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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 79 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 79 Part 1

Lin Chuyan quietly opened the “Haven’t been boss for many years’” profile.

It was a level one account, had never followed any other streamers and never spent any money on other streams.

Given the situation, this account must either belong to a newcomer or it was an alternate account.

But this person seemed rather familiar with purchasing rewards. So it couldn’t be from a newcomer. Then, whose alternate account did this belong to?

If it was someone he didn’t know, then why did this person have to use an alternate account?

Then it was very possible this is someone he knew?

Someone he knew and happened to see his stream online? Or was this someone who knew that he was going to do a stream today and came to support him?

He’d only been streaming for half an hour. If it was by chance that this person noticed, wouldn’t it be too much of a coincidence?

It would be very interesting if this person knew ahead of time that he was going to do a stream……

The accounts on Pea TV could be registered with nicknames. Lin Chuyan typed in a nickname and used Xiang Nuan’s birthday as the password, but failed to find an account.

In the meantime, the audience was rushing him to play another match. Lin Chuyan could only set his suspicions aside and continued with his stream.

-- --

The next day was a Saturday. Lin Chuyan went to the other campus to look for Xiang Nuan. They planned to study in the library in the morning then go to a movie in the afternoon.

Xiang Nuan acted quite normally and even smiled at Lin Chuyan.

Lin Chuyan smiled back.

They went to the library and set their things down. Xiang Nuan began to play with her cell phone. It was her warm up activity before doing her homework.

She would check her friend circle on WeChat, then look at esports news, and then find out whether there was anything interesting on Weibo.

She saw a trending topic on Weibo named “Help the little brother marry his girlfriend.” Out of curiosity, she clicked open it…...Ha, wasn’t this Lin Chuyan?

Excited, Xiang Nuan handed her phone to Lin Chuyan and whispered: “Lin Chuyan, look quick, it’s you!”

Lin Chuyan took a look and was also surprised.

The post was written from the point of view of a boy crazy person. She talked about things that happened at the stream yesterday. The narration was rather random and didn’t look like a press release from marketing. In the post, there were several screenshots and a clip when Lin Chuyan said he needed money to marry his girlfriend.

The pictures and the clip were all blurry. Despite all this, the post still went viral. It had been shared more than twenty thousand times. There were all sorts of comments under it; some trying to find out who Lin Chuyan was, some volunteering to be his wife, some seeking a significant other for themselves, and some exclaiming that nowadays hype was everywhere.

Lin Chuyan was pretty sure that he didn’t pull any publicity stunt yesterday. He wasn’t sure whether the site had done anything to that effect. He sent a message to his contact at the company to ask about it. The person also didn’t know anything about it.

Xiang Nuan read all the comments and the more she read, the more angry she got-- --At least half of the comments were saying that they wanted to marry Lin Chuyan.

She put her cell phone on the desk, with the screen down on the table.

Xiang Nuan was the kind of person who couldn’t hide her emotions. Lin Chuyan noticed that she was annoyed at something and lifted his hand to lightly pat her: “What’s wrong?”

“There are ten thousand people here who want to marry you.” Xiang Nuan felt her chest hurt when she spoke.

Lin Chuyan kept stroking Xiang Nuan’s hair and lightly laughed: “But I don’t want to marry other people. I’ll only marry you.”

The pain in Xiang Nuan’s chest suddenly went away.

Xiang Nuan was impressed by Lin Chuyan’s ability to calm her down with just one sentence. All she felt now was tenderness and sweetness in her heart. A little embarrassed, she looked down and pulled her English practice sheets in front of her. With pen in hand, she looked like she was focused on the practice questions.

She was going to take the CET-4 this semester, she had better study hard.[1]

[1]: The College English Test (CET) is an English proficiency test in China for undergraduate and postgraduate students in China. CET-4 is the level 4 proficiency test.

Translated by Team DHH at

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