide smile: “Come, eat some more.”

“You, you, you, you, what’s wrong with you?”

“I’m just happy.” He said and winked at her: “Come, eat, quick.”

Xiang Nuan picked up the chicken to put into her mouth, but couldn’t taste the chicken at all. All of her attention was on Lin Chuyan now.

Lin Chuyan called her while smiling: “Boss.” Then he paused for a while, overlooking the expression on Xiang Nuan’s face like she had seen a ghost, before continuing: “I heard that you wanted to fuck - me?”

“Pu, cough, cough, cough……” Xiang Nuan choked on the chicken and started coughing while patting her chest.

Lin Chuyan lightly patted her back, very gently: “Why aren’t you more careful, boss?”

Xiang Nuan finally smoothed out her breath and took a look at Lin Chuyan. She looked confused: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The password is the initials of your name plus student id number.” Lin Chuyan waved his cell phone as he spoke. Pea TV was on the phone screen, not a shopping website. “Signed in successfully, Haven’t been boss for many years.”

Xiang Nuan didn’t expect Lin Chuyan would trick her to get the password to her alternate account. He had pretended so well that she didn’t suspect anything at all.

Then she just fell into the trap and told him about her account herself.

Xiang Nuan felt like she couldn’t face him anymore!

She, with a dark face, was ready to leave. Lin Chuyan hurriedly pulled her back: “Eat. After you’re full then you’ll have the strength to fuck - me, boss.”

Xiang Nuan was so embarrassed that she still wanted to leave but Lin Chuyan clasped her wrist tightly and Xiang Nuan couldn’t free herself.

Lin Chuyan watched Xiang Nuan’s red face and said: “I didn’t know that our Nuannuan has a wild side.”

“You shut up!”

Lin Chuyan was afraid of annoying her further and stopped talking. He just kept looking at her, wanting to laugh but holding it in.

“I did that to teach you a lesson.” Xiang Nuan explained in a small voice.

She felt that Lin Chuyan was teasing her all the time and was trying to let him have a taste of his own medicine.

Then she thought it was possible that Lin Chuyan would enjoy being teased by a girl, so she decided to pretend to be a man.

She generally knew how a man teased another man since she had been a moderator on Hu Ge’s stream and seen all kinds of comments.

She had always been a well-behaved girl. It was the first time she used foul language last night. She was even somewhat nervous when she sent it out. But on the other hand, it was also a little exciting for her at the same time.

The excitement came from the fact that no one knew she had done something bad and no one would find out.

Who would know that she would be found out the next day…...Xiang Nuan felt so unlucky! Q A Q

Lin Chuyan tried hard to hold back his laughter and kept a straight face. He picked up the chopsticks on the plate and handed them to Xiang Nuan: “Let’s eat first.”

“I’m not eating.”

“Not eating? Then I’ll call you boss.”

Xiang Nuan really wanted to sell off her boyfriend; 20 cents for a kilogram, she wasn’t going to ask for more.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Lmao! She fell right into his trap and now he has something to use against her. I love their banter though
