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Friday, June 12, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 98 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 98 Part 3

Lu Sicheng: “The first time we met, I thought you were a fangirl who had come to gank the base and shut the door right in your face-- --What was your thought at the time?”

Tong Yao thought about it, turned to take a glance at the man next to her, and replied only when she saw Lu Sicheng seemed quite earnest and not trying to play a trick on her: “ ‘Damn, idiot.’”

Lu Sicheng nodded: “At that moment, I was already quite a distance away from the public image you’ve imagined.”

“Idiot doesn’t mean indecent.”

“I’m a perfect gentleman in front of other girls.”


“Isn’t that nice?” Lu Sicheng took the chance while Tong Yao was still in a daze about what he had just said to grab her hand and pulled her over closer to him: “You can freely enjoy my inner personality all to yourself.”


While her hand was firmly held in his big hand, Tong Yao’s brain stopped function-- --Though she didn’t really know exactly what the enjoyment “freely and all to herself” was, Tong Yao reluctantly accepted what he just said in consideration of the fact that he had told her about the principles of survival on the professional playing field in all seriousness and his blue and white striped underwear.

Somehow, Tong Yao felt like she had been tricked by her captain again.

But when she was going to continue arguing over it, their conversation had turned to a new topic-- --They had stopped in front of a claw machine. Lu Sicheng took a glance: “Remember this?”

Tong Yao took a look at the stuffed lop rabbits inside the machine. Though there was no longer any with a rabbit in its arms, she still recognized them since they all looked pretty much alike. She nodded.

There were many young girls gathered in front of the machine, jumping up and down. They kept pointing at the stuffed rabbits inside saying this one was cute or the other one was cute. Yet they couldn’t get any of them out of the machine-- --

“Ahhh, your clumsy hand!”

“It fell down again.”

“I can’t do it. I’m not playing. With the money I’ve spent here, I could buy a bunch of these on Taobao. Wait till I buy ten of these then I’ll bring them back here and display in front of this machine.”

One of the girls took out her cell phone to search on Taobao as they spoke. Some of the girls backed away from the machine, Lu Sicheng dragged Tong Yao to squeeze in-- --The chattering girls suddenly stopped talking when they looked up to see a handsome guy coming closer to the machine. But Lu Sicheng didn’t pay any attention to them. He only asked the person who was behind him, tightly held in his hand: “Which one do you want?”

Tong Yao instantly felt the eyes all around her were focused on her face and the hand that was in Lu Sicheng’s-- --

The looks seemed to say “she must have saved the whole galaxy in her previous life.”

Tong Yao sniffled and thought: I did save the whole galaxy, are you all envious of me? She reached over to take a look: “......I already have one.”

“I know you have one, I got it for you. I even know that you put it at the head of your bed. We can get more and let them have a meeting.” Lu Sicheng pointed at the machine: “They all look different; this one has a little hat.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao wasn’t sure whether she was mistaken or not, but the way Lu Sicheng said “this one has a little hat” seemed a little frivolous yet cute…...The girls around them seemed to feel the same way; one of them had already chuckled.

“These rabbits are very hard to grab.” The girl tried to make a conversation: “We’ve stood here for a long time.”

Lu Sicheng gave her a glance but didn’t say anything. Then he took out a bill and sent Tong Yao to get some more changes. When Tong Yao came back with coins, there were already two stuffed rabbits placed right next to Lu Sicheng’s hand: one was wearing a little Christmas hat and the other had a strawberry in its arms.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. He's hardworking. And I love it. Can I have him?? Please???

  2. Awwwww...he already managed to grab one.

  3. Thank you for the chapter😃

  4. Okay i hope XuKai will become ChengGe real life..

  5. whenever they mention rabbits all i remember is when LSC accidentally walked in on TY in her undies 😂

    1. I’m sure that’s why he suddenly likes rabbits too lol

  6. Poor Tongyao won't have where to put it all lol

